“For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creation, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” Romans 8:38, 39.
I wonder, how many reading this, like to receive presents? I believe it is normal to enjoy receiving presents–something bestowed, or given. Yet, in spite of this, there is an expression which says, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” This expression has evolved from years past. A horse’s age is judged by its teeth; therefore, a buyer would look in the horse’s mouth to determine its age before committing himself to purchase the horse. The meaning of this phrase is that we must accept a gift gratefully; but, often we are critical of the gift that is given to us. These gifts are often discarded, remain in the gift box, or are returned to the merchant for reimbursement. It happens often.
But, we are not speaking of such gifts which are secular–in essence–worldly. However, a precious gift we can have in our hands today is the Holy Bible! It’s a profoundly precious gift that Jesus Christ gave to us from God the Father. Just think for a moment–the Almighty God Himself! A Gift! Inspired of God! A love letter from God!
There are many Bibles today—various translations, colors, sizes, shapes, and covers. For example, from Israel, covers are found in mother-of-pearl; in Greece are found covers of olive wood. One Bible is completely condensed into a period or dot, and can only be read by a microscope! Gideon Bibles are still found in most hotel dresser drawers but lie idle–replaced by the television, video games or films.
A favorite Bible is one with the passages in red when Jesus is speaking. The most popular and authentic Bible is the Authorized King James Version. Bear in mind, however, despite the abundance of Bibles today in hundreds of translations, one day we may be without a Bible as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ.
But, let’s talk about another gift–a greater one. What can that be? The most popular verse in the Bible–a verse translated, taught, and known in every language of the world–John 3:16! “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Why is this verse so important that it is taught and memorized in every Bible class of the world, to both young and old?
You see, belief in the New Testament denotes more than intellectual assent to a fact. The word (Gk. pistis, noun; pisteuo, verb) means, “adherence to, committal to, faith in, reliance upon, trust in a person or an object.” This involves not only the consent of the mind, but an act from the heart of the person. ”Whosoever believeth in him” is equivalent to “whosoever trusts in or commits himself to Christ.” Belief, then, is synonymous with faith, which, in the New Testament, consists of believing and receiving what God has revealed.
Here is God’s love in giving His Son for the world! Jesus was His only begotten Son, the Son of God. This magnifies His love, in that He gave His Son for us. Jesus was always His delight. In order to secure the redemption and salvation of man, it pleased God to give His only-begotten Son. He gave Him up to suffer and die for us. What a God we have! Here is the reason why we should be lifted up, for it was determined and designed by the Father.
Here God has commended His love to the world–this guilty, rebellious, apostate world! Behold and wonder that the great God should love such a worthless world; that the Holy God should love such a wicked world with a love of good will, when He could not look upon it with any complacency. Amazing!
God’s design in sending His Son into the world was that the world through Him might be saved. He came to the world with salvation in His eye; with salvation in His hand. It shall be of benefit to all, who by faith, accept this gift.
Moreover, God has given Him to be our Prophet, Priest, King, a witness to the people, the High Priest of our profession, to be our peace, our intercessor, to be head of the church and head over all things to the church, to be to us all we need. Here is the great gospel duty, which is to believe in Jesus Christ, whom God has thus given for us, to accept the gift.
It was the greatest gift (Jesus) ever given to man. That gift can be yours and mine, and everyone’s who believe–a gift to those who believe. “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. This is the Good News! Those that “dwell on the earth,” are exhorted to fear God and worship Him.” (Revelation 14:7).
For a better understanding now, we learn that God loves us and cares for us. God loves the world and He loves the Church, regardless of different nationalities, races, colors and creeds. We exist and thrive on the planet earth as a “little bit of heaven.”
Yes, “God so loved the world”–not only America, Greece, Switzerland, Peru, or Tanzania,–“that He gave His only begotten Son,” not to a nation, or tongue, but to the world; Jesus preached to everyone at that time, and His voice is still heard today! Receiving the Word was not dependent on station, position, salary, education, background or home–nothing except to believe in “the Testimony of Jesus Christ and to keep His commandments.” What did He say? “If ye love Me keep My commandments.” (1 John 4:21; 2:4, 5; 14:15, 16, 17).
Do you believe? Well, if so, the gift is yours–a gift of love! He did something we didn’t deserve.
In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul often spoke of rebellious sinners. Jesus Christ died for us. He laid down His life for a friend. Would you lay down your life if you love someone? Would you do it for me? Oh! Hmmm! Wait; think seriously first! Ah! But it may be a test some day. Jesus said we must even “die for your enemies!” Well, I have a solution for enemies–kill them! How? With love! They will soon be your friends. Has this ever happened to you? Experience it if you haven’t. Jesus Christ died for us while we were yet enemies–rebellious!
The Spirit of Prophecy says, “God gave His Son; if only one would have received Him, He still would have come.” I just cannot fathom it! Furthermore, in Romans chapter 6, the Apostle Paul writes about our union, condition, and relation with Jesus Christ and what Jesus Christ did for us–by the “grace of God;” that which we don’t deserve, which we never earned, nor cannot buy it! But, nevertheless, we can accept it as a gift.
A doctor was driving through a prairie-desert in the western plains of America; and (as he was driving) he recalled the history of the early American pioneers and settlers, who crossed those plains in wagons and horses. With their wagons, they traveled only 100 miles in 1 month, but did so with such dedication and commitment. Many, however, died during this arduous trek. As he was dreamily reminiscing, he inadvertently exceeded the speed limit by a sizable number. A police officer stopped him and stated “you were doing 45 mph in a 25 mph limit zone.”
What is sin? Is there an excuse for sin? He was deliberately wrong–no excuse; guilty! But, the nice police officer put away his book and said, “Promise me one thing, Doctor, be more careful next time.” You know what the officer did? Grace! It was not right, but do not do it again! He was forgiven for sin–law breaking!
That is what grace is! (John 3:16). “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. He wants us to have an everlasting life. (Rom 6:14, 15). Ah! But shall we sin because we are not under the Law? God forbid! Whoever you serve, whether sin–Satan, you are his servant (work, money, sports, novels, pleasure seeking, alcohol, etc.)! Or, you are obedient unto righteousness. When you break the laws–divine or civil–you are no longer free. (Rom. 6:15, 16). Either you follow the
devil to utter destruction or follow Jesus Christ to everlasting life. The choice is still yours! With Jesus Christ you are free; with Satan you are in devastating bondage.
Once you are in Jesus Christ, you are no longer condemned! One needs to make a 180 degree turn from sin to righteousness–toward Jesus. This is our message for today in these tumultuous times. Claim His precious gift now! Become free from condemned sin and guilt. Hospitals and institutions are full of such suffering souls. But, remember, we are never free from the law of obedience.
You can have the spirit of life in Jesus Christ– now; free from sin and death! (Rom. 8:37-39). What manner of love is this! This speaks to those who accept Jesus Christ. Ah! But, can anything separate us from Jesus Christ? Our opening text stated “nothing can separate us from the love of God.” (Rom. 8:38, 39).
Yes! We can be separated from His love. How is that? That is up to you! God’s love is always there–forever! You can separate yourself–by sin–indifference, apathy, temptation, greed, jealousy, hatred, etc. It is our deliberate choice! Sin can separate us. So, why not claim that precious gift while there is still time? Accept it as your own. Then nothing can separate you! It can be yours forever.
Be GIFT – WISE! Amen! Maranatha!
John Theodorou