Our Friendship with God – Part 1
When God created man, He made him a social being. In the beginning He saw that man was alone, while all the animals had a companion so He said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Gen. 2:18. And so God created Eve to be a help meet for Adam. Adam appreciated the companionship of his wife so much that he was willing to give up his eternal life for her. He joined in her sin and therefore shared in her fate. While we acknowledge the fact that Adam went one step too far, we can get an understanding of how far someone will go in their love and friendship with another human being.
Everyone likes to have friends. No one is happy being isolated from human companionship. Even though Jesus is to be our best friend, it is true that we all desire the friendship of our fellow human beings. However sometimes our earthly friends disappoint us as Jesus’ friends did in the Garden of Gethsemane when He needed their comfort the most. Maybe they are too busy when we need help, or they just don’t understand what we are going through, therefore, the Bible encourages us to make Jesus our best friend. Not everyone has a correct understanding of what it means to be a friend to Jesus. It is not always that easy because He is a friend that we do not see, even though He is very close by. It takes an understanding of the Bible and faith in God to believe that He is with us and to see His daily working in our lives.
Even though we Iive on the one planet in rebellion in the universe, Jesus still loves us very much. Often we get busy in our lives and take little time with the Lord in prayer and study, but He never forgets us. It makes Him sad when we do forget Him. Friendship is a two-way street. In order to maintain a friendship, there must be communication from both sides. Both people are to make an effort to spend time with and communicate with the person with whom they desire to maintain a friendship. 11″ we call on our best friend only at a time of crisis, He may begin to feel used. He is only needed to bail us out of trouble. If we had a human friend who did that to us, how would we feel? They have no need to spend time with us or to communicate with us, except when they are in trouble and have great needs. Then they come to us asking for help. We would not feel very good about that friendship. That is what some people do with Jesus.
The most wonderful part about our friendship with Jesus is the fact that, no matter how much we’ve ignored Him in the past or how much we’ve refused to communicate, when we decide to make a U-turn in our lives and turn back to Him, He is there waiting for us. Unfortunately this offer will not stand forever, but today the door is still open. Soon, very soon, it will be closed. While the door is still open, Jesus is calling all His dear friends to come through the door and enjoy perfect fellowship with Him. He is willing to do great things for us.
In this first part of this topic we will look at the wonderful things God is willing to do for us, as His part in our friendship. He wants us to be saved, more earnestly than we often want to be. He is putting more effort into our salvation, than we are. He knows what it is like in heaven, the beauty, the peace, the joy, the happiness there and He wants to share all these good things with us.
While we are living on this earth, He is working earnestly to bring about circumstances for our salvation. He answers all prayers of the sincere, contrite believers.
Some people wonder if God really cares about what is going on here on planet earth. Is God just sitting up there as a keen observer, observing the events unfolding on this earth and taking note of how the people who call themselves Christians are acting? Is He there just making notes and jotting down names of those who are worthy to be saved? Or is He a God close by as a true Friend, ready to help us in time of need?
David wondered about this in his life.
“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?” Psalm 8:4. When one stands in the presence of God, we realize that we are but an insignificant dot in the universe. When you look up at the stars on a clear night, you can be in awe and wonder about the vastness of the universe. Reflecting on the infinity of space, makes us feel very small and insignificant. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:7. Our life is as the grass of the field.
What is man? Isaiah describes him as grass. What is the value of one small grass blade in a large meadow? It easily fades. Although seemingly insignificant, each blade plays an important role in the vast blanket of the green meadow. God cares for each grass blade as though it was the only one in the field. My grandmother often marvels at the beauty of God’s creation and one time she told me how she is impressed that God carefully created each blade of grass in the field. How much more does He care for us?
This earth is one small corner in the universe that is rebelling against the God who created and redeemed men. Yet He is a God of love and that love has reached down to our planet and offered salvation, a life free from sin and sorrow. He paid the highest price possible for our salvation and today He is constantly working for our salvation. He will not stop until we have firmly decided one way or another, which way we will turn. “It is through the cross alone that we can estimate the worth of the human soul. Such is the value of men for whom Christ died that the Father is satisfied with the infinite price which He pays for the salvation of man in yielding up His own Son to die for their redemption. What wisdom, mercy, and love in its fullness are here manifested! The worth of man is known only by going to Calvary. In the mystery of the cross of Christ we can place an estimate upon man.” 2T 634/5.
We all agree that God gave up everything when He gave up His Son to come to this earth to die for our sins. We understand this fact, but what does it mean to us personally? Do we really understand this love deep down in our hearts? Or is this just a fact that we’ve heard repeated over and over again?
This amazing sacrifice was made in behalf of man about 2000 years ago, but what is He doing today? Did He do His duty on the cross and then return to heaven, leaving the rest of the work to be done by ourselves while He is up there observing our behaviour, deciding who is worthy of entrance into the heavenly kingdom when He returns in the near future? No, a true friend is a friend forever and Jesus is a true Friend, the best Friend we could ever have.
Our Friend really wants to help us but we have to believe that He can and will help us. Often though, the size of our faith will sometimes determine the outcome. There was in the time of Christ a woman who had an issue of blood. All she did was touch the hem of Jesus’ garment and she was healed. Was it the touch that healed her? “Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.” Mat. 9:22. Her faith in God’s ability to heal her, brought her healing.
At one time, Jesus talked about the mustard seed. “Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Mat. 17:19, 20 ‘Though the grain of mustard seed is so small, it contains that same mysterious life principle which produces growth in the loftiest tree. When the mustard seed is cast into the ground, the tiny germ lays hold of every element that God has provided for its nutriment, and it speedily develops a sturdy growth. If you have faith like this, you will lay hold upon God’s word, and upon all the helpful agencies He has appointed. Thus your faith will strengthen, and will bring to your aid the power of heaven. The obstacles that are piled by Satan across your path, though apparently as insurmountable as the eternal hills, shall disappear before the demand of faith. “Nothing shall be impossible unto you.” DA 431. Our Friend has given us all the necessary provisions for our salvation. We simply need to claim His promises by faith.
We often only ask God to remove pebbles not mountains. Some people never ask for mountains to be removed. Their prayers are just general prayers – praying about things they know for sure will come to pass; things that would happen whether they pray or not.
God can, and will, do great things for us if we would only ask Him. He will do large things, as He is also willing to do small things. No request is too large or too small for our Friend.
Let’s look into history and see how close our Friend really is to mankind and to what lengths He is willing to go in order to help man. God is willing to do great things even for those that have weak faith. As long as there is some faith.
God has been very close to His people. Much closer than we often realize, but sometimes He makes Himself known very clearly like the time Jacob wrestled with Him. Many have entertained angels unawares. Sometimes the angels reveal themselves as they did to Abraham.
Abraham: Abraham actually talked with God on several occasions. “Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” James 2:23. Abraham dined with Jesus and two angels, although initially he thought he was only entertaining some weary travellers. When he heard that Sodom would be destroyed, he pleaded with God for mercy, hoping that God would not be angry with his pleading. “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.” Genesis 18:32. The Lord was willing to discuss the matter with Abraham to see his opinion and ideas.
Gideon: Gideon was chosen by God to lead the Israelite army against the massive Midianite army. His faith was not very strong and this appeared to him as a daunting and a seemingly impossible task from a human standpoint. He wanted to make sure that this was positively a message from God. “Gideon desired some token that the one now addressing him was the Covenant Angel, who in time past had wrought for Israel. Angels of God, who communed with Abraham, had once tarried to share his hospitality; and Gideon now entreated the divine Messenger to remain as his guest. Hastening to his tent, he prepared from his scanty store a kid and unleavened cakes, which he brought forth and set before Him. But the Angel bade him, “Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon this rock, and pour out the broth.” Gideon did so, and then the sign which he had desired was given: with the staff in His hand, the Angel touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and a flame bursting from the rock consumed the sacrifice. Then the Angel vanished from his sight.” PP 547
Gideon was given a very powerful sign that this was a messenger from God, however he still wanted further evidence that God was sending him. “Gideon dared not place himself at the head of the army without still further evidence that God had called him to his work, and that He would be with him. He prayed, “If Thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as Thou hast said, behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor; and if the dew be on the fleece only, and it be dry upon all the earth besides, then shall I know that Thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as Thou hast said.” In the morning the fleece was wet, while the ground was dry. But now a doubt arose, since wool naturally absorbs moisture when there is any in the air; the test might not be decisive. Hence he asked that the sign be reversed, pleading that his extreme caution might not displease the Lord. His request was granted.” PP 548. Although Gideon’s faith was weak, God was patient with him and was willing to give him the sign of the fleece he requested even if it meant another day of delay before he took action.
Joshua: Joshua was in the midst of a very important battle with the nation of Israel; unfortunately night was coming and Joshua feared that the enemy may escape in the darkness. So he asked God to move a mountain. He prayed that the sun would stand still and that night would not come. God answered this prayer. Joshua did not waver, but had faith in God. The sun stood still and for how long? The Bible tells us for the space of about one day. Joshua 10: 12- 14. That is a very long time. I asked my daughter how she thought God went about making the day last so long. She replied that since Jesus is light He could have come down from heaven and just spread His light over that part of the world. But I repeated that the sun actually stood still. The sun was visible in the sky and it was not moving. One of several things had to have happened for this phenomena to occur. The first possibility was for the earth to stop spinning on its axis, which could have major negative consequences to the planet if it was not for a miracle of God. Or perhaps the earth kept spinning but that the sun moved accordingly to keep the sun in the sky at the same place. If this happened, then the entire solar system would have had to move – all the other planets also – in order to keep everything lined up in their proper orbit.
This solar system did not just appear as evolutionists try to tell us. It was not some big bang, and suddenly everything was in order. God carefully placed everything in its place. I am sure there are scientific formulas that He had to follow in order to make sure the planets carefully follow their orbit. Their mass, their size, the gasses and distance from the sun all needed to be carefully considered. Each planet is in its specific place and if one moves, it affects all the others. They all react on one another. So if the earth stopped moving for one day, all the other planets would need an alteration also in order to be kept in proper order.
All this God was willing to do in answer to Joshua’s prayer. Why was this prayer so important? With this prayer God’s people won a decisive victory. However, it was not only a military victory, but also a spiritual victory. It was made known to the entire world that there is a God in heaven who is fighting for the salvation of His people. He is doing all He can for our salvation.
Hezekiah: Again we see an alteration of our entire solar system in the days when King Hezekiah was sick unto death. This time the shadow of the sundial went backwards 10 degrees – two hours. Did the earth reverse its orbit for two hours’? What happened out there in our solar system in order to give Hezekiah a sign that he would be healed? Only God knows. Hezekiah was already promised healing, and this time a miracle was done simply for reassurance, as it was for Gideon. “Like Moses in the land of Midian, like Gideon in the presence of the heavenly messenger, like Elisha just before the ascension of his master, Hezekiah pleaded for some sign that the message was from heaven. “What shall be the sign,” he inquired of the prophet, “that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up into the house of the Lord the third day?’
“This sign shalt thou have of the Lord,” the prophet answered, “that the Lord will do the thing that He hath spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?” “It is a light thing,” Hezekiah replied, “for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees.”
“Only by the direct interposition of God could the shadow on the sundial be made to turn back ten degrees; and this was to be the sign to Hezekiah that the Lord had heard his prayer. Accordingly, “the prophet cried unto the Lord: and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz.” Verses 8-11.” PK 342. Hezekiah knew that this was a simple task for God. He said, “It is a light thing for the shadow to go down tea degrees.”! Kings 20:10
There are many other stones in the Bible where God did amazing things such as the experience of Jonah. Jesus is truly a Friend close by who will do amazing things for our salvation.
Whom the Lord loves, he rebukes and chastens. “If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” Heb. 12:7,11. Too often we pray for victory over particular sins only to find that God answers our prayers by permitting circumstances that will develop strength on the points where we are weak.
We need to recognize God’s answers to our prayers. A friend will tell us when we are doing something wrong and tries to help us to correct it.
There is a brother in the faith in New York City whose name is Johnny. Now Brother Johnny is one of the happiest men you will ever meet. Johnny lives in his own apartment and he almost never leaves his own bedroom. Why’? Well Johnny is paralysed from the neck down. He stays in his own bed and has a caretaker come and take care of his daily needs. He gets his food brought to him, he gets his baths taken – all in his bed. I am sure God would want Brother Johnny to be able to walk, run, jump and take care of himself, however if He had left Brother Johnny in good health, he would have lost his salvation. How did Brother Johnny end up in this condition? He was in the world and had been playing cards with some friends and drinking. One of the friends got angry with him and pulled out a gun and shot Johnny in the neck at point blank range. It should have killed Johnny, however the Lord wanted to give Johnny an opportunity to give his heart to Him. Brother Johnny did turn to the Lord and was baptized on a stretcher. Is Johnny bitter about his disability? No, he praises the Lord because he knew that without that gunshot he would have been lost in the world. At least now he can look forward to the Second Coming of Christ when he can walk and run again in the New Jerusalem.
“Jesus invites us to come to Him and He will lift the weights from our weary shoulders and place upon us His yoke, which is easy, and His burden, which is light. The path in which He invites us to walk would never have cost us a pang had we always walked in it. It is when we stray from the path of duty that the way becomes difficult and thorny. The sacrifices which we must make in following Christ are only so many steps to return to the path of light, of peace and happiness. Doubts and fears grow by indulgence, and the more they are indulged, the harder are they to overcome. It is safe to let go every earthly support and take the hand of Him who lifted up and saved the sinking disciple on the stormy sea.” 4T 558. Our Friend does not like to see us hurt or sad, but often that is what it takes to remind us that He is there and that He cares and we need His help more than we realize.
There are times when friends may not be able to help or support us because we do not make our needs known to them. Or, perhaps, we do things that disturb our friends so they don’t desire our company as much. To have friends we must show ourselves to be friendly.
There are also times when God cannot help us and deliver us from sin. “It is not because He is unwilling to forgive that He turns from the transgressor; it is because the sinner refuses to make use of the abundant provisions of grace, that God is unable to deliver from sin. “The Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.” Isaiah 59:1, 2. PK 323. He cannot help those who don’t want His help.
“Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:” James 1:13. It is inconceivable that God would tempt us into sin. True friends would never lead us astray. Though God grants to every man the power of free choice, He must never be charged with the evil deeds that this freedom makes it possible for man to commit. Adam blamed God for creating Eve as his wife and Eve, in turn blamed God for placing the serpent in the Garden of Eden. We must never directly or even indirectly blame God for our enticements to sin that we face every day.
“In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;” Titus 1:2. All the promises that God has made in the Bible He will keep. Though men and women may fail God and disappoint their fellow men, Christians may be certain that God is always trustworthy. His abiding presence never forsakes men who put their trust in Him. True friends do not lie to one another.
“If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.” 2 Tim. 2:13. Because of His very nature God cannot fail to fulfil His promises. He will be as faithful in punishing the wicked as He will be in rewarding the righteous. No sinner should think that God, in the last days, will change His mind about the destruction of the wicked. But to our friend this destruction is a strange work. He doesn’t really want to do it, but it is man that is rejecting His offer of salvation.
“The Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.” 1 Sam 15 ;29. “Man’s repentance implies a change of mind. God’s repentance implies a change of circumstances and relations. Man may change his relation to God by complying with the conditions upon which he may be brought into the divine favour, or he may, by his own action, place himself outside the favouring condition; but the Lord is the same “yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.” PP 630.
“I am the Lord, I change not;” Mai 3:6
IS IT OK TO ASK FOR A SIGN even if we’ve already been told that God will be with us and do great things for us? Was God angry with Gideon? Was he angry with Hezekiah? No God more than gladly complied with their wishes due to their weak faith.
When Ahaz was king of Judah, he was a very wicked king, however the Lord was still merciful to him and in a time of distress, the Lord came to help him. Two powerful kings were coming against him. The king of Syria and the king of Ephraim. Even though he had been wicked the Lord sent the prophet Isaiah with a message of encouragement. The Lord would help him overthrow these kings if he would only serve the Lord. Jesus was still wanting to be his Friend even though he had been rebellious.
The Lord then actually asked for the king to ask a sign from Him. “Moreover the Lord spake again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.” Isa. 7:10,11. However Ahaz refused. He had a knowledge of God. His father, Jotham, was a worshipper of the Lord, as well as his grandfather, Uzziah. His son, Hezekiah, also served the Lord. So Ahaz had knowledge of the Lord, but he just refused to worship the Lord. He refused the Lord’s offer for a sign. “But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the Lord.” The Lord was not pleased with his rebellious attitude. The Lord wanted to deliver the king in his distress, but the king refused the Lord’s offer. The Lord responded by saying, “And he said, hear ye now O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also?” Isa 7:12,13. God does not do these things just for the sake of doing something spectacular. King Herod asked Jesus to perform a miracle to prove His power. He refused. The Pharisees also demanded a sign. “Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying. Master, we would see a sign from thee.” Mat. 12:38. But Jesus refused. What is the difference when people are asking for a sign as opposed to the request of Herod and the Pharisees? A miracle would never have convinced Herod and the Pharisees. God knows how weak we are and He pities us. Our faith is so weak sometimes that we need a sign from Him to let us know that yes, He really does mean what He has said. He is such a loving heavenly Father that understands our weaknesses and frailties and He loves to show us and prove to us that He really is there. He really does care. Some want a sign only to observe something spectacular – for show. That request will never be granted.
Both Abraham and Gideon were discussing with God and asked Him not to be angry with them for making one more request. He was not angry, but patiently listened to these requests. He is not an unreasonable God. He is also not arbitrary. He treats us as thinking human beings. He tell us, “Come now, and let us reason together…” Isa. 1:18.
To have a friend we must trust him. How can we trust our best Friend, Jesus, if we don’t believe what He says? Some only believe when they see Him answer their prayers. If they don’t see the answer they specifically want, then they don’t believe He has answered. Our friends may not do things exactly as we wish them to, however they are still our friends and desire what is best for us. “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” James 1:6 Prayer without faith is useless. “Faith is trusting God -believing that He loves us and knows best what is for our good.” Ed 253. Genuine faith trusts God, and the believer will rest in the assurance that his needs will be quickly supplied as God alone sees best. However if man possesses inward doubt as to whether God will hear his petition, the answer to his prayer is seriously hampered. God seeks man’s cooperation in making the answer possible, and cooperation would be lacking in some degree if there was mental uncertainty. We must never doubt our best Friend.
God promised Moses that He would tight for Israel. “The Lord your God which goeth before you, he shall tight tor you.” Deut. 1:30. Later in chapter 31:6, He spoke to Moses aiiuin tellirm him that He would be with them. Moses relayed the message to Joshua in verse 8 as Joshua was soon to take over the leadership. After Moses’ death Jesus came personally to tell Joshua once more that He would be with Israel all throughout their conquest. Only Joshua needed to be strong and of good courage. (Joshua 1:6,9). Joshua believed God’s promise and mighty victories were won by Israel in their conquest of Canaan. Our problem today is that sometimes we don’t ask for mountains to be moved.
“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Mai. 3:10.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Rom. 12:2.
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” IThess. 5:21. Our best Friend is willing to allow you to prove His love; prove that He is really the true Friend He claims to be. If we comply with His requirements, He has a storehouse of blessings for us.
He is such a great God, but He loves us each individually as though we were the only person on the face of this earth. He cares about the birds, the animals and even the insects. He tells us to learn from these animals – “Go to the ant thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise;” Pro. 6:6. The little ant is often wiser than many people.
May God help us each to exercise our faith in the power of God and to appreciate His friendship and recognize the marvellous things He is doing for our salvation. May we see His wondrous love for mankind and may our hearts melt in His love as we surrender our lives to His service.