Messenger 2018

Children’s Corner – Keeping Your Word

“Hello Annie, how are you?” “Hello Pastor, I’m good, thank you,” Annie answered as she shook the Pastor’s hand at the end of the service. It was a custom to shake everyone’s hands after the second service. “I heard you have been taking violin lessons, how has that been going?” “Very good, Pastor, I have [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:38:25-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Children’s Corner – Keeping Your Word

Health Matters: How to Solve the Global Burden of Obesity

And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.” Proverbs 23:2 "Neither can they please God if they bring sickness upon themselves by the disregard of nature's laws.” –Child Guidance, p. 105 Obesity is defined as a chronic and often progressive condition, with many negative impacts on one’s health. It [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:36:59-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Health Matters: How to Solve the Global Burden of Obesity

The Love of God

“God is love.” 1 John 4:16. Everyone who belongs to a Christian religion knows this Bible text. But afterwards, other questions come up, “Does true love exist, and what is love? Is love a feeling?” Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:14, “For the love of Christ constraineth us.” Love is revealed in actions. When we [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:35:32-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on The Love of God

Goodloe Harper Bell

Goodloe Harper Bell was born on April 7, 1832, just 12 years prior to the Great Disappointment in 1844, although he was not associated with the Adventist believers at the time. He was the eldest of 12 children. “At the age of nineteen he entered upon his chosen lifework,—that of teaching,—which he followed in a [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:34:27-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Goodloe Harper Bell

Is It Yours? – Part 4

Your talents—gift for God’s service in your hands This is a short question, but requires a long answer. . . why? Because the pronoun “It” can refer to many different things. In the previous issues of the Reformation Messenger,  (November 2017, December 2017 and February 2018) this same question was asked and was answered. If [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:33:08-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Is It Yours? – Part 4

Our Cross

What is the attraction in the cross? Why do some people love the cross? Why is it that every true child of God has a cross to carry? The answer is, the cross is where our Saviour, our Creator, gave His life for our redemption. That is where the burden of our sin will roll [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:31:48-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Our Cross

Do You Know?

And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.” John 17:3 Do you know who Donald Trump is? But, do you know him? Do you know the political leaders in your own country? But, do you know them? Do you know the names of [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:30:56-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Do You Know?


And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire.” Revelation 10:1 THE COVENANT OF PROMISE “The rainbow spanning the heavens with its arch of light is a [...]

By |2018-03-23T01:29:24-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Rainbow

Children’s Corner: Resist the Devil

Barbara was a good girl. She tried to keep the right kinds of friends, and together they tried to stay away from things they knew their parents and teachers would not approve of. Most of her friends were from the church so they listened closely to the sermons, the Sabbath school lessons, and other instructions [...]

By |2018-02-23T20:16:49-05:00February 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Children’s Corner: Resist the Devil

Health Matters: Health Effects of Obesity – Part 3

“And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.” Proverbs 23:2 Understanding how and why obesity develops is incomplete, but studies show it involves a combination of social, behavioural, cultural, physiological, metabolic and genetic factors. What we do know is that obesity has a significant impact on the person [...]

By |2018-02-23T20:15:38-05:00February 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Health Matters: Health Effects of Obesity – Part 3
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