How to defeat satan

This is the most important study for us: How to overcome Satan, how to overcome sin, and how to reach perfection.
We are in a war against a foe that is stronger than we. Our enemy is Satan, who was before in heaven in a high position. He was more intelligent than other angels; therefore he was able to deceive almost half of the angelic host.

Now after 6000 years practice in deceiving, he has become very skillful at it. Before the flood he had defeated and overcome the whole world. Only eight persons escaped his deceptions. Of the ancient Israel only few escaped his deceptions during the 40 years of the wilderness journey. Men of great intellect and great knowledge have not been a match to him. Powerful nations have fallen before him. Even professed Christians and ministers of the gospel have bowed their heads in submission to him.

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.: Rev. 12:9.

Even that he has on his side millions of angels, and almost the whole world, including millions of professed Christians, yet he is not satisfied. Frilled with great anger he goes to fight against the small remnant company who are still loyal to God. Against them he concentrates all his efforts, with his fallen angels, and many of them also have fallen victim to his devices.

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Rev. 12:17.

He is our mighty enemy, and him we must overcome or all will be lost. A promise has been given to the overcomer. “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” Rev. 21:7.

In our world today, one and a half billion people have started a war against Satan with the purpose of defeating him, and to receive the reward that is promised to the overcomer. But the Bible tells us that only a small remnant will be able to defeat the power of evil and to win the battle.

In the past 6000 years, men, women, and children have started the war against Satan, yet most of them have been defeated by him. Cemeteries have millions of victims of Satan, who passed from this life unsaved, fighting in vain. Their prayers, offerings, and all their religious exercises were in vain.

Yet Satan has been defeated. There are men, woman and children who have overcome him and his deceptions. How did they do it? What weapons did they use?God has given us instructions, and if we follow them, we all will be in heaven; we all will have perfect characters.

Goliath was stronger and bigger than other men of war. All the host of Israel were afraid of him, and no one dared to go against him. But then comes a young shepherd boy, David, and defeats him so easily.

David had no fear, nor doubt in his mind. “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.” 1 Sam. 17:45.

Those who were afraid and doubted would have been defeated by Goliath, because they had no faith in God.
The people of Israel defeated the great, fortified city of Jericho so easily when they followed the instructions. But a little later when they went against the small city of Ai, they were defeated badly. What made the difference? This time sin had entered into the camp. Achan had disobeyed the commandment of God. Because of this sin they had lost the power of God, and in their own strength alone, they were defeated by their enemy so easily.

Balak, the king of Moab tried to defeat the people of Israel, but he could not. Then he called Balaam to curse them, but every time he tried to curse Israel, God turned it into a blessing. Now Balaam made a plan to lead the people of Israel to do sin, and when this was accomplished in the great feast that Balak made for them, they were defeated easily.

Satan knows our weak points, and these are the areas where he is especially tempting us. And these weaknesses are the Goliaths that war against us.

To one, the Goliath may be his appetite; to another the love of money. Others are defeated by their desire of worldly pleasures and entertainment. Also pride and selfishness are terrible enemies that are out to destroy us. Even an unforgiving spirit has destroyed many professed Christians.

Because of these sins, Satan is reaping a rich harvest even of the so-called Christians; and the blessings what they expected to receive were turned to a curse.

“Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you.” Jer. 5:25.
“The way of transgressors is hard.” Prov. 13:15.

David said, “For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me.” Ps. 38:4.
For a moment the way of Satan may look good, as to Adam and Eve, but soon there will be disappointment, depression and misery.

Now to overcome these enemies, the Goliaths that fight against us, we need to do what Moses did, “choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” Heb. 11:25.

We must choose to serve God, and give up all worldly things.
Then next we continue, “For whatsoever is borne of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:4.

We must be born again and believe, and then the Goliath, the love of the world will be defeated.
Thirdly we need power that is greater than human strength. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12. Without this power we cannot win against our enemy.

Next we need to resist the Devil. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7.

If you take a worldly book or a magazine to read, or watch a violent television show, you are not resisting the devil but inviting him to tempt you. Also we need to pray without ceasing. Prayer is a mighty weapon against these enemies. Satan cannot listen to an earnest prayer.

Even fasting is a great weapon against bad habits. By fasting you gain greater willpower to overcome beset sins.

One more weapon needs to be mentioned, and it is love. We need to learn to love God and to hate sin. Eve did not hate sin, therefore she fell into it. It is easy to fight against an enemy that we hate.
We need to dwell on the scenes of Calvary. Thus we generate love to God and love to Jesus, and at the same time we learn to hate sin that caused this suffering to Him.

“Many desire the final reward and victory which are given to the overcomers, but are not willing to endure toil, privation, and denial of self, as did their Redeemer.” Test. Vol. 3, p. 491.

We must not fail. The help is available to each one. The Lord is mightier than Satan, therefore by His help the giant will be defeated; the weakest person can be victorious and Satan will be defeated.

“And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” 2 Tim. 2:26.

“One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, He it is that fighteth for you, as He hath promised you.” Josh. 23:10. May the Lord help each one to overcome Satan and sin, and to reach perfection before our names are called in the heavenly court, is my prayer for each one of us.

Timo Martin, Canada