A Youth Cry from Africa

Peace and grace of our Saviour be withyou. Many greetings with our annual textin Hebrews 4: 16: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that wemay obtain mercy, and find grace to helpin time of need.

In my visits to Africa to conduct seminarsfor the youth work, I was surprised thatthe majority of our brothers and sisters areyoung people, approximately 70 %. Wehad a blessed time together in Seminarsfor the youth and in some conferences.There are many beautiful youth, full of enthusiasm and joy, but with a verysad reality. Most of them have not beenable to study to obtain a profession, are without work and face big difficulties fortheir future.

A young man of about 25 years came to meand said, “Brother, help me!! I want to getmarried, and I don`t know how to, becauseI have nothing to maintain a family, and Idon`t know what to do.” Which solution could I give him? These young peopleare in big danger, since they can`t form afamily without having a source of regularincome and how to maintain it. All this creates a chain of problems.

Which solution can we offer them as a church and as a Youth Department?Money is very quickly spent, and helpsjust for a short time.

As the Youth Department we prepared aproject to supply this necessity.

We believe that the solution is to educate our youth and give them the possibility tohave an income from professional work.For this we are working on the creationof an educational centre; in other words we will open a Secondary School forthe purpose of learning a profession. Itspurpose is to prepare youth to know howto work with tools which they will use fortheir future work. Among others there willbe taught carpentry, forging, electricityfor young men, and seamstress for youngladies.

Until now we could achieve with Gods help:

1. Buying a plot of about 5 hectares inTanzania, in the accumulation of capitalfor the construction of the mentioned project. The youth of the area have already cleaned this ground. There needs to be the connection of water and light, as well as the construction of thebuilding.

2. We agreed to build the basics to beginclasses in January 2007. For this we need to collect 15,000 Dollars for theconstruction of the first classrooms,sleeping rooms and dining room, withone working room for young men.

3. As the budget indicates, there will beneeded about 45,000 Dollars to constructthe building and basic equipment.
It would be a great blessing for the youthof Africa to have such an institution. For this we appeal to your hearts, as far asit is possible to support these youthwhich suffer without work. We thank you in advance for your donation. Manyyouth will have the opportunity of hopethrough your donation and will be verythankful.

As you have read in the report in the Sabbath School Lesson, the first missionary school will be opened in Africa in Kenya. In coordination with the leadership of that school, wewill support this project in sending acouple of missionaries, which have successfully finished the missionaryschool in Argentina. Their job will beto establish a self-supporting financialsystem through canvassing and other sources, so that each student can pay forhis study by himself.

This support works only with your help.We will have following expenses:

1. Flight expenses for the transfer of the missionaries: 4000 Dollars

2. Paying them a minimal salary for thefirst year, until they establish the self-supporting of the school, which would be 150 Dollars per month.

Since the school will start this year, wekindly ask our brothers which feel thecall of the Lord, to support our youthin their preparation to serve the Lord,and sending your donations as soon aspossible.

Those and other projects we have startedwith the words in mind: “For we walk by faith, not by sight” 2Cor. 5:7. God has given us the means to start it and wetrust that the Lord will touch hearts. We thank you in advance for what you sendfor the improvement of the situation ofour poor young brothers in Africa.

Account of Youth Department:
Bank: Kaerntner Sparkasse
Name of account: Jugendabteilung
Number of account: 01401073349
International codes: IBAN: AT 6420706 01401073349

Pablo Hunger – Tel. 0043 4273 26239
Email: [email protected]

He who co-operates with the divine purpose in imparting to the youth aknowledge of God, and molding the character into harmony with His, does a high and noble work..–Education, pages 18.

Let us do what is possible to support our youth and prepare them for the big final work, to be witnesses for the Lord in aturbulent world.

May God bless the youth, the hearts who give and all them who receive this report.

Your brothers of General Conference Youth Department