“Organization of Companies Called For. God says, ‘Enter the cities. Give the inhabitants of these cities the call to prepare for the coming of the Lord.’ . . . Many in the cities are still without the light of the gospel message. Those who neglect to sound forth the last message of warning will in the future suffer deep regret. My message is, ‘Let companies be organized to enter the cities. Seek proper locations for holding meetings. Circulate our literature. Make earnest efforts to reach people.’ –Letter 106, 1910.” –Evangelism, p. 96
I greet you, dear brethren, in Christ. By the help of the Lord we were able to hold a successful evangelistic outreach here in London. I want to thank God for this event, and also thank the brethren that came to help us to encourage people to follow Jesus. They came and were been blessed by the Lord as they answered the call. Now, the work ahead of us is to take care and look after those interested people that came to the meetings. Because of this, I ask you to pray for me and the souls that I am working with, that the Lord may grant me wisdom from above and to give me the right words that they are in need of. The names of those new people who joined us are: Jeremiah, Josh, Marlene, Oscar, Damian, Alex, Agnes, and Margi. The Lord bless you richly for the support you give, and the encouragement and the prayers you offer.
In Christ,
Nicholas Anca