Cease to Do Evil, Learn to Do Well…
What a learning experience it is! And what do we do when we do well? God does not leave us in the dark. He says, “Seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.”
What does all that mean in everyday experience?
Are we doing it?
Am I doing it?
“Seek judgment.” How?—Learn the truth about issues.
“Relieve the oppressed.” Who are the oppressed?—Wherever and under whatever circumstances, whoever is being oppressed, we are to relieve.
That can hardly leave us being neutral in society.
And what are people being oppressed by?—Sin is the biggest oppressor. Some of those who seem to be oppressed by their fellow man could get free if they were willing to break away from sin.
But how many are willing to do that? How many are willing captives to sin? And of course the question must always come home to my private heart. Am I willing to search out and decidedly put away all that the Spirit of God reveals, however painful and difficult that may be, or seem to be.
“Judge the fatherless.” Who are more fatherless than those who do not know our loving God as a tender Father. A Muslim “high caste” woman in India had an experience with God and she wrote about it in a book called, “I Dared to Call Him Father”. Until she realized that God was like her father whom she loved, she had not much interest in Him. He was a stern, far-away Master. (See Hosea)
“Plead for the widow.” Who are more widowed than those who feel God is dead, or has no interest in them.
Until Christ throws down the censer, may he help us to pray and work as never before for the oppressed, fatherless, widowed souls of this world. Otherwise, because iniquity does abound, our love will grow cold.
Kathleen Ross,
Alberta, Canada