How Antioxydans Measure Up

Antioxidants are a class of chemicals that quash the damage that natural oxidants can cause in the body.

Studies over the past several years have linked cellular damage from the unremitting onslaught of oxidants to many
affl ictions of aging: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and the development of artery-clogging plaque.

People cannot avoid oxidizing chemicals, formally called free radicals. We inhale them in polluted air, especially during
heavy smog days. And the body naturally unleashes free radicals as one means of removing aging or sick cells and of killing invaders, like bacteria.

In young and healthy individuals, the body also unleashes its own antioxidants to stop free radial chain reaction from getting out of hand. But as people age, the effi ciency of that internal antioxidant production system declines and the body needs help.

Toronto Star, Friday, July 22, 2004