Home Ministry – The Influence of home life

“God designs the family to be a symbol of the great family in heaven.” “In the home is laid the foundation for the prosperity of the church.” Therefore, properly conducted home duties are a preparation to labour in the church, and beyond that, to the world. Selah. (Pause, think about it!)

The way we act and react in our every day home-life will be the way we act and react when brought into like circumstances in the church or in the world. Moreover, we cannot hide anything from God. Every thought and motive is all precisely recorded in the books of heaven. Therefore, our daily work is very important as a training for more important duties, and even for heaven itself. The home is a very important place, although we sometimes
don’t think so. Therefore our human tendency, I think and know by experience, is to be in a rush to get through with these mundane tasks, and on to SOMETHING IMPORTANT! Something GREAT and WORTHWHILE. Overlooking the IMPORTANT, GREAT and WORTHWHILE duties I’m tripping over in my haste, or stepping around, or walking on.

“Eve had been perfectly happy by her husband’s side in her Eden home; but, like restless modern Eves, she was flattered with the hope of entering a higher sphere than that which God had assigned her. In attempting to rise above her original position, she fell far below it. A similar result will be reached by all who are unwilling to take up cheerfully their life duties in accordance with God’s plan. In their efforts to reach positions for which He has not fitted them, many are leaving vacant the place where they might be a blessing. In their desire for a higher sphere, many have sacrificed true womanly dignity and nobility of character, and have left undone the very work that heaven appointed them.” PP 59.

The home is a very important place; moreover, it is a sacred place. It is a sanctuary, a refuge from the world. A quiet place undisturbed by anger, worry or fear. A restful place. The inmates should all treat each other kindly and gently, wisely and tenderly. The sunshine of God’s love should be invited in. Cheerfulness should be allowed to pervade the atmosphere. Provision has been made that divine grace will co-operate with every effort to imitate Christ,
however feeble the attempt, or seemingly futile. Persistent, attentive, and energetic application to the task of character refinement will be rewarded. Since we are fallen, sinful people living in a fallen, sinful world, we are bound to encounter – not perfection in one another; but, perhaps unaccountable quirks, or unlooked for reactions. We must be prepared for the unexpected. We must keep our equilibrium. Equilibrium – any condition in which all acting influences are cancelled by others resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system. (even balance)

And when we fail, we must remember, “HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER.” Try again. To those who receive Him, Christ gives power to become the sons of God. Jesus is to be looked to, thought of, lifted up. When He lives in our hearts, all will be changed, joyful. All needs will be supplied. “The right principles followed daily, hourly, in the home, bring Jesus very near.”

“If you keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.” John 15:10.

“He that has My commandments and keeps them, he it is that loves Me: and he that loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him.” John 14: 21. These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” John 15:11.

Kathleen Ross, Alberta, Canada