We would like to request the prayers for a dear sister, Araminta Munoz who is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Araminta is a sincere soul who loves Jesus and His truth. Since we came to London, Cana-da she attended our Church services almost every Sabbath. I have worked with her giving her Bible studies. She has made good progress in her spiritual life.
Not ago she was diagnosed with lung cancer. We prayed with her and encouraged her to surrender her life to Jesus completely. Although she is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, I explained the differ-ences to her between the Reform Church and the mainstream SDA Church. I have encouraged her to be bap-tized into God’s Church while waiting faithfully for Jesus’ second coming. Praise the Lord that she has agreed and promised to do everything necessary to be a part of God’s remnant Church.
For her medical intervention she moved to Vancouver where her two sons live. She will have surgery at the end of November this year. Brother Oscar will continue her preparation for baptism there and help her to fulfill her commitment to the Lord through Biblical baptism. Let us pray for this sister in the Lord.
Nicholas Anca
Prayer Requestmichael2015-04-15T23:56:40-04:00