“When He had thus spoken, He spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay . . . [He] washed, and came seeing.” John 9:6–7
There are personal victories won in the secret chamber of prayer where only the eye of God and the dying person know what they are fighting for. There are other victories won collectively with the pleadings of the spiritual family. That victory is the one I want to share here, through the experience of my dying mother.
The purpose of sharing this experience is to glorify God, who still works through the eight natural remedies and also encourages many to continue fighting with their illnesses with a revived faith and with much more effort than they have had until now. “Your faith must not let go of the promises of God, if you do not see or feel the immediate answer to your prayers.” –Prayer, p. 48
In July of 2013 I received news that my mother was very ill. Her medical exams showed only a chronic anemia that she had been suffering from for many years. She treated it with natural remedies, but there was no improvement. Then she thought that it might be malaria or hepatitis. Her face was yellowish and very pale. She also had high fever, nausea, vomiting, and lost her appetite. This went on for about two or three weeks without being able to recover. My mother showed signs of a dangerous level of dehydration. I was very overwhelmed not only by her condition but more so of not having a real diagnosis.
My mother, a 76-year old woman, lives by herself in the southern part of Colombia in Florencia, Caqueta. She got to a state of weakness where she could not get up from the bed. She stopped eating and drinking, and the disease had gained enough ground to wreak havoc on her body. The place where she was staying is at the end of the city where public transportation only works until 6 p.m.
On a Saturday night my mother went into a coma, and there was no way to transport her to the hospital due to the time and place. Suddenly there was an SUV in front of the house, ready to take my mother to the hospital. We could never know who that person was who helped us, because nobody knew him nor has seen him again after that night. Without a doubt it was an angel sent by God.
The news of my mother’s condition was disconcerting, and my need to travel to Colombia was more prevailing. God provided the resources for my journey through a generous heart. The following Tuesday I was to travel from Canada to Colombia.
I longed so much to see my mother and find her alive. I prayed to God for this opportunity, and I asked all my brothers and sisters in the faith to pray for her. Finally, I managed to see her, but in a very sad condition. She could not speak because her tongue was swollen and purple. She was so skinny that one could see her bones. Her belly was swollen as if she were pregnant. She was constipated and had urinary retention. She was on oxygen and intravenous therapy (IV). One could only hear her moaning due to pain. She had giant reddish swellings on different parts of the body. She also had a blood infection, which required large amounts of antibiotics and blood transfusions. As the days passed on, her condition worsened.
After numerous tests the diagnosis was even more worrying. The doctor told us that my mother had chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in the terminal stage. In addition, he said that she would never talk again because she had a brain tumour. She would never walk again because she had brain metastases, which explained the reason for her loss of sensation from the waist down. The doctor did not offer any alternative treatment for it; he only gave her three days to live. Although for the doctors it was a lost cause, it was not the case for God. We did everything possible with my two sisters to take our mother from the hospital despite the doctors’ disapproval. Finally we found a doctor willing to sign her out and the possibility of visiting her at home with two nurses to help us cope with the alleged complications that my mother would suffer thereafter.
We took our mother to an empty house that we rented in the city, with the determination to do everything possible to save her life if God so willed. My mother suffered unbearable pain. There was a national public transit strike that hindered the painkillers to be given to my mother. So we had to ask a doctor from our church to send us some. He lives two days away traveling by car. The painkillers helped her because she could be moved around for the different therapies without severe pain. I want to share the treatment with details so that others can be blessed also.
We started every day with herbal juices from anamu (Petiveria alliacea), dandelion, nettle, etc. We also gave her a vegetable juice mix: 1 carrot, 1 beet, 1 mashua, 1 bunch of spinach, and 1 stalk of celery. We also gave fruit juices such as grape, dragon fruit, apple, etc. It was ideal to give her 8 oz., five times a day, but her body did not accept those amounts. So we used a syringe to give her only 50 ml of each juice. We decided to give that amount every hour, along with water, lemon, and anamu (Petiveria alliacea) tea.
The other major therapies we did was to rub nettle on her body and then soak her in a wooden box with wet clay mixed with pure herb tea from anamu (Petiveria alliacea) and horsetail, among others. She would stay in the clay for about 4 hours at a time. We kept the clay warm by adding hot herbal teas. After two hours we could not stand the stench spewed by her body. It was also amazing to see how the clay sucked internal impurities found in the bumps on her skin. These red bumps changed to black and then burst yellowish pus, leaving a deep hole in the skin, which we covered with a mixture of vegetable charcoal, sulphur, and olive oil. The skin eventually ended up fully healed.
Sunbaths every morning renewed and energized her body, plus a lot of faith and confidence in the promises of God which strengthened her daily to bear the treatment. After daily perseverance with that treatment, we started to see improvements little by little. My mother was starting to babble words, and the pain began to decrease. She started taking more natural juices that helped to repair and nourish her organs.
After three weeks, my mother spoke clearly again. She was able to sit in bed. She started feeling when we massaged her legs and feet. Henceforth every day we saw a more tangible miracle. She began to take small steps helped by two people. Her appetite came back. Her bowel movements normalized and the skin bumps disappeared.
I want to give glory to God for He keeps his word. “Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” Matthew 11:25. You can imagine the faces of the doctor and nurses who came to visit my mom, when they saw her dipped in clay. Their eyes and their faces expressed disbelief. They could have thought we were torturing my mother or that we had lost our mind completely. Their eyes and their faces began to change when they saw the dying patient walking, eating, and talking. Now their faces were in amazement. Even the doctor asked to continue with the case, which he had ruled the incurable, to see its end.
The story continues, always waiting in the will of God for my mother. For now I want to encourage all to take good courage to start using what we have in our hands for the healing of ourselves and others. “And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.” Exodus 4:2. And with that rod he did great wonders. In London, Ontario, some sisters were inspired by my mother’s experience and started a small sanatorium “with what they have in their hands.” They offer a selfless service offering steambaths, green juices, massages, and hydrotherapy. “I have been instructed that sanitariums are to be established in many places in the country.” –Counsels on Health, p. 169. “We are not to establish a few mammoth institutions; for thus it would be impossible to give the patients the messages that will bring health to the soul. Small sanitariums are to be established in many places.” –Medical Ministry, p. 327
You can visit our website www.jesushealswithclay.weebly.com for more information. May God bless you, and please continue to pray for my mother.
Magnolia Correa