Philippines 2013

In the month of February, the Lord opened up the way for my husband and myself to take our vacation to the country of the Philippines. I was looking forward to meeting, in person, my dear friend Jeannie Manago, with home I have been corresponding with for over 30 years. What a blessed time we spent together. The kindness of the Filipino people is difficult to describe. We were made very welcome, not only by Sister Jeannie and her family, but by all the Filipino believers with whom we had the priviliege of fellowshipping with.  We spend two Sabbath in the Philippines. The first Sabbath was in the small village of Tabayoc, in the province of Pangasinan, where Sister Jeannie’s husband, Peter, is working as a minister of the gospel. The second Sabbath we travelled to Angeles City and spend the Sabbath with the believers there.  The kindness and hospitality we experienced by the believers will always be remembered.  The gospel unites believers in a manner than nothing on earth can compare. We met many believers for the first time, and being invited into their homes, we felt we had known them for years and were treated as close friends.   It is my prayer that the Lord will continue to unite His believers around the world and prepare us for the coming of the Latter Rain.  It was with sorrowful hearts that we departed from our dear new-found friends, but look forward to the day when we can spend eternity together again.

Philippines 2013

Philippines 2013