The Kenya Union office would like to take this privilege and give thanks to the Lord Almighty for His grace upon us and for bringing Pastor Petkov and his wife, Sister Raquel to visit us. The duo landed in Kenya while in transit to Uganda and Rwanda before coming back officially to Kenya on September 15.

They immediately began teaching in The Berea Adventist Missionary college, alternating on a daily basis. The college class was attended by the Union executive officer and BAMI staff, and church members within Nairobi, ending with Sabbath services attended by over 200 members, with uncounted children and visitors. The BAMI classes ended on September 22, 2014.

On September 23, Pastor Petkov, his wife, Sister Orce, the Union executive and BAMI staff, all left the union in a bus. The students were going for missionary tour in Rachuonyo College and Homabay town as the rest headed for the second worker’s and minister’s seminar in Kisii County in Suneka Town at Nyangena Churchma, a seven hour ride from Nairobi.

AS we arrived at Nyangena, the Ugandan Bible workers had already arrived a day before under the leadership of Pastor Ntabarisha Daniel, and they numbered eight people.

The Tanzanian team too had arrived under Pastor Mathew Malata who is the union Secretary, and Sister Koreso the Dorcas Samaritan Leader, along with others.

Kenya, the host union, had all who could attend, under Pastor James Mbaka. The Bible workers, church elders and leaders, heads of Departments, members, young and old, mothers and fathers.

Subjects that were taught included:

  1. Marriage and Divorce/Marriage in the bible;
  2. Counselling;
  3. Canvassing;
  4. Family/Guidelines/Categories/Family and prayer;
  5. Missionary/Missionary work plan;
  6. Project Preparation/development;
  7. Doctrine.


Sister Raquel devoted one afternoon for mothers and it will remain in her memory. It was very informative, providing us with great lessons.

The Kisii Kenya Nyangena East Africa Seminar ended on Monday, September 29. Brother Petkov and Sister Orce enjoyed staying in the Blue Nile Hotel near the highway, where Pastor Pablo Hunger, Shirima, and Sister Leila McTavish once stayed.

We greatly thank Sister Leila McTavish and Sister Edda Tedford of the Canadian Field, who assisted in the building of the Nyangena church which was a big blessing to the seminar.

We give further thanks to the General Conference for sponsoring Sister Raquel Orce to come to Africa.

We further salute and thank the American union for sponsoring Brother Petkov to Africa; the American union, you have become a blessing to us.

Last but not least, we thank the African Divisional Office under the leadership of Pastor Shirima and Sevith Moyo for organising this spiritual event. We salute you Kenyan brethren for your total unwavering support, participation, material and moral support. To Pastor Petkov and Sister Orce, may you visit us again, according to the will of the Lord. Amen

Your servant in the lord,

Nashon Ouma Ojuok

Kenya Union, Secretary