“One thing thou lakest”

Can it be that the one thing we are lacking can take our salvation away? The rich young man to whom Jesus spoke these words had kept the commandments from his youth. Yet he felt that something was lacking. Therefore he came to Jesus with the question, “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Luke 18:18 The answer Jesus gave did not please him because it touched his idol, the things he loved.

Satan is pleased when a professed Christian holds on to one idol, or to one sin that he has not yet overcome and put away. We speak in the church much about righteousness which we must have. Yet many, after years in the church have not gained the perfect righteousness of Christ. The reason for it is not in God but in us. Something we have not yet sacrificed on the altar and because of this neglect we are often like this rich young man, lacking the perfect righteousness of Christ.

It was one sin that drove Adam and Eve away from paradise. And we by holding on to one sin cannot enter in. “Our righteousness is found in obedience to God’s law through the merits of Jesus Christ. We cannot afford to offend in one point, for if we do, we are pronounced guilty of all; that is, we are recorded in heaven as transgressors, as disobedient children, unthankful, unholy, who choose the depravity of Satan rather than the purity of Christ. An infinite sacrifice has been made that the moral image of God may be restored to man, through willing obedience to all the commandments of God. Exceeding great is our salvation, for ample provision has been made through the righteousness of Christ, that we may be pure, entire, wanting nothing.” Review & Herald Feb. 4, 1890

The one sin in our life doesn’t need to be a great disobedience. Small sinful indulgences in eating and drinking will constitute a sin that will separate us from God, especially if we do it with knowledge.

Small neglected duties can do the same. The rich young man did not ask what sins he must stop doing to inherit eternal life, but he asked what good he must do. Wasting precious time can be the sin that will make us guilty of all. Watching worldly programs on television is a sin that some have not overcome yet. Even sinful thoughts can destroy our salvation.

Jesus said, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” Luke 16:10
When we think of the smallest requirements in the word of God; often we pay very little attention to them. We tend to think that these small sins we can overcome anytime quickly and be perfect. But when the great tests do come upon us, all will fail who did not overcome the smallest sins, the smallest indulgences.

“These may seem to be little things, unworthy of notice, but the seed thus scattered brings forth a sure harvest. It is these little sins, so common that they are often unnoticed, that Satan uses in his service.” B.C. 6 page 1080

“It is one of Satan’s most successful devices, to lead men to the commission of little sins, to blind the mind of the danger of little indulgences, little digressions from the plainly stated requirements of God. Many who would shrink with horror from some great transgression, are led to look upon sin in little matters as of trifling consequence.

But these little sins eat out the life of godliness in the souls.” B.C. 2 p. 1017
It is not possible to live a life with one wrong practice or with one sin. One sin leads into another, and unless it is overcome and put away, the result will be a multitude of sins.

“We need to guard against the first deviation from righteousness; for one transgression, one neglect to manifest the spirit of Christ, opens the way for another and still another until the mind is overmastered by the principles of the enemy.” Test. Vol. 6 p 264

“A moment’s carelessness may plunge a soul into irretrievable ruin. One sin leads to the second, and the second prepares the way for the third and so on…. If we swerve a single inch from duty, we are in danger of following on in a course of sin that will end in perdition.” Test. Vol. 5 p. 540

“Those who venture to indulge in a known sin will be more readily overcome the second time. The first transgression opens the door to the tempter, and he gradually breaks down all resistance and takes full possession of the citadel of the soul.” BC 2. p. 997

We are to watch carefully for the little sins. The little beginnings will lead Christians to greater sins and separate them from God. Even one wrong practice or one neglected duty can set us in the downward path, which will end in perdition.

Satan may not tempt you to kill a person, but he will tempt you to dislike someone. He may not tempt you to rob a bank but he will tempt you to be unfaithful in tithes and offerings.

He may not tempt you to commit adultery but he will tempt you to indulge in sensual thoughts.
He knows that one little sin will lead us to greater sins.

Let us watch and pray that we will not lack even one thing but be faithful in all points with the help of God.

Timo Martin