Grapes are a type of small fruit that grow in clusters of 15 to 300 grapes on woody vines. There are many varieties of grapes, grown in many areas of the world. Popular varieties include sultana (used to make raisins) and Concord. Grapes also come in many colours including green, red, black, yellow, dark blue, orange, and pink. There are also seeded and seedless varieties. Grapes can be eaten fresh or used for making juice, wine, jams and jellies, grape seed extract and raisins. Most of the fresh-eaten grapes are now seedless varieties of red and green coloured grapes. However, this detracts from their nutrition as many health benefits are found in the seeds of grapes. The darker the grape, the more phytonutrients it contains, and the more health benefits it provides. Fresh grapes are delicious, sweet and sour vine fruits that make healthy snacks, and are also great additions to salads, smoothies and can be drank as a juice. Frozen grapes are also enjoyed as a cool treat. Grapes are easy to add to your diet in any meal and as a healthy, convenient snack.
Grapes are mentioned several times in the Bible but the most common one that most Christians know about is when the nation of Israel sent the 12 spies to spy out the land of Canaan. Upon returning, they brought back a large cluster of grapes. “And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it between two upon a staff; and they brought of the pomegranates, and of the figs.” Numbers 13:23. This must have been quite a large grape cluster. From these wholesome grapes, people have perverted their use and made fermented drinks. Wine is a very popular dinner drink, made from fermented grapes, which produce alcohol. The Bible tells us, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” Worldwide, 71% of all grapes grown are made into wine, the rest is used for fresh grapes and raisins.
Grapes in their natural state are very healthful and healing. The skin and seeds of grapes contain over 1,600 important nutrients and powerful plant compounds that benefit your health. The darker the grape, the more antioxidants and phytonutrients they contain. Phytonutrients provide colour to many fruits and vegetables, and often the colour of the produce indicates which phytochemicals they contain.
Specifically, the health benefits of black grapes have been studied extensively. The chemicals they contain can give you healthier hair and skin, improve your heart health, and even protect your cells against cancer. Some varieties of black grapes are much higher in antioxidants than green or red grapes because of their dark colour.
The seeds and skin of grapes contain a phytochemical known as resveratrol. The darker the grape, the higher the resveratrol content. Traditional uses of resveratrol include treatment of stomachache, hepatitis, arthritis, urinary tract infections, fungal diseases or skin inflammation.
Resveratrol has been shown to have very high antioxidant qualities, preventing diseases caused by free radical damage. It also possesses anti-tumour activity, and has shown to prevent, to slow down growth, and to treat certain cancers. It has also anti-inflammatory properties and heart protective properties, can protect against diabetes, and aids in brain health. Resveratrol, in combination with Vitamin D also boosts immune function, preventing infections. Overall, resveratrol has been shown to activate three longevity genes, associated with slower aging and a longer lifespan.
Because of the proven health benefits of resveratrol, many health professionals suggest incorporating moderate wine consumption as part of a healthy diet, specifically red wines, which are higher in resveratrol than white wines. However, the benefits of resveratrol are counteracted by the increased health risks of alcohol consumption. Therefore, getting resveratrol from food is healthier than drinking wine. In fact, whole grapes are a better source of resveratrol than red wine.
Grapes contain polyphenols, antioxidants, which reduce free radical damage to the body. Free radicals can lead to cell damage that increases the risk of various diseases, typically more so as we age. The number of antioxidants contained in grapes are in the hundreds including phytochemicals, and vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, E, and manganese.
The main health benefit of grapes is the impact on heart health, the cardiovascular system. Grapes contain the antioxidants known as quercetin and resveratrol. Studies have proven that both of these compounds lower bad cholesterol levels and plaque build-up in the arteries. The fiber contained in grapes also contributes to improved cholesterol levels. Grapes also help to control blood pressure levels, as research has proven that high blood pressure levels lead to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure is also caused by high sodium (salt) levels in the blood. Grapes help control sodium due to their high levels of potassium and fibre. These nutrients reduce the negative effects of sodium. Rutin, another antioxidant in the flavonoid family contained in grapes, protects the heart against blood clots. Flavonoids are associated with pigments that give red, purple, and blue plants their colours. Therefore, the darker coloured grapes are higher in flavonoids. Also, chronic levels of inflammation irritate blood vessels which can contribute to plaque build-up in arteries, which then can break off and trigger blood clots. The anti-inflammatory effects of grape’s phytochemicals prevent plaque build-up. Grapes are also a good source of Vitamin K, preventing mineral build-up in the arteries, allowing blood to pump more freely throughout the body, thus keeping blood pressure from rising. Mineral build up in the arteries naturally occurs with aging. With all the healthy components contained in grapes, they work together to increase overall heart health.
As mentioned in the section on resveratrol, grapes have anti-cancer health benefits because of its high levels of polyphenol antioxidants, which are well-known for their positive effects on our cells. They are instrumental in protecting and restoring damaged cells. Even when cancerous tumours are present, grapes can slow down the growth of the tumours. The compounds in grapes protect specifically against certain types of cancers such as colon, prostate, and breast cancer. Grapes prevent the growth and spread of breast cancer. Grapes contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds known as polyphenols. Antioxidants are well-known powerhouses that offer our cells a variety of positive effects including cancer prevention. They are responsible for protecting and restoring damaged cells.
Grapes are often thought of as harmful to blood sugar due to being a high-sugar fruit. However, studies done with diabetes and grape consumption show that grapes have a low glycemic index (GI). The GI scale is a rating system for carbohydrate-containing foods, which determines how quickly each food raises blood sugar levels. The low GI of grapes indicates that they are less likely to raise blood sugar levels than high GI foods. Even though grapes are considered high in sugar, certain compounds contained in grapes protect against high blood sugar values.
Because of these properties, grapes have properties that prevent diabetes. The compound resveratrol has been shown to improve the one’s insulin sensitivity and the
ability to tolerate glucose, which leads to reduced blood sugar values. This was especially seen in studies that looked at the effectiveness of grapeseed extract in diabetes prevention.
Fruits, including grapes, are known to aid in digestion because of their high fiber content. Fiber helps maintain regular digestion and bowel movements. High fiber diets reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and diverticulitis, and relieve constipation. Grapes also contain high water levels, which also aids in preventing and treating constipation. Because grapes help with digestion, this also reduces the risk of colon cancers. The soluble fiber contained in red grapes maintain the healthy bacteria of the gut, which provides many health benefits.
All antioxidants improve brain health, including the prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia by slowing memory decline. Resveratrol contained in grapes specifically has been shown to delay memory loss. Because of its antioxidant effects, it leads to a healthier blood flow in the brain and clearer brain function. Researchers feel the fruit is useful because it reduces oxidative stress in the brain, which leads to a healthier blood flow through the brain, and clearer brain function. The antioxidants in grapes also help with improved attention span and mood. Some studies have shown that the consumption of Concord grapes improved the ability to learn. Vitamin K also has been shown to improve memories that are related to facts in older adults.
A cup of grapes provides 25% of the body’s daily vitamin K needs. Vitamin K is necessary for maintaining strong bones, and preventing fractures. It contributes to the mineralization of bones, and maintains a healthy calcium balance. Grapes also contain copper, needed for the creation of bone components, which assists in preventing bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis. Vitamin K is also required for blood clotting; deficiencies in Vitamin K can lead to reduced blood clotting and excessive bleeding.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoid antioxidants found in grapes. These compounds help to maintain good eye health by reducing the damage that occurs to the retina as we age. They help to prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. They both help maintain good eye health by reducing the oxidative stress and damage to the retina that occurs as we age. These carotenoids can help prevent eye conditions such as cataracts. In addition, resveratrol protects against cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma.
Free radical damage causes our skin to age, leading to wrinkles, dark spots and loss of elasticity. Many people apply resveratrol-containing skin care products to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin, to reduce inflammation in sensitive skin, and to lighten dark spots. Resveratrol is 10,000 times more effective at neutralizing the free radicals that cause wrinkles than Vitamin E, often used for improving skin health.
One cup (151 grams) of red or green grapes contains: 104 calories, 27 g carbohydrates. 1 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 1.4 g fiber, 27% recommended daily intake (RDI) Vitamin C; 28% RDI Vitamin K; 7% RDI thiamine (Vitamin B1), 6% RDI riboflavin, 6% RDI Vitamin B6, 8% RDI potassium, 10% RDI copper, and 5% RDI manganese.
Raisins are a dried fruit, usually made from sultana grapes. Raisins are minimally processed, but when grapes are dried, the concentration of sugar increases to four times the amount as fresh grapes. However, the drying process also removes nutrients. Thus, they are higher in calories and lower in nutrients than fresh grapes, and should be eaten in moderation. Because of this, studies done on the benefits of grapes cannot be applied to raisins. However, raisins do contain healthy nutrients such as iron, potassium, copper Vitamin B6, manganese, and fiber. These components can benefit heart health.
Grape seed extract (GSE) is made by removing, drying and pulverizing the seeds of grapes. Because many of the health benefits of grapes are contained in the seeds of the grapes, GSE is becoming a popular nutritional supplement for heart health, for wound healing, and for reducing overall inflammation in the body. Several studies have found GSE can speed up wound healing, even for incisions from minor surgeries. Used on the skin, it improved skin appearance, elasticity, and sebum content, which helps to hydrate the skin, and prevent infections.
Grapeseed oil is made from crushing the seeds of grapes, and extracting the oil. The seeds are left behind once the rest of the grape is used in the wine-making process, thus grapeseed oil is a by-product of making wine. As with other fruit and vegetable oils, cold-pressing the grape seeds produces an oil with the most health benefits. Once heat is used to extract oil from seeds, it damages the nutrients. Grapeseed oil is flavourless and odourless, making it a good cooking oil as it will not alter the flavour of a dish. Many people also use grapeseed oil for skin care; it is suitable for all skin types. Its antioxidant properties from the phytochemicals, as well as vitamins A, C, and E, promote cellular repair and reduce the signs of aging in the skin. In addition to all the other nutrients provided from grapes, grapeseed oil also contains Omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Grapes are high in an Omega-6 fatty acid known as linolenic acid. Although foods high in Omega-6 relative to Omega-3 can increase inflammation in the body, linolenic acid has been shown not to increase inflammatory markers. In fact, linolenic acid has been shown to reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels. The Omega-3 in grapeseed oil is used in the formation of the outer layer of all cells, including nerve cells, necessary for proper brain functioning, reducing the risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s. A healthy outer layer protects cells from free radical damage, reducing the risk of cancer. Evidence shows that taking supplements containing antioxidants are not as effective as obtaining them from a whole food. This places more importance on consuming foods rich in antioxidants.
In Sister White’s vision of heaven, she saw the table laid out for the marriage supper of the Lamb, she describes it as “I saw a table of pure silver; it was many miles in length, yet our eyes could extend over it. I saw the fruit of the tree of life, the manna, almonds, figs, pomegranates, grapes, and many other fruits.” –Early Writings, p. 19. “And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.” Revelation 14:18
I pray that we all will enjoy the fruits of God’s bountiful hand for time and eternity.