Jesus’ solemn appeal to the last church, longing to reach each heart.
Wake up, Laodicea slugglish, or soon be doomed to perish!
Sleep on in your complacency, be deaf to Heaven’s ardent plea.
Get on your feet, arouse from slumber, why would you be among the number–
Be spewed out of the mouth–of Him who speaks to you–the Witness fair and true?
Because you say: I have, am rich, need nothing,
I am content and am at ease–but cease to see your wretchedness,
poor blind, miserable nakedness!
O Yes, this truly is your state, for Jesus gives this estimate, and judged you thus.
But grace divine offers counsel to amend your ways.
My judgment will be carried out, if you do not yield, give up your proud
Self-sufficient state of mind–that plainly proves how very blind
Through lukewarmness you have become,
Depraved of love with which at first you have begun!
Do not point the finger to the fault of others, you have no right to judge your brothers,
But rather seek to counsel, pray and show compassion,
Love, restoring dignity, for this is true Christianity.
I am the Lord–I know the hearts–and yours, I am the Judge, this is MY part!
Those I love rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore, hasten
To repent and search your heart, who thought to be so smart.
That this shameful lukewarmness, be transformed to righteousness.
Buy My gold–not that of weight. It is the priceless gold of faith,
Of nobler value than the worth of all the treasures in the world.
Take my eyesalve that you see indeed your dire need of help from Me,
who only is your Remedy!
Jesus makes it very clear, heed His words and hear: Oh, My child, I speak to you,
My rebuke—it is so true!
I cannot save you, plead your case before My Father, when you not feel the burden
of your sins, but rather cherish, covet worldly idols, pleasures,
Boast in Bible knowledge but forget what is most precious,
A character endowed with virtues, meekness, pity, love, humility,
a spirit void of pride and vanity.
Your zeal is not for Me but for own ambition, it is corrupt, for selfishness
has tainted what formerly was sheer devotion.
You have no concept of the grave and dreadful peril, that soon awaits you–
continue thus–you will be ending up in hell!
I have to speak such words, so stern, severe, to shock you, stir,
For I cannot, will not let you go. –Your sins, how they weary Me, My heart it aches,
My wounds still bleed, My soul it grieves, how deep the pain.
Was all My sacrifice for you in vain?
Did I resurrect for you in vain, ascending to the Father for you to gain
Perfect acceptance through My name?
As your High Priest to intervene before the Law,
Does not this make you be in awe, by forgiving, pardon your transgressions,
When you with broken-hearted, sore confessions, you come to Me in deep contrition?
I long for you, I yearn for you, how I desire you, you are the apple of Mine eye,
My most choice, beloved jewel too!
I gave you all and suffered all that you might live.
Will you not come to Me and give yourself with all your sins and wretched nakedness,
That I may wash you, cleanse unrighteousness, put on you my own Righteousness?
Strive to overcome and be victorious, the end result–it will be glorious.
My law I write then in your heart, thus with love obey Me; make you take part
In My blessings to transform, pour on you My Spirit–For I envision
To use you in the solemn mission the last church is waiting for:
Once more shaking to the core, all churches in their message of false peace,
That I may save them and release the true and humble souls deceived,
The wine of Babylon so terribly achieved.
You shall be My tool, to give The Loud Cry with power from on high,
to tell the world My coming nigh.
Open your door, O let Me in, how long must I still wait?
The night is on–it is so late!
I yearn to sup with you, to shower you with love and grace and joy divine,
for eternally you will be Mine.
And share My throne and reign with Me as I have promised–through eternity! Amen.

Edda Tedford, Canada


NOTE: Please read the chapters in Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1,
185–195 (The Laodicean Church);
164–168 (Church Trials)