Vegetarian Cooking Class and Health Seminar

On November 4, 2007, the Hamilton Church enjoyed a tasty and informative cooking demonstration and health seminar.

Bro. Evald Pederesen gave the greetings and opening remarks. He asked the audience to bow their heads for the opening prayer, which was given by Sister Rose Powell. Bro. Evald introduced Pastor Jerry Eaton, who talked about the different types of oils and fats, with their various sources and properties that can be beneficial or destructive to the body. He discussed the benefits of the omega-3 fats that are lacking in our bodies. One of the best sources of omega-3 oil is flax seed. He also discussed the dangers of over indulgence of salt and sugar in our diet. There was interest in his remarks, and he was often asked question. There was also much participation from the twenty-one visitors; some had a bit of knowledge about health, but there were others who were searching for truth. Sis. Gloria Ferguson was introduced and she did a demonstration with the assistance of Sis. Rose Powell, on how to make homemade bread and vegetarian lasagna. The audience was amazed at how easy and nutritious the dishes were made. Sis. Wendy Eaton then emonstrated the multi facets of tofu in various dishes. She mentioned the three different forms of textures of the tofu. There are the soft tofu that can be used for making dressings and dips; there is the firm that could be used to make lasagna or pizza, and the extra firm tofu. She demonstrated a tofu spinach quiche and a tofu pizza casserole.

Sis. Franziska Pedersen did nut patties/ balls, and listed the ingredients that were placed in the patties. She talked about the crackers she had made, which had approximately six ingredients in them, as compared to the crackers she had investigated in the grocery stores and discovered that the majority of the crackers on the shelves had about thirteen to sixteen ingredients on the boxes, but most of them were chemicals and unknown to her.

Bro. Jerry did a demonstration of his tofu salad dressing made with parsley. He mixed together the ingredients for the French dressing, which consisted of oil, spaghetti sauce, soy powder, salt, lemon juice, paprika, and oregano. He finished his session with a question and answer period on health and diet.

Bro. Evald gave his demonstration on juicing. He placed carrots and celery that was washed and sectioned into the juicer. He mentioned to the audience that vegetable juicing was more agreeable to the stomach than fruits, since fruits tend to be more acidic. He stated that beets are also good to add, but not too much since they work as a cleanser, and a largequantity of beets will purge the system.

We then prepared the table to sample all of the dishes demonstrated and the other dishes that were already prepared by our members. After a prayer by Sis. Maurine, the food was gladly eaten with great compliments from the thirty-three souls at the Hamilton church. We pray that the knowledge and good tasting food will influence those who need a change in their lives, and to continue in this new light they have discovered.

Sis Maurine Gerald