You Be the Judge
1 Cor. 4:1-5; 5:12; 6:1-3
A few weeks ago, three to be exact, my mother and I invited a guest to our place. We both enjoy entertaining, and we have a system—I clean house, and Mom cooks.
Well, our friend came to supper, and as our guests sometimes do, she brought a little gift – some rice crackers and cream cheese. We enjoyed our visit. She is a lover of animals which is good, since two dogs, five cats, and two kittens share my home.
Now, to come quickly to the point of this essay; we opened the crackers and the cream cheese. The crackers were very good, so I sent them home with Mom; but the cream cheese was loaded with black and white pepper. I thought to give it to the animals; but then decided it was not healthy for the stomach of any warm-blooded mammal – so I hid it in the refrigerator.
Now, please understand, my mother is extremely frugal. She doesn’t believe in throwing anything away. And her children and her friends have never gone hungry. Well, after the cream cheese had sat in my fridge for two and a half weeks, one day I decided to put it in the fire. I hoped my Mom had forgotten about it by now.
The morning after the fire, Mother said to me something like, “I should get that cream cheese from you that Liz left here. I don’t suppose you will eat it.”
My countenance fell. I felt ill. Quicklydeciding that I had work to do, I left my mother’s house and went to my own in agitation and poured out my troubles to God. Sometimes it seems to me that my life is one trouble after another, I am truly trying to do God’s will as best as I know—but I do have a tendency to rashness, and I’m often coming into conflict with my dear Mom, or someone. (James 5:16)
After time spent in prayer, the idea came to my mind to simply tell my Mom when she came for the cheese, that I had consumed it. (Please understand, my mother has a very hot temper. She is an excellent person, with a fine sense of justice and judgment, but she can sometimes be unreasonable, at least from my viewpoint). I’m trying to avoid conflicts whenever I can, I believe this is God’s way. But I do not want to lie, I’d rather get in trouble. Moreover, Jesus said to be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Matt. 10:16)
So Mother did come over and requested the cheese, and I said cheerfully, “I consumed it.”
“What?” she said, “You ate it!”
“Yes,” I said, “I consumed it.”
Now, I did not mean to say, “I ate it.” I meant to say, “I consumed it.”
A judge and jury may convict me of lying. Did I? Given the circumstances, you be the judge. And I refer my judgment to God. I don’t mind telling my dear old Mom that I put the cheese in the fire; but that would cause her to feel bad, would make her angry unnecessarily; and would not do any good, in my viewpoint.
Well, it is an interesting life. Never a dull moment. But I want to be on God’s side of the question every time. Do you find yourself in perplexing situations sometimes? (MB 101)
God bless all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.
“They that are abiding in Jesus have the assurance that God will hear them, because they love to do His will. They offer no formal, wordy prayer, but come to God in earnest, humble confidence as a child to a tender father and pour out the story of their grief and fears and sins, and in the name of Jesus present their wants; they depart from His presence rejoicing in the assurance of pardoning love and sustaining grace.” OHC, May 21.
Kathleen Ross, Alberta, Canada