In ancient times, there were many queens who were ruling many countries, like England, India and Persia. But coming to Queen Esther she was a well recognized, devoted and a dedicated queen in her day. There is no doubt about her beauty; she was also very brave and intelligent.
The events in the book of Esther which took place in the winter residence of the Persian Emperor, center around a Jewish heroine, Esther, who by her great courage and devotion to her people saved them from being exterminated by her enemies. How? She did not believe in military power, but she conquered the difficult situation by fasting and prayer. She did not eat or drink anything for three days and nights with her female servants. What an intelligent queen.
Esther came from an ordinary family background to the life at the royal palace. She was a devout worshipper of the living God, she always obeyed Him and also took instruction from her Uncle Mordecai. She reserved time for spiritual matters continually and God opened her heart wide to pay attention to the things being spoken by Mordecai. Perhaps, her household was composed of good servants. In any case, Esther zealously shared the things she had learned with those who worked under her and what a joy she must have had when she lived and embraced the true faith.
Queen Esther was concerned about being faithful and humble to God, her king, her people and her Uncle Mordecai. Her offering of hospitality was an evidence of her faith. What an excellent example. Her palace life was very spiritual and it is logical to think that her palace continued to be a center of spiritual activity in the city. If we will put our confidence in God like Esther did, He will reveal to us His will.
The tremendous courage shown by Queen Esther proved to be a characteristic of the whole reform congregation. In our day, our living God is expecting more Esther’s in His remnant church.
The Scriptures do not reveal what happened to Esther after the events narrated in the book of Esther 10, but the brief mention of this dynamic woman makes us want to “follow the course of spirituality”. Rom. 12:21. “Do not be overcome by evil, but conquer evil with good.”
How thankful we are to have a Christian like Queen Esther in our midst. Her spirit does much to make our reform congregation warm and friendly, to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. To be great in God’s kingdom is to be as a little child in humility, in simplicity of faith and purity of obedience like Esther.
Xavior Chelliah