For several years now, Sister Raquel Sosa, here in Canada has told me that her mother has invited me to visit her in Argentina. Each year I went somewhere else, but this year I decided to take her up on her offer.
I had spoken to Sister Susanna a few times by telephone, and she was always a very positive person. Sister Raquel always shared with me the missionary experiences of her mother. I was looking forward to meeting her and spending a couple of weeks in her house.
Sister Raquel then asked me if I would host a vegan cooking class, as there are people who are considering becoming vegan, but would like some instruction. I agreed. I asked Raquel, to ask her mother to find some Tofu in their city (Mendoza). Sister Susanna said it does not exist. I was sure it did and told her to continue looking.
I arrived in Argentina on February 21st, 2016 and was warmly greeted by Sister Susanna and her daughter and son-in-law at the airport. We spent a few days in rest and recreation, and then began to prepare for the cooking class. We did find Tofu in two different locations in the city. The plan was to present 13 different recipes in the two hours time that was allotted.
Sunday February 28 was the planned date, at 5:30 p.m. Since it was to be held in the courtyard of the church in the open air, we needed to be finished by nightfall.
There was much support and interest from the local churches in Mendoza and from as far away as San Juan (3 hours). Present were approximately 60 people with about 10 being visitors. After spending all day in preparation with Sister Susanna and Sister Lillian, we began on time.
Instruction was given on the harmful effects of dairy products. In 1902 Sister White wrote, “Let the diet reform be progressive. Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of milk or butter. Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among men. The time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen race, the whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, p. 135. We are now 114 years further on in history after this was written. How soon is soon? I believe the time has come when there is no safety in eating the products from animals any longer and God has provided sufficient foods as alternatives.
Also, instruction was given on combining proteins on a vegan diet (legumes and grains), mentioning that there are several foods that are complete proteins such as soy beans (and Tofu), quinoa and nutritional yeast. Tofu is very versatile and can be used in main dishes such as cooked vegetables and sandwich spreads, as well as desserts
like ice-cream and yogurt. We do not have to eliminate the foods we like, we just need to substitute healthy ingredients, such as carob for chocolate as demonstrated in the Carob Brownies. Even the vegan crepes were enjoyed. Several recipes were demonstrated which combine the proteins well, such as Corn Souffle and Sunflower seed burgers.
Good sources of Calcium were also mentioned, from some nuts, seeds and leafy green vegetables. Unfortunately the soy milk available is not of good quality at the moment, but a recipe for preparing soy milk at home was given.
Several different bread spreads were demonstrated as an alternative to the cheese and tomato sandwiches which many people enjoy. These were hummus, tofu parsley spread and potato vegan cheese. It was shown that Burritos can be enjoyed also having the beans with the vegan cheese being a delicious alternative to dairy cheese.
I was encouraged when speaking with several of the young people who had recently adopted a vegan diet and were very interested in learning more about vegan cooking. I pray that they will continue in their commitment.
The day following the cooking class I was privileged to go and visit the Mission School in Mendoza. This is one of the first mission schools that our church has established. They have an excellent education system with study in the morning and physical work outside for two hours in the afternoon. There are several acres of land well used for growing produce. The school supplies its own fruits and vegetables for the most part and is able to sell much also in support of the school. The students study for a few months and then go out into the Lord’s Vineyard and do practical missionary work for a few months. Many missionaries have been trained in this facility.
On the Sabbaths I was blessed by the wonderful love and kindness shown by the believers.
The final day took me to the local children’s hospital where one of the interested souls in the local church works as a nurse (Margarita). She has been having Bible Studies with Sister Susanna. She asked me to come and see the hospital and pray with some of the children. I was privileged to pray also for several of the staff members who were having their own health and spiritual challenges.
We are to sow beside all waters. There are people everywhere searching for something more than this world has to offer.
I am very thankful that Sister Susanna invited me to visit her. It was a blessing for me also. “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” Proverbs 25:25
Wendy Eaton