Work Report from Belize and Honduras
February 1-17, 2005
A Trip to Belize
It has always been in our minds to carry forward the work in our neighbouring country, Belize, which covers a small territory, but represents a great challenge in soul winning. This challenge arises from the hardness of the hearts of the people which have their cultural roots from pagan idolatry and rituals.
Nevertheless, we have always hoped to erect a bulwark for the truth in this Central American country, which has caused us suffering, hardships and great investments of money by the General Conference, and by the Western Union of Central America, as well as by the unselfish brothers and sisters who of their good hearts have transferred their money to the bank of heaven. Little by little we have reached the goal for which we are glad, to have a first temple in the district of Toledo, in the province of Punta Gorda; even that the temple is humble-looking, yet it gives us great joy to have it built on our own land. This is one step forward that we have reached with much effort and the help of God. Praise be to God that He has granted us this. And not only this, but we see with great joy, souls preparing for baptism.
Our trip, according to our schedule, started on the first day of February this year, and after sorting out all kinds of difficulties we arrived after two days to Santa Elena El Cayo, which is close to the border of Guatemala. Here we visited a family who had been weakening in faith for the lack of visits to them. We conducted meetings with them at night and during the day we visited people. Also we visited the family of Sister Yolanda Chavarria and her children. In the afternoon we went to the country area called Seven Miles, where we had Bible studies and a youth meeting, because many children came there with us. We sang many hymns with guitar music by Esau Lopez, who is the missionary in that area.
Then we packed our things into the old van which one generous brother in Guatemala lent to us. We continued our journey to Balmopan, where we visited Albita, who is an influential business lady and a friend of the truth. She expressed her desire to join if only there would be meetings conducted in that place.
As we continued our journey towards Punta Gorda, we visited some families on the way. We passed by an area where they grow citrus fruits; oranges, mandarins and pineapples, and these satisfied our thirst and hunger in this hot climate. The people here wanted us to stay longer, but after a meeting we had to continue our trip. It was eight o’clock in the evening we started out with our van, which was a 1975 Vandura, and at midnight we arrived in Punta Gorda, where our worker and his young wife waited for us.
The next day we started our work on the church building. We bought dozens of sheets of materials to build the dividing walls inside between the sanctuary, the kitchen, and the bedrooms. In the afternoon we installed the loud speaker system and started to invite people together who spoke the language of the Maya Indians called Quetkchi, and also English speaking people. Our sister from El Salvador, Esther Ellington, translated into English and our missionary brother, Vinicio Tiul, translated to Quetkchi. We continued this for the rest of the week and on Friday we prepared a dinner for the visitors.
On the Sabbath, many people came together. First in the morning we started the Sabbath School which was conducted by our Sisters Esperanza Zepeda and Esther Ellington. The new lesson was taught by Eliseo Morales, who does great work in the department of Good Samaritan. The mission period was conducted by Brother Tiul. The sermon was preached by Brother Oscar Archila, the president of the Union. His topic was the – Setting of the Sun of Mercy. In the end, a call was made for the interested people, and several came forward, indicating their desire to be baptized soon.
After the sermon and benediction we were invited to have lunch which Sister Zepeda had prepared for us, which included tamales prepared in the Guatemalan style. In the afternoon we visited a place nearby called Medina Bank, where we met some interested people who spoke the Quetkchi language.
After Sabbath closing we prepared for the last meeting of our evangelical campaign. In this meeting Brother Esau Lopez spoke about the urgency of receiving the seal of God, and not the mark of the beast. In the end, twelve people expressed their desire to continue Bible studies. Sister Ellington sang a hymn and we gave gifts to the people who had assisted us in the meetings. After the prayer by Brother Archila, we sent people home with the invitation to continue meeting in the temple which was now finished.
Then we continued our journey towards San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where brothers and sisters waited for us to dedicate our new Christian Primary School. Two o’clock in the morning we started on our way. We took along a new passenger, Anselma Edwards, who had to go to Guatemala to be operated on in the hospital for her tumour. Besides preaching the gospel, we did medical missionary work with this sister.
At seven o’clock in the morning we came to the border of Guatemala, from where we took our journey towards Honduras, where we arrived at eleven o’clock at night. We were tired by glad for the good work we had accomplished in Belize.
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
In was the 14th of February and we had to get up at five thirty in the morning. The body said no, but yet we had to obey the voice of duty. At seven in the morning we had to be at the school. We had to run to be there in time, and as we arrived, many parents and children had gathered together to dedicate a new school which will offer better teaching with good principles and the fear of God. We entered into the main hall in the school and then started to develop the future programmes for the school.
The Master of Ceremonies welcomed the parents and the children, as well as the church officers. Then Brother Oscar Archila spoke about the spiritual values and morals which have been lost in the schools of the world, but in this Reformation school these values are to be taught to the children. He read a few Bible texts and testimony quotations emphasizing the true education that the world needs today. Afterwards he prayed for the school, for the teachers, and for the parents and the students. Then he cut the symbolic ribbon of the dedication and invited the students to enter into their classrooms. Then we inspected the installations and various rooms and found that all was well done and in order. We were very thankful to God for this blessing that He had given us. This concluded the happy ceremony of opening the building.
February 15-17
Finally we had two more days for committee meetings to study our financial condition and the work in different Central American countries. The work in Belize was especially discussed. We found out that we have financial limitations in these third world countries. We need financial help to carry on these evangelistic projects. Also we need your prayers besides the money to continue the work in Central America. We also need a couple or family who speaks English in Belize and on its islands. The cost of living is expensive in this country, therefore we need money to continue. We are waiting to hear from you and ask for your prayers.
You can write to us, our address is: [email protected], and [email protected]
May the Lord bless you richly and your work for the Central American Union.
President of the Union