“Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?”1 the disciples asked Jesus in their misguided zeal. The response from Christ’s lips amazed them: “You know not what manner of spirit you have”2. The disciples were simply not ready for missionary work that would bear fruit to the glory of the Father. The problem was not in the “how” of missionary work. Let us not forget that they previously received direct instructions from Christ3. Rather, they lacked pre-requisites, conditions and experiences that would fit them to do the work in a manner that is harmonious with the Spirit of God.
There is certain necessary preparation that must be done before we attempt to bring souls in Christ. And I am not simply referring to learning the correct speaking techniques or head knowledge. I am speaking of the preparation of the heart. Sister White mentions six qualities that we must have before being effective missionaries. In her own words: “The laborer for the souls need consecration, integrity, intelligence, industry, energy, and tact” (Gospel Workers, pg. 111).

The most difficult and important point is consecration.

Sanctified Character

“The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him”4. Do you see the problem that Christ points out here? If we do not possess the graces of the Holy Spirit, how can we ever lead others to Christ? Lamps that have no oil cannot burn in darkness. Consecration means that we possess a godly, Christ-like character. And “a good character must be built up brick by brick” (Gospel Workers, pg. 69). It cannot happen overnight or accidentally. A formation of sanctified character requires decided effort on our part.

Did you notice how God prepares His people for work? He has a certain testing pattern, that includes hardships, sufferings, withdrawal from familiar surroundings, loss of loved ones, illness, lack of means, abuse bv others, pain,…etc.

From Murderer to Meekest Man on Earth

The palaces and the comforts of Egypt exerted a corrupting influence over early parts of Moses’ life. There was much he needed to learn and unlearn before becoming an instrument of Jehovah. God did not appoint Moses to deliver Israel without drastic preparation in the wilderness. The preparation that Moses experienced was not a summer camp bv a lake, but rather a severe 40-vear testing period, to learn self-denial and unlearn self-reliance. Meet the companions and friends of Moses: loneliness, deprivation, discomfort, hardship, and powerlessness. Moses’ rough character had to become smooth and open to God’s Spirit, molded according to the Heavenly Pattern. Before Moses could lay the pride of Egypt to dust with the Rod of God5, he had to feel its discipline himself. Did you notice the incredible changes that took place in the character of Moses? A murderer6 became the meekest man on Earth7 under the Rod of God. Do we grasp this truth? It is incredible how God change people. Never underestimate the power of God’s grace. It works wonders in those who fully yield.

Patience under Abuse

We often hear that the people of God, in the last days, will go through the time of trouble. Jacob’s life and experience serves as a type of this experience. Jacob did not go through the time of trouble without severe preparation and testing of his character. He suffered enormous abuse at the hands of his father-in-law, Laban. He was cheated and abused financially8 and maritally9. How would you react if you were treated as a doo by vour father-in-law (or others close to vou)? Jacob did not complain. He knew the secret. The love for God and the love of Rachel made his trial bearable. His heart was not set upon sinful men around him, but on the faithfulness of God.

I doubt that God changed His testing and preparation methods. There is nothing different between us and Jacob or Moses.

All have the same standard to reach. Why do I bring this out? Because it is important that we consider our own reaction and God’s purpose. How do we react when people put us down? Speak evil behind our back? Abuse us? Ridicule us? Treat us like dirt? Humiliate us? Misunderstand us on purpose? Twist our words?

Do we see that these are but tests? The value of the test is never lost, as long as we learn the lesson that God intended. The tests bring out the deficiencies of our own character. As we see the deformities of our character, God gives us an opportunity to come to Him for correction. What is our reaction when the Holy Spirit brings out the ugly, unchristlike parts of our character? Do we harden our heart? Or do we go to the cross in all dependence on the remedies provided by the Saviour? Christ does not save in sin, but from sin. His desire is to make us loving and loveable Christian. Then we will be a blessing not only to our friends, but to our enemies as well.10 We simply cannot do effective missionary work without preparation and discipline of God. It would be strange to go to the Olympics as a marathon runner, without ever getting UP from your couch. And believe me friends, our Christian journey is a lot like a marathon, long and hard.

I will conclude with a quote from the Spirit of Prophecy: “Day by day, the believer is working out before men and angels a sublime experiment, showing what the gospel can do for fallen human beings”.

Radek Dobias
[email protected]

1 Luke 9:54
2 Luke 9:55
3 Matthew 10
4 Matthew 12:35
5 Exodus 4:20
6 Exodus 2: 12
7 Numbers 12:3
8 Genesis 31:7
9 Genesis 29:25
10 Matthew 5:44