“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27


A religious life is action of the mind and body in harmony with divine forces.”Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 371


“God requires His people to be far more pitiful and considerate of the unfortunate than they are. “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27. Here genuine religion is defined. God requires that the same consideration which should be given to the widow and fatherless be given to the blind and to those suffering under the affliction of other physical infirmities. Disinterested benevolence is very rare in this age of the world (Gr. kosmos).”  –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 516


“‘And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.’ Revelation 13:8.  World (Gr. kosmos). Summary: In the sense of the present world system, the ethically bad sense of the word refers to the order or arrangement under which Satan has organized the world of unbelieving mankind upon his cosmic principles of force, greed, selfishness, ambition, and pleasure (Matthew 4:8–9; John 12:31; 14:30; 18:36; Ephesians 2:2; 6:12; 1 John 2:15–17). This world system is imposing and powerful with military might; is often outwardly religious, scientific, cultured, and elegant; but, seething with national and commercial rivalries and ambitions, is upheld in any real crisis only by armed force, and is dominated by satanic principles. Cp. (Zechariah 12:1–6); (Matthew 4:8).” Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version, C.I. Scofield, D.D., New York—Oxford University, note: Revelation 13:8, p. 1365

“We are nearing the close of time. We want not only to teach present truth in the pulpit, but to live it out of the pulpit. Examine close the foundation of your hope of salvation.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 530


“The precious blood of Jesus is the fountain prepared to cleanse the soul from the defilement of sin. When you determine to take Him as your friend, a new and enduring light will shine from the cross of Christ. A true sense of the sacrifice and intercession of the dear Saviour will break the heart that has become hardened in sin; and love, thankfulness, and humility will come into the soul. The surrender of the heart to Jesus subdues the rebel into a penitent, and then the language of the obedient soul is: ‘Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.’ This is the true religion of the Bible. Everything short of this is a deception.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 625


“Vice and crime, and iniquity of all kinds, are steadily on the increase. The penetrating power of Bible truth must show the contrast between truth and error. A higher grade of preparation is required in order to do good service for the Master. But if the minister leans upon the knowledge he acquires, and does not feel the great necessity of divine enlightenment daily, the education gained is only a stumbling block to sinners. We want the God of all wisdom to be brought into all our labor, into all our experiences; then every iota of knowledge obtained is a power for good and will aid in developing capacity and Christlike earnestness. This is religion.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 529


Is as “a dry husk without the true kernel (Christian Service, p. 263); Is worth nothing.”  –Steps to Christ, p. 44     


There is cheap religion in abundance, but there is no such thing as cheap Christianity. Self may figure largely in a false religion, but it cannot appear in Christian experience. You are workers together with God. ‘Without Me,’ said Christ, ‘ye can do nothing.’ (John 15:5). We cannot be shepherds of the flock unless we are divested of our own peculiar habits, manners, and customs, and come into Christ’s likeness. When we eat His flesh and drink His blood, then the element of eternal life will be found in the ministry. There will not be a fund of stale, oft-repeated ideas. There will be a new perception of truth.

“Some who stand in the pulpit make the heavenly messengers in the audience ashamed of them. The precious gospel, which it has cost so much to bring to the world, is abused. There is common, cheap talk; grotesque attitudes and working of the features. . . . Everyone who ministers before the people should feel it a solemn duty to take himself in hand. He should first give himself to the Lord in complete self-renunciation, determined that he will have none of self, but all of Jesus.” –Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 339


“Many of the revivals of modern times have presented a marked contrast to those manifestations of divine grace which in earlier days followed the labors of God’s servants. . . . Popular revivals are too often carried by appeals to the imagination, by exciting the emotions, by gratifying the love for what is new and startling. Converts thus gained have little desire to listen to Bible truth, little interest in the testimony of prophets and apostles. Unless a religious service has something of a sensational character, it has no attractions for them. . . . Where, in the popular churches of today, is the spirit of consecration to God? The converts do not renounce their pride and love of the world. . . . Religion has become the sport of infidels and skeptics because so many who bear its name are ignorant of its principles.” –The Great Controversy, p. 463


The “compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the development of ‘the man of sin’ foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting himself above God. That gigantic system of false religion is a masterpiece of Satan’s power—a monument of his efforts to seat himself upon the throne to rule the earth according to his will. . . .

“Those who fear and reverence God meet this heaven-daring assumption as Christ met the solicitations of the wily foe: ‘Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.’ (Luke4:8).  God has never given a hint in His word that He has appointed any man to be the head of the church. . . . The spirit of concession to paganism opened the way for a still further disregard of Heaven’s authority. Satan, working through unconsecrated leaders of the church, tampered with the fourth commandment also, and essayed to set aside the ancient Sabbath, the day which God had blessed and sanctified (Genesis 2:2,3), and in its stead to exalt the festival observed by the heathen as ‘the venerable day of the sun’ (Sunday).”  –The Great Controversy, p. 50–51


“A formal religion is to be dreaded, for in it is no Saviour. Plain, close, searching, practical discourses were given by Christ. His ambassadors should follow His example in every discourse. Christ and his Father were one; in all the Father’s requirements Christ cheerfully acquiesced. He had the mind of God. The Redeemer was the perfect pattern, Jehovah was manifested in Him. Heaven was enshrined in humanity, and humanity enclosed in the bosom of Infinite Love. If ministers will in meekness sit at the feet of Jesus, they will soon obtain right views of God’s character and will be able to teach others also. . . . Unfaithful watchmen are serving themselves instead of feeding the flock and attending to their pastoral duties, the people perish for want of proper instruction.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 396

  1. TRUE RELIGION (genuine)

True religion does not consist in rights and ceremonies, creeds and theories.”  –The Acts of the Apostles, p. 451


“True religion is ever distinctly seen in our words and deportment, and in every act of life. With the followers of Christ, religion should never be divorced from business. They should go hand in hand, and God’s commandments should be strictly regarded in all the details of worldly matters. The knowledge that we are children of God should give a high tone of character even to the everyday duties of life, making us not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit. Such a religion as this bears the scrutiny of a critical world with a grand consciousness of integrity. . . .

“The constant inquiry should be: ‘Is this in accordance with the will of God? Will this please my Redeemer?’ . . . Every action, every word, and every moment of our lives should bear the impress of our holy faith.  The end of all things is at hand, and we have no time to be idle or to live in pleasure, at cross-purposes with God.

“The Lord will not be trifled with. Those who neglect His mercies and blessings in this day of opportunities will bring impenetrable darkness upon themselves and will be candidates for the wrath of God.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 190­–191

“Perfection is no trifle—but trifles make for perfection.”  –Joseph Jarabak, Ph.D., Chicago, Illinois


“The world is the chief enemy of religion. The satanic forces are constantly at work through the world, and those who are professed Christians, yet associated with the world in close fellowship, are so much one in spirit, aims, and principles of working, that they cannot discern between him who serveth God and him who serveth the world. The enemy works constantly to push the world to the front, to be looked upon as superior to those who believe in Jesus, and who seek to be doers of His word. Words of praise and flattery from worldlings are received as sweet morsels, but the judgment of those who love this sort of food is in accordance with the weakness which they show in this direction. Their spiritual life is composed of just the kind of material they feed upon. Their Christian experience is largely dependent on flattery and human appreciation. The fear and love of God are not interwoven in their experience.” –Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 270


“‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’ When men of wrong habits and sinful practices yield to the power of divine truth, the entrance of God’s word gives light and understanding to the simple. There is an application of truth to the heart; and moral power, which seemed to have been paralyzed, revives. The receiver is possessed of stronger clearer understanding than before. He has riveted his soul to the eternal Rock. Health improves in the very sense of his security in Christ. Thus religion and the laws of health go hand in hand. . . . Let the conscience be aroused and much is gained. Nothing but the grace of God can convict and convert the heart; here alone can the slaves of custom obtain power to break the shackles which bind them.”  –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 552–553


“Many [youth] have not yet heard the voice of Jesus, and the saving message has not taken hold of the soul and worked a reformation in the life. Many of the young have not the spirit of Jesus. The love of God in not in their hearts, therefore all the natural besetments hold the victory instead of the Spirit of God and salvation.

“Those who really possess the religion of Jesus will not be ashamed nor afraid to bear the cross before those who have more experience than they. They will, if they earnestly long to be right, desire all the help they can get from older Christians. Gladly will they be helped by them; hearts that are warmed by love to God will not be hindered by trifles in the Christian course. . . .

“Why the young feel more liberty when the older ones are absent is: They are with those of their kind. Each thinks he is as good as the other. All fail of the mark, but measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves among themselves, and neglect the only perfect and true standard, Jesus the true Pattern. His self-sacrificing life is our example.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 154

“The only hope of these children, whether they profess religion or not, is to be thoroughly converted. Their whole character must be changed.  Thoughtless mother, do you know, as you teach your children, that their whole religious experience is affected by their teaching when young? Subdue them young; teach them to submit to you, and the more readily will they learn to yield obedience to the requirements of God.  Encourage in them a truthful, honest disposition. Let them never have occasion to doubt your sincerity and exact truthfulness.  The young profess, but do not enjoy the saving power of God. They lack religion, lack salvation.” –Ibid, p. 157



John Theodorou
