What Happend to Gideon’s Army?

When Gideon was called by God to deliver the Israelites from the cruelty of the Midianites, he was hesitant at first. After receiving assurance from God that He would be with him in the battle, Gideon called for the men of Israel to join the army to drive out the raiders. Sadly, only 32,000 men heeded the call, to face the vast army of Midian with over 100,000 soldiers. What was Gideon’s army in comparison? From a worldly viewpoint, the Israelites had little hope for success, however God had a plan in mind. The Lord appeared to Gideon and told him, “The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me.” Judges 7:2

I’m sure Gideon was surprised to hear the Lord say this. He thought his army was far too small in the first place, and here the Lord is telling him it is too large. So a test was given by the Lord, “Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early from mount Gilead.” Judges 7:3

“Those who were unwilling to face danger and hardships, or whose worldly interests would draw their hearts from the work of God, would add no strength to the armies of Israel. Their presence would prove only a cause of weakness.” PP 548

God has no place in His work for cowards.
Gideon was supposed to make this announcement prior to going to fight the Midianites. “It had been made a law in Israel that before they went to battle the following proclamation should be made throughout the army: ‘What man is there that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest he died in the battle, and another man dedicate it. And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not yet eaten of it? let him also go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man eat of it. And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her? let him go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man take her.’ And the officers were to speak further to the people, saying, ‘What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren’s heart faint as well as his heart.’ Deuteronomy 20:5-8.” PP 548

But Gideon had neglected his duty. “Because his numbers were so few compared with those of the enemy, Gideon had refrained from making the usual proclamation. He was filled with astonishment at the declaration that his army was too large. But the Lord saw the pride and unbelief existing in the hearts of His people. Aroused by the stirring appeals of Gideon, they had readily enlisted; but many were filled with fear when they saw the multitudes of the Midianites. Yet, had Israel triumphed, those very ones would have taken the glory to themselves instead of ascribing the victory to God.” PP 549

However, when Gideon obeyed the Lord’s direction, with a heavy heart he saw 22,000 or more than two thirds of his entire force, depart for their homes, leaving him with only 10,000 men.

But the Lord was still not satisfied – He sent another test. “The people are yet too many” the Lord told Gideon. This time God did the separating. The first test saw men making a decision to leave, this time they were asked to leave. Gideon was instructed to send them to the water for a drink. “A few hastily took a little water in the hand and sucked it up as they went on; but nearly all bowed upon their knees, and leisurely drank from the surface of the stream. Those who took of the water in their hands were but three hundred out of ten thousand; yet these were selected; all the rest were permitted to return to their homes.” PP 549

“By the simplest means character is often tested. Those who in time of peril were intent upon supplying their own wants were not the men to be trusted in an emergency. The Lord has no place in His work for the indolent and self-indulgent. The men of His choice were the few who would not permit their own wants to delay them in the discharge of duty. The three hundred chosen men not only possessed courage and self-control, but they were men of faith. They had not defiled themselves with idolatry. God could direct them, and through them He could work deliverance for Israel. Success does not depend upon numbers. God can deliver by few as well as by many. He is honoured not so much by the great numbers as by the character of those who serve Him.” PP 549

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” Zech 4:6.

Gideon’s army won a mighty victory.
Gideon’s army was mightily shaken. Less than 1% remained. There have been many shakings in the history of God’s church. In the time of Noah, the percentage remaining was even smaller. Many times people choose to leave the truth and God’s church, but sometimes they are asked to leave due to their sinful lifestyle that they hold on to or false doctrines they are teaching.


“Men of stamina are wanted, men who will not wait to have their way smoothed and every obstacle removed, men who will inspire with fresh zeal the flagging efforts of dispirited workers, men whose hearts are warm with Christian love and whose hands are strong to do their Master’s work.

“Some who engage in missionary service are weak, nerveless, spiritless, easily discouraged. They lack push. They have not those positive traits of character that give power to do something–the spirit and energy that kindle enthusiasm. Those who would win success must be courageous and hopeful. They should cultivate not only the passive but the active virtues. While they are to give the soft answer that turns away wrath, they must possess the courage of a hero to resist evil. With the charity that endures all things, they need the force of character that will make their influence a positive power.

“Some have no firmness of character. Their plans and purposes have no definite form and consistency. They are of but little practical use in the world. This weakness, indecision, and inefficiency should be overcome. There is in true Christian character an indomitableness that cannot be moulded or subdued by adverse circumstances. We must have moral backbone, an integrity that cannot be flattered, bribed, or terrified.” MH 497/498


Many people have left God’s church (the Lord’s army) throughout history. We still see people leaving today and they always have their excuses, which they have convinced themselves are plausible. They range from “obtaining new light” to “being offended by a brother”, assuring themselves that surely this cannot be God’s church if there are these kinds of people in the church.

If they can’t think of a reason, they try to invent a new one. Why would people want to leave God’s church? For the very same reasons that Gideon’s army was reduced. Whatever excuse they offer, there are two underlying reasons, the first one is fear and the second one is a sinful indolent, self-indulgent, lifestyle. They will often not admit that this is the reason so they make up an excuse to safe face.

Sometimes people leave suddenly, unexpectedly, however their departure was a long slow process of separation from Christ, which eventually ended up in their separation from God’s church.

“Many a star that we have admired for its brilliance will then go out in darkness. Those who have assumed the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ’s righteousness, will then appear in the shame of their own nakedness.” PK 188

In the time of Jesus, we see many unable to grasp the truths He brought. Not that it was an impossibility for them to understand. The hardness of their hearts kept the truth out. It could not penetrate a heart of stone. “Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” John 6:60

“Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” Will you leave also? John 6:67-69.They chose not to leave. Jesus was left with only 12 sincere followers.

“This was one of the times of purging. By the words of truth, the chaff was being separated from the wheat. Because they were too vain and self-righteous to receive reproof, too world-loving to accept a life of humility, many turned away from Jesus. “Many are still doing the same thing. Souls are tested today as were those disciples in the synagogue at Capernaum. When truth is brought home to the heart, they see that their lives are not in accordance with the will of God. They see the need of an entire change in themselves; but they are not willing to take up the self-denying work. Therefore they are angry when their sins are discovered. They go away offended, even as the disciples left Jesus, murmuring, ‘This is an hard saying; who can hear it?’

“Praise and flattery would be pleasing to their ears; but the truth is unwelcome; they cannot hear it. When the crowds follow, and the multitudes are fed, and the shouts of triumph are heard, their voices are loud in praise; but when the searching of God’s Spirit reveals their sin, and bids them leave it, they turn their backs upon the truth, and walk no more with Jesus.” DA 392

There are two ways of separation – those that leave by their own volition, and those who are asked to leave.


Those who leave God’s church on their own volition are represented by the fearful in the time of Gideon.
To be fearful is cowardly, so the fearful look for another excuse to give them reason to depart without appearing cowardly.

People fear the truth for various reasons. First of all, unless you have a connection with Christ, the prophecies concerning the final events on this earth’s history can appear rather daunting. With the passing of the Sunday Law and Death Decree – the entire world will be against God’s chosen few. Who will be able to stand? Not the fearful. Many will have turned back from the faith due to fear.

Another reason for fear is the fear of losing material possessions. Perhaps you have a well-paying job that requires you to break the commandments by dishonest work practices, or other means? Some are too fearful to give up their job, not having the faith to believe that God will provide them another job. The new job may not be as well paid, but God has promised that He will sustain us and provide adequate food and shelter for us.

Those fearful of losing material possessions end up making various excuses such as, marriage, land purchase, etc. We see these excuses in the parable of the great supper. (Luke 14:16-24). Are these excuses the result of fear? Yes, they fear losing their wife, or fear concerning the land or the oxen. When fear of losing material possessions takes hold of a person, they put those material possessions before God. If a person had no worries about their material possessions, they would trust them to God, and willingly respond to the call Jesus makes them.

There are many others fears, such as losing friends or popularity.
Or perhaps a threat from a spouse that unless you give up the faith, they will leave you. There have been cases in the past when this has happened, but the Lord has provided for the faithful spouse in marvellous ways. Jesus promised, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Heb. 13:5

Then there is the fear that they will lose out on some “fun” in life while they are yet young. They don’t want to miss out on the good times.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36

They don’t have the faith to believe in Eternity. They cannot give up the things of this world – the price is too high.
Or then finally, they fear of what God may ask of them. They fear that they will have to give up the things they love. The food they love, the dress they love, and the music they love. They don’t want to know what God’s ultimate will is, so they choose to remain ignorant, or then leave the church through fear.

The way appears too difficult and they fear they cannot make it so they give up.


The second way for separation… when does God separate people from the church?

There will be times when the Lord asks people to leave, just as Gideon asked some soldiers to leave his army. It was the indolent and self-indulgent that were asked by Gideon to leave. It is commonly taught in the Christian world that you do not have to give up sin fully in order to receive salvation. The Ten Commandments are impossible to keep, so don’t even try. Unfortunately the churches accept such teachings, and this is why they are considered Babylon. There is always danger that these types of ideas will creep into God’s church. Yes, all believers accept the letter of the law as written, however the spirit of the law goes much deeper into the human heart. As the heart is yielded to Christ He will cleanse and purge it from all selfishness and sin. There will always be those who are only half-committed; those who do not fully turn their backs on the ways of the world. They live on the edges of the truth – acknowledging that it is the correct way to live, but not fully accepting Christ into their lives to change their entire lifestyle. They hang on to some secret sins. These people will be found out and, as in the parable of the wheat and tares, the Lord will do the separating.

Just as He separated the half-committed ones in the time of Gideon, He will also separate the tares in His time. Unless we are battling upstream, against the current of this world, we are being swept down by drifting further and further away from Christ and eternal life.

“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Mat. 7:20-23

These people wanted to remain with God’s church, but they were told to leave. The Lord never knew them.
The five foolish virgins came later and were told, “the door was shut.” They cried, “saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.” Mat. 25:10-12.

“Many are drifting about without knowledge, like a ship at sea without compass or anchor; and what is more, they are not interested to learn.” CH 38

“And many who bear the name of Christ’s followers are, through pride of heart, seeking popularity, and are drifting away from the established landmarks. The plain commands of God in His Word are discarded because they are so plain and old-fashioned, while vain and vague theories attract the mind and please the fancy.” Confrontation 68.

Jesus also separates those who teach false doctrines. “Many know so little about their Bibles that they are unsettled in the faith. They remove the old landmarks, and fallacies and winds of doctrine blow them hither and thither. Science, falsely so-called, is wearing away the foundation of Christian principle; and those who once were in the faith drift away from the Bible landmarks, and divorce themselves from God, while still claiming to be His children.–RH 12-29-96.” Ev 362

“Lucifer himself did not at first see whither he was drifting; he did not understand the real nature of his feelings.” GC 496 Lucifer finally was cast out of heaven, although he would have liked to stay, but God would not permit him to stay and continue in his current lifestyle.

“The lives of many show that they have no living connection with God. They are drifting into the channel of the world. They have, in reality, no part or lot with Christ. They love amusement and are filled with selfish ideas, plans, hopes, and ambitions. They serve the enemy under the pretence of serving God. They are in bondage to a taskmaster, and this bondage they choose, making themselves willing slaves of Satan.” 5T 540. Just like their slave-master, Satan, they will eventually be cast out from God’s presence unless they choose to change masters. “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Rom. 6:16.

“Christ has plainly taught that those who persist in open sin must be separated from the church.” COL 71.

Perhaps people don’t leave the church, but they don’t take an active interest in the meetings and activities. When there is a duty to be done for the church, whether missionary work, or maintenance, just watch what kind of excuses people come up with. Some are fearful of missionary work, some have too many of their own business activities to take care of, and so there is no time for the Lord’s business.

Both of these reasons – fearfulness and no time, are rooted in selfishness. Think of your standing before God. Don’t you trust Him to be with you? Don’t you have time for Him? Seek the Lord first. If you put His interests first, He will give you priority in return.

What if God didn’t have time for you? Perhaps He is too busy with the rest of the universe to trouble with a few small people on this planet in rebellion. Are we too worried about our things to be concerned with Him and the work He is doing for us? Do we have nothing to give in return for His great love towards us?

If we don’t put our interests in subordination to God’s interests, the simple fact is that we will not be saved when Jesus comes. Those who remained in Gideon’s army had courage (no fear), self-control (temperance – health reform), faith (God WILL deliver), and no connection with idolatry (all worldly affairs of this life are subordinate to God’s will). (PP549)

As we are rapidly reaching the end of this earth’s history, God is shaking His church. A mighty shaking is prophesied. Those that are half-committed will either leave on their own (resign) or they will be asked to leave (disfellowshipped). One way or another, God will have a pure church when the Latter Rain is poured out. My prayer is that each one of you will receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit when the Latter Rain does come. There are some who will not be ready, “Only those who are living up to the light they have will receive greater light. Unless we are daily advancing in the exemplification of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognize the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern or receive it.” TM 507

“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 25:13.

May God help us not to be of the class who are drifting into eternal death or fearful, refusing to trust in God, choosing rather to trust the things of this world. “Consider your ways”, are you connected with Jesus so that you can endure unto the end to receive a crown of Glory?

Wendy Eaton, Australia