The workers’ seminar, 2012 was a time of spiritual, mental and physical encouragement and blessings. We have been blessed by the Lord, studying together and learning from each other. It was a privilege to be able to have Br. Henry Dering with us there at this occasion, studying from the book Evangelism by Ellen G. White, and sharing with us some other skills we need in our missionary work. I believe each one of us felt the blessings the Lord bestowed upon us as we studied, prayed, and shared our personal testimonies. We also want to thank each brother and sister for their support and prayer in order to have this successful seminar. The place rented for this work retreat was a wonderful one, in a beautiful landscape, good accommodations and during a beautiful season; winter for me personally is something that gives me joy and a nice remembrance from my childhood in Romania. I would like, at this time, to thank, in the name of all the workers there, the Canadian Committee for their support and prayers. I strongly encourage our brethren to make possible to have similar meetings each year, because our Lord Jesus wants us to come closer and rededicate our life and talents in His vineyard, gaining new souls for Him.
According to our schedule we started our first class with our dear Brother Elder Hernandez. He presented some skills and principles on how to work with other religious denominations in order to win them for Jesus. He shared with us topics such as: how to study with Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims and Mormons.
Brother Jerry Eaton followed with topics as to how to work with SDA groups and other independent movements. He shared with us some important topics in the light of the Bible and testimonies about “Rebellion and Apostasy.” At the end of his presentation we had a test.
Br. Henry Dering shared with us from his experience how to approach people from other denominations, how to preach, canvass, and to give Bible studies. He gave a power point presentation about cults and their impact over people. The book of Evangelism was the center of our study and its application in our missionary work. He shared his personal testimony with us, encouraging us to work heartily and faithfully for the perishing souls, and to be effective for the church. We thank him for his knowledge and experience that he shared with us and for the blessed time spent together.
Sister Johana Munoz and Brother Renzo also spoke. Sister Johana presented her subject about literature, and how to improve the literature for the Canadian Field. She brought some good ideas on how and what can be improved in our books in order to have good, presentable books for canvassing work. We decided to improve the design of the cover of the magazine, “Road to Health.” Besides all these good ideas she brought before us, I want to thank her for the good food she prepared for us and the time she spent in the kitchen for us. Also we thank Brother Renzo for the wonderful music he played and his desire in sharing with us his testimony and skills in wining souls to Christ. God bless you as you will be soon a father and mother, and may He help you to bring your family to Jesus’ feet.
Myself, I presented from the book, The Acts of the Apostles by Ellen G. White the first five chapters which speak about God’s purpose for His Church, the Training of the Twelve, the Great Commission, Pentecost and the Gift of the Spirit. We learned how God used people in the past and how He can use us to be more effective in winning souls for Jesus. The focus was unity, consecration, and work, in order to be used by the Holy Spirit, just as the disciples and other Christians were used in the day of Pentecost. Also I talked about the end time events prior to Jesus’ second coming.
Brother Oscar shared with us some important skills about the Bible and tools of technology. We live in a time in which the Gospel can be preached around the world in many ways. This was one of his main objectives in teaching us how to work with Adobe pictures, Excel, Word and Google mail, besides some power point presentations regarding “2012, The End of the World, Is it in God’s Calendar?” Also, what holds for the Future, and Present, Current World Events in Bible Prophecy.
Let us pray for the work here in Canada to be successful and blessed by the Lord Jesus; time is short and God can only use people ready to give of themselves their best, and a completely surrender. Let us give glory to Jesus in sharing the cross with others. Jesus said in John 12:32 “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” At the cross Jesus showed His infinite love for sinners. We have the privilege to represent Jesus; we are His ambassadors, so let us stand up and be what He expects us to be because He will come soon to take us home. I wish you all God’s blessings.
In Christ,
Nicholas Anca