“Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.” Hebrews 3:15
Our time is short, the end of the world is upon us. We need to hurry to get ready for the end, and also warn the people in the church and also outside to get ready.
A great company of people left Egypt with Moses, with a purpose to go to their own land. They had religious instruction, the kept Sabbath, they were taught to pray, and the participated in religious ceremonies. But then came the day of provocation and they rebelled against God, and refused to enter the Promised Land. They hardened their hearts and therefore only two of the adult men were allowed to enter into Canaan’s land. They heard the voice of God, but did not obey it.
A similar experience is found in the Millerite movement in 1844. About 50,000 people in the United States believed the message of the coming of Jesus. Many left their homes, businesses, and their farms and started to proclaim the message that Jesus will come on October 22, 1844. People listened to their message and many believed and came to church, and confessed their sins. Why did they do it? It was because the time was short, soon they would be in heaven, they believed.
But then came the disappointment, Jesus did not come. Then out of every thousand believers, one remained in the message. Others went back to the world, other churches, and back to a life in sin. Those who loved the message and also loved God did remain in it, and organized the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
Many came to the message for selfish reasons. They did not love God, but they loved only themselves, and wanted to escape the hell fire and have eternal life. They did not enjoy religion, to them it was a hard, joyless experience, and in the world they were happier and it gave them greater enjoyment.
Young people often think that when they get older, then they will come to church and obey God and keep His commandments. Meanwhile they enjoy the pleasure of the world. Such people often leave their obedience too long, until salvation is too late for them.
Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “If thou knewest the gift of God, and Who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water.” John 4:10
She did not know what the gift of God was, she did not know what the living water was. If she would have known, she would have asked for it.
David wrote, “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in Thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalm 16:11
If we know all the blessings that religion gives us, we would not delay our obedience even for one day. “Today” is the key word. When God is calling us, we hasten to obey Him immediately.
Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac. He did not delay his obedience even for one hour. Early in the morning he got up and started the three-day journey to the land of Moriah to sacrifice his son. Someone else may have delayed his obedience and asked of God, “is it really necessary to sacrifice my son?”
To some believers religion is so precious that they are willing to sacrifice their lives in a martyr’s death, whereas others rather give up their faith. One person said that, after he had all the necessary Bible studies that he would like to be baptized into the church except that he didn’t want to pay tithes. He did not think that heaven and eternal life were worth that great a sacrifice.
In South America some people told us that they walk two to three hours to get to Sabbath School, and then back home again. So important was it for them to be in a religious meeting. Sister White writes that to miss the religious meetings, which are God’s mediums for our salvation, means that we will lose our faith.
Felix received Bible studies from Paul, and he trembled, “And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Acts 24:25. “He had slighted his last offer of mercy. Never was he to receive another call from God.” –The Acts of the Apostles, p. 427
Today is the acceptable time to respond to God’s call. Tomorrow may be too late. In our missionary work, delay is dangerous. “There is danger in delay. That soul whom you might have found, that soul to whom you might have opened the Scriptures, passes beyond your reach. Satan has prepared some net for his feet, and tomorrow he may be working out the plans of the archenemy of God. Why delay one day? Why not go to work at once?” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 443
“Industry in a God-appointed duty is an important part of true religion. Men should seize circumstances as God’s instruments with which to work His will. Prompt and decisive action at the right time will gain glorious triumphs, while delay and neglect result in failure and dishonor to God. If the leaders in the cause of truth show no zeal, if they are indifferent and purposeless, the church will be careless, indolent, and pleasure-loving; but if they are filled with a holy purpose to serve God and Him alone, the people will be united, hopeful, eager.” –Prophets and Kings, p. 676
“Again I call for the help that we ought to have had, the means that we must have, if anything is accomplished in this country. Let your hearts be drawn out in love for perishing souls. Obey the impulse given by High Heaven. Grieve not the Holy Spirit by delay. Resist not God’s methods of recovering souls from the thralldom of sin. To every man, according to his several ability, is given his work. Do your best, and God will accept your efforts.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 56
Delay can be dangerous, it grieves the Holy Spirit, it can even defeat our own salvation.
“‘The last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so.’ Said Jesus, ‘shall it be also unto this wicked generation.’ There are none so hardened as those who have slighted the invitation of mercy, and done despite to the Spirit of grace. The most common manifestation of the sin against the Holy Spirit is in persistently slighting Heaven’s invitation to repent. Every step in the rejection of Christ is a step toward the rejection of salvation, and toward the sin against the Holy Spirit.” –The Desire of Ages, p. 324
Many times God has to put us in an emergency situation in order to make us realize how much we need His help; also, to realize our weaknesses.
TODAY is our time, today is our opportunity. Tomorrow is not in our hands and yesterday is gone. Do not delay your obedience; even one day’s delay can be dangerous. Amen.
Timo Martin