This article is taken from the Review & Herald

If we would  labor  to  repress  sinful thoughts  and feelings,  giving  them  no expression  in words or actions,  Satan would be defeated.    [Mar 22, 1887].

We talk too much about the power of Satan. It is true that Satan is a powerful being; but I thank God for the mighty Saviour who cast the evil one from heaven…  Why not talk of Jesus? Why not think of His power and His love. Satan is pleased to have us magnify his power.  Hold up Jesus, meditate upon Him, and by beholding, you will become changed into His image.     [Mar 19, 1889]

If Satan can succeed in leading man to place value upon his own works as works of merit and righteousness, he knows that he can overcome him by his temptations and make him his victim and prey.   [Sept.  3, 1889].

From  the light  that  God  has given  me, I know  that  there  might  have  been  twenty-fold more  accomplished   than  has  been  accomplished,  if  the  workers  had  sought   God  for strength  and support  instead of depending so much upon man.    [June 18, 1889].

When  it becomes the  habit  of the  soul  to  converse  with  God  the  Power  of  the  evil is broken; for Satan cannot abide near the soul that draws nigh unto God.    [Dec 3, 1889].

The request “will you pray for me?” has become simply a form of speech; you should pray to God for yourself, believing that He listens to every word you utter.    [Aug.  26, 1890].

If you will find voice and time to pray, God will find time and voice to answer.     [April 1, 1890].

Prayer in secret, prayer while the hands are engaged in labor, prayer while walking by the way, and prayer in the night season, the hearts desires ever ascending to God.  -This is our only safety in this manner Enoch walked with God.    [Nov. 8, 1889].

Just  as soon  as there  is diligent    study  of the Bible,  we shall  not  fail to  note  a marked difference in the character  of the people of God.    [April 9, 1889].

When you open the Bible, if you are transgressing the law of God, it will seem that all the threatening of wrath are for your case.    [Mar. 19, 1889].

The example of an energetic person is far-reaching; he has an electric power over others. He meets obstacles in his work; but he has the push in him, and instead of allowing his way to be hedged up, he breaks down every barrier   [April 6, 1886].

It is not the greatness of the effort but the unconquerable persistence that wins.   [Oct. 14, 1884].

Come into harmony with your brethren. Speak well of them. Throw out no unfavorable runts, no suggestions that will awaken distrust in the minds of others… Some pride themselves on being outspoken, blunt, and rough, and they call this frankness; but it is not rightly named, it is selfishness of the deepest dye.    [April 29, 1884].

They are always dissatisfied. Their work is too hard, they are not appreciated, or they do not receive sufficient compensation.  If anything crosses their track they draw back like pettish children, forgetting that as Christ’s servants they should not be affected by the course of my man. This savors of Satan, and those who manifest it are in every sense under his control.   [Nov. 20, 1884].

You should not encourage a feeling of sympathy and pity for yourself. We must bear this part continually that “the hand of Jesus reaches over every one of His sincere followers, and every blow that is aimed at you to injure you, wounds the hand of Jesus that covers you    [March 29, 1887].

There are many who claim that the Lord is their source of strength; and yet as soon as trials come upon them, instead of seeking the Lord in prayer, they go to some poor, fallible mortal like themselves, for sympathy and counsel.  They are making flesh their arm, and as certainly as they do this, they will become weak.  [April 16, 1889].

To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few, – this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason.  (Jan. 11, 1887].

By Ellen White