Keep In the Love of God
Although I am an isolated member of God’s church, I never feel lonely. I have my dear and beloved mother to fellowship with; cherished pets for daily companions; plants to nurture; birds to watch and feed, work to do for exercise (I carry my water in and out; stoke the wood fire in Moms house, etc). All of these activities keep a person from becoming self-centered, lonely or inactive.
Often I feel the loving influence of heavenly angels. Without them it would be a hard, dreary world. But I do also wish to express my gratitude and appreciation for the monthly Messenger. My heart is always warmed and enlivened by reading it. I feel my affection going out to my dear brothers and sisters whom I have never met, but whose aims, goals and experience is so much like mine.
Our God is a good God; He will be our Guide even unto death. Until death is swallowed up in victory.
I do covet your prayers as I seek to let my light shine in this dark part of the world. Many possibilities lie open before me, and there are many adversaries. We need the prayers and encouragements of one another.
Certainly to keep ourselves in the love of God we must press together. For a fire to burn there must be more than one stick of wood. When they burn down they must be raked together, shaken up and refueled.
God bless and keep all who love our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.
Kathleen Ross
Alberta, Canada