Be Not Anxtious for the “Morrow”
These consoling words were spoken by the greatest of all Preachers, in the grandest of all sermons, to the largest of all congregations. (RH, vol. 1, p. 307). These divine words and lesson gives us an excellent motto and message for the beginning of the New Year, as we slowly creep into the year 2003.
Yet, living in a world in which one is surrounded by the hostilities of heathenism would naturally give rise to anxiety; countries, peoples, cultures, that are uncivilized, unenlightened, irreligious, idolatrous, and barbarous. Their heathen customs, beliefs, behaviours, and ideas are like a virus loose in a world of quarreling nations which is plaguing mankind. This is to be dispelled, however, “by prayer and supplication.” This means, “in everything,” and “anything” sufficient to cause anxiety if not prayed about.
Lets for a moment look into the world… anxiety, and its meaning. It means full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune: greatly worried; solicitous… anxious forebodings. It’s derived from the Latin, “angere”… to strangle, pain, distress. (Random House Die., 2nd Ed.)
What then is the prescription for receiving God’s peace… the key for happiness? Don’t worry about anything, and pray about everything in a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude. Happiness, therefore, is freedom from all painful anxiety, and anticipating or “predicting” harmful care or circumstances. This means, furthermore, not all the harm, cruelty, wickedness we know, but those we “fear,” affect us the most.
Many fail to enjoy the delights and blessings of the present life. Why?
Because their lives and minds are sorrowfully filled with fearful apprehension of the impending and uncertain future. The fear of coming events creates sadness, a complex, a stumbling block to enjoying the radiant light beaming around them.
The hilarious festivities of Christmas and New Years are now suppressed by the anticipated restrictions of the Lenten period of fasting, for those who believe thusly. The energy of youth and the high spirits of health are suppressed by the fear of aging and the fear of sickness. The brightness of spring, the beauty of summer, richness of autumn, become less and less as blustery winter approaches and is upon one. For many it even produces a medical problem called “seasonal affective disorder (SAD)”, resulting in or characterized by oversleeping, overeating, and irritability.
From all of this we can see a pattern developing, and it becomes downright disturbing, troublesome… and vanity. The Lord does not approve of an anxious spirit, and fearful and distrusting heart about how the future will affect us, and of course, those around us. Some scientists believe that it is normal and advantageous to have some anxiety (stress) in our lives based on the “fight or flee” response factors. The children of God have not reached that level in their lives… yet. The Lord, again, has clearly shown us that anxiety is contrary to nature, the spirit of the gospel, and His plan of salvation. Consequently it is not normal, necessary, or wise.
Our being, our life, and its conditions are beyond our control as we often so foolishly and innocently plan… actually naively. For our lives are wholly in the hands of God. So, therefore, it’s unnecessary, unbelieving, and futile, to have anxiety. Laconically, it’s a waste!
Moreover, He cares for us. He will not withhold His gifts from us. If He gave the gift of His son, He will not withhold anything less from us. He has given us the power of looking forward to the future, to lift us up, do a great work, so we may exercise our faith and trust in God. In addition, to lean on His promises and to put our treasures above. The “unseen” and the “future,” thereby, will have a better influence over us.
We have the ability to think about the future (not “predict”) and not to be overwhelmed or buried with breathless and gnawing anxiety and haunting fear, but to be happy in hope and expectations with a sound foundation in the truth. This is the key to happiness, free from anxiety. All anxious thought comes from a worldly nature and an unbelieving heart and is an enemy to happiness and holiness. Faith and hope in God is absolutely necessary to human happiness. “To care is a virtue, but to foster cares is sin.” (Muller)
The deepest, searching question in our lives concerning any event, circle, school, state, church, institution, law, or any such agency or their influence in our lives is… what character does it form? These are all agencies for training the human soul in one way or another. A further question is… What nourishment does it furnish for the soul? Does it develop a greater or meaner manhood? Does it develop a weaker or stronger faith? So, the importance now of the Lord’s question, “What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36,37)
Many overlook this and are only “anxious about your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, not yet for your body, what ye shall put on.” (Matt. 6:25). These are only interested in the “morrow,” in outward, temporary things, social advancement, material progress, politics, sports… vanity.
Behind all of these activities and ambitions, God has His gracious purposes and ministries of mercy to our world. Every new discovery, invention or triumph of human genius or skill, gives a wider area for the culture of the soul. The material world of today is advancing technologically at a mind-boggling pace, a maddening state of the world. (Dan. 12:4).
This should not cause more anxiety or fear, for the material world is only a theatre for the display and discipline of the moral and spiritual display in man. We are the “actors”. Just as we are required (impelled) by nature to feed the body, cultivate the mind, improve the taste, and have love and natural affections-emotions, then more so, we are required (impelled) to love righteousness and worship God. (Ps. 34:19). David says, “many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all”. It’s all, not partial deliverance, but complete deliverance!
So, then shouldn’t we be, therefore, more interested (anxious) to have and maintain a life of faith and love, purity, and holiness, than to have merely only present and material things only? In the end, then really, is success in life won by the Christian, only rather than the Godless? If so, then how?
True religion, a true church, honours, respects the body, recognizes present duties and interests, and puts faith into everything! A true spiritual life penetrates, and goes deeply, changes transforms, and outlives all! All else passes away. When the end of life comes, the only thing remaining is the character. All relations, contacts, possessions of earth are abandoned, given up… surrendered. What remains? Only love, truth, spiritual victories.
This is the highest life and needs and demands all our best care and thoughts. Why should our spiritual life be buried or burdened by the anxieties, concerns, pursuits or pleasures of the world? Or, furthermore, our confidence in God, peace of mind, and our enjoyment of life be destroyed or affected by vain and shallow things?
Each day has its own care or need, so why burden it or obstruct it with sorrow and anxiety? “As the day thy strength shall be.” (Deut. 33:25). God will give us strength for any burden, every day… day by day. But, did you know that by looking back… looking back to the past year, we double our problems in our lives by worrying and thinking over them?
The person that grieves and worries over past misfortunes and mistakes in life weakens the ability to overcome them! The Christian that does this, discounts and ignores the promise of God. “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). Our natural weaknesses in life may have covered our pathways with a constant cloud of regrets. But, we may remember that, “where sin abounded, grace did much more.” (Rom. 5:20) When we confess them, God forgets them all.
According to a recent report, anxiety has overtaken and passed depression as the number one mental health problem in the USA and most likely in the world today. How could that be? The years of the ’90’s were years generally of peace and prosperity, political stability. The beginning of the year 2000, however, was a time of decline and instability, wars, disasters, until the present with fearful onslaughts of terrorism and declining economies. Even so, with peace and prosperity or war and poverty, drug use and abuse has been astronomically rising to allay and fight anxiety primarily; the top selling pharmaceutical product. But, still, worry and apprehension can never be cured with a pill, drug or even a herb. When David composed Psalm 55, his mind was disturbed by the same problems we fight with today. He was shocked by violence, anger, abuse, in the streets. (Ps. 55:9-11). He was even betrayed by close friends (v. 12-14). He wanted to escape to a place of peace (v. 4-8). David’s anxiousness is much like our own for many of us today. But his prescription for relief can be our too, as well, to heal our pressing anxieties. (Ps. 55:16, 22) See for remedy!
If your heart is weighed down today, the Lord is ready to bear every burden for you. Let’s begin the New Year with a firm faith in God’s providence and His care and guidance. Trust in His mercy and have hope in His promises; claim His promises. Put aside all anxious thoughts and fears. Direct your energies to the work before us. Believe! “He will make all things work for the good to them that love Him.” (Rom. 8:28).
He will reward everything done for Him. Don’t doubt! God will crown the creeping New Year—2003—with His goodness!
But, let’s devote ourselves to works of faith and labours of love. A faith more mighty and love more generous than the past year.
In some other churches of the North Atlantic States and Southern and South Midland States of the United States, there is an “anxious seat” or “bench” reserved at revival meetings for those troubled by anxiety and conscience and that are eager for spiritual assistance. Where will you be sitting in the year 2003? “Be Not Anxious For the ‘Morrow'”!
A Happy and Blessed New Year!