Asleep in Jesus
On November 1, 2001 our dear Sister Elise Luoranen passed away from this life peacefully during her sleep. For five years she was fighting cancer and for a while she thought that she had been cured from it by operation, chemotherapy and other treatments, but then one year ago it surfaced again in her body, and finally she succumbed to the disease.
She was born on the 27th of June, J948 in Tampere, Finlarid. “At the age of 15 she came: to Canada and a year later she was baptized into the church. Later she moved to northern Canada where she was teaching the native Indians. She finished her University education and also attended Teacher’s College. This qualified her to teach and also to work as a Registered Nurse in the hospital. All her life she worked hard.
She continued her teaching and the nursing career to the very end while being more sick than the patients for whom she worked.
Knowing that she would not live very long she made all the preparations in her final days, confessing her sins, asking forgiveness and preaching the word of God to all’ who came to see her, including the doctors and nurses. While her body was wasting away, her mind was clear to
the end.
Beside her death bed a note was found on which she had written, “If I am unconscious, please don’t try to wake me up if don’t wake up on my own.” She said that she had made peace with God and was not afraid to die.
She is survived by her 19 year old son, Adam. Her wish was to see her son again at the coming of the Lord. We all have this blessed hope to see our sister, Elise again at the resurrection morning which hope will bring comfort to her sorrowing relatives and friends.