“Some who are numbered among merchant princes will take their position to obey the truth. God’s eye has been upon such as they have acted according to the light they have had, maintaining their integrity. Cornelius, a man of high position, maintained his religious experience, strictly walking in accordance with the light he had received. – God had His eye upon him, and he sent His angel with a message to him. The heavenly messenger passed by the self-righteous ones, and came to Cornelius, and called him by name. And he said, ‘ ‘What is it, Lord?’ And he said unto him, ‘Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.’ Then instruction was given to him as to what he should do to receive greater knowledge. He was to become acquainted with the disciples of Christ.
“This record is made for the special benefit of those who are living in these last days. Many who have had great light have not appreciated and improved it as it was their privilege to do. They have not practiced the truth. And because of this the Lord will bring in those who have lived up to all the light they have had. Those who have been privileged with opportunities to understand the truth, and who have not obeyed its principles, will be swayed by Satan’s temptations for self-advancement. They will deny the principles of truth in practice and bring reproach upon the cause of God. Christ declares that He will spew these out of His mouth, and leave them to follow their own course of actions to distinguish themselves. This course of action does indeed make them prominent as men that are unfaithful householders. The Lord will give His message to those who have walked in accordance with the light they have had, and will recognize them as true and faithful, according to the measurement of God. These men will take the place of those who having light and knowledge, have walked not in the way of the Lord, but in the imagination of their own unsanctified hearts.
“We are now living in the last days, when the truth must be spoken; when in reproof and warning it must be given to the world, irrespective of consequences. If there are some who will become offended and turn from the truth, we must bear in mind that there were those who did the same in Christ’s day. When the greatest Teacher the world has ever known spike the truth, many of His disciples became offended and walked no more with Him.
“But truth will bear away the victory. Those who will maintain the truth, irrespective of consequences, will offend some whose hearts are not in harmony with the truth as it is in Jesus. These persons cherish theories of their own which are not the truth. The truth does not harmonize with their sentiments: and rather than give up their own ideas, they walk away from those who obey the truth. But there are men who will receive the truth, and these will take the places made vacant by those who become offended and leave the truth.
“Christ declared, “They went out from us, but they were not of us.” Men of true Christian principle will take their place, and will become faithful, trustworthy householders, to advocate the word of God in it’s true bearings, and in its simplicity. The Lord will work so that the disaffected ones will be separated from the true and loyal ones. Those who, like Cornelius, will fear God and glorify Him, will take their places. The ranks will not be diminished. Those who are firm and true will close up the vacancies that are made by those who become offended and apostatize.”
“The Necessity of a Close Walk With God.” E.G. White. August 11, 1898.