Temptations of Jesus

“For we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15

Many have an idea that the temptations of Jesus were different than our temptations. This gives them an excuse to sin because they think that their temptations are greater than those of Jesus.

The 1951 Movement made a statement in their General Conference session in 1999.
“While He (Christ) took our fallen nature, we believe in harmony with what is written that there is in Him no evil ropensity to sin, but was tempted from without, not from within.”

Seventh-Day Adventists write in the book Movement of Destiny pg. 497 “Took sinless nature of Adam before fall.”
Sister White writes the following: “Like every child of Adam, He accepted the results of the working of the great law of heredity.” D.A. p 49

“He was not only made flesh, but He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Letter 106, 1896

“He took upon Himself fallen suffering human nature, degraded and defiled by sin.” Y.I. 12/20/1900

”Though He had all the strength of passion of humanity, never did He yield to do one single act which was not pure and elevating and ennobling.” In Heavenly Places p. 155

“He took our nature upon Him that He might become acquainted with our trials and sorrows, and knowing all our experiences, He stands as Mediator and Intercessor before the Father.” S.T. 11/24/1887

“Before Christ could become perfect Mediator, He must take man’s nature upon Himself, and be subject to all the human weaknesses and temptations to which fallen man had become heir.” R.H. 9/24/1889

“He has clothed His divinity with humanity, that He might bear all the infirmities and endure all the temptations of humanity.” Bible Echo 1/15/1900

“Man can never know that strength of the temptations to which the Son of God was subjected. All the temptations that seem so afflicting to man in his daily life, so difficult to resist and overcome, were brought to bear upon Him in as much greater degree as He is superior in His excellence of character to fallen man.” S.T. Aug. 4, 1887

Jesus was truly tempted in all points as we are. He was tempted by the sinful flesh which He took upon Himself. Yet He did not yield to these temptations. As He overcame the temptations from within and without, we also can overcome with the help of God and be victorious and live a sinless life.

Timo Martin