Spiritual Riptide!

“Therefore, we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should drift away.” Hebrews 2:1

What did they hear? The Gospel, the Christian ministry of Jesus Christ, how God spoke through Jesus Christ. Jesus was careful, and prayerful not to “drift away.” He spoke through the Father.


But, let us first explain more of the term ” riptide ” before proceeding further. It is very common in Florida, and other coastlands of America. It kills more than 100 people each year in the dangerous ocean, waiting for swimmers to panic, fatigue, and drown. This killer is called a ” riptide.” Riptides are not to be confused with undertows. It does not pull you down. Basically. it just carries you out ” ” drift away.”

A riptide is, in essence, an undercurrent flowing in a different direction from the water at the surface. It is often referred to as an undertow, but it is rightly called a riptide. Even the best swimmer can be pulled out to sea. It is the ” undercurrent” that causes one to ” drift away,” and drown. A swimmer will never plunge into an undercurrent. Only a fool will.


In South-East Asia, the tsunami trapped many; the unwary. The bottom of the huge massive wave hits the shore before the crest. The water does not normally rush onto the shore, but the opposite! The sea rushes out from the beaches or shores, so the beaches were magically full of gorgeous, colorful, stranded fish! Men ran down to the beaches with gunny-sacs and stuffed them full of fish. But, when the tsunami started to roll in, after 5-10 minutes, they were sucked up into the ferocious wave, ” drifting away” to their deaths and oblivion.

Spiritual Drifting

But, what are the signs now of spiritually drifting away? Are we drifting spiritually, caught in a spiritual and physical riptide? Have you analyzed your past life? Are you swimming and struggling against the current, in the opposite direction, fighting the current, panicking, fatigued, drowning, and with no hope of escape?

Are we, as in the opening message of warning to the ” hearers” in Hebrews, paying attention, heeding to things we have heard? Or, are we unconsciously ” drifting away,” not knowing? We thought we were swimming in the right direction; and we were strong. Things were looking right, but in the end we are lost, pulled under and carried away by the riptide, the undertow, exhausted, too weak to escape, or think clearly… too late!

The danger, again, lies below the waves, not on the top, where the waters are faster, unexpected, sudden, hidden, switched away by the riptide. There are dangerous waters in this life, too; drifting, cold, dark waters, that surround us, ready to pull us down and cause us to ” drift away.”


Many Jewish believers who left Judaism for Christianity, wanted to reverse their course, to escape persecution by their own countrymen. They could no longer fight the ” current.” It was easier to go happily downstream. The Apostle Paul exhorted them to ” go on to perfection” (Heb 6:1). He told them, that Christ is better than the Angels, better than Moses, better than the priests of Aaron.

The Galatians, too, were not falling back into sin but, were becoming ” fixed,” making just a show of holiness. Their attitude was, ” I’m not likely to go wrong, but you are.” When we have this attitude, we become God Almighty over a particular doctrine, and imagine that everyone else is wrong; caught in the undertow,… “drifting away.”


What we need is not a revival, but an awakening. It is when there is an incoming of the tremendous life of Jesus into our lives. (Gal 6:14) The spiritual undertow, or riptide, that pulled and turned away the Galatians was Judaism, formalism, fixity. It was not dominant, but hidden, subtle, below the surface. They were… ” drifting away.”

It ran in exactly the opposite direction to the current of liberty, which Jesus was bringing them. The undertow and riptide of ritualism, cast a spell and charmed them! Instead of safely on shore, they were ” drifting out to sea.” Galatians 5:7 says, ” you ran well. Who hindered you from observing the truth?” Are you hindered by something,… ” drifting away?”

No Time

There are drifting waters in this life, too. How is that? One says, ” I do what the Lord asks me. I have knowledge, study the Bible, pray.” How often a day? A week? The Bible is the best source of advice. The consequences in our lives are nowhere else better to be found. Moreover, how many have morning worship? Evening worship?

The Israelites were lost, had ” no time” for this. How often do we catch ourselves saying this, too, ” no time!” ” You’ll never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” (Charles Buxton, English author, 1821-1871).

What is the relationship of a working father to his son? A study was recently conducted in the U.S.A. The average time is 4 hours/week. If a father says, he ” has no time” for his child, he never should have been a father. If you don’t make time for your child or family you are… ” drifting away.”

Spend special time for spiritual things. Put attention to the spiritual things we ” hear.” Listen, and pray together. Be in Heavenly Places–church, Bible study, witnessing, doing good, etc. Furthermore, speak spiritual things. Think spiritual things. Faith, knowledge, virtue, temperance, equals… love.

Creaking Signs

Another sign of ” drifting away” is the desire to be with God’s people… less! Are you happy with the brethren in church? Many are unhappy in church with the brethren, and distance themselves. If so, you’re… ” drifting away.”

Do you ever visit a brother or sister unexpectedly? What do you hear inside the door (sometimes)? Silence? Or, ” what does he want here?” How often do we say or do this? When have you last been visited? Or, when have you visited one of the brethren, too?

When there is a reunion in the church or conference, are you happy to be there, feel inferior, or avoid certain brethren? Maybe you prefer to be someplace where you can be entertained, happy, contented, hear ” smooth things,” but not the Law of God, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, or the Sanctuary… If so, you are… ” drifting away.”

Do you enjoy hearing missionary reports, or testimonies? Or, you may start a Bible study, share the gospel, (time means nothing), and then suddenly lose desire, grow cold. Or, when your souls don’t return for Bible study, you lose interest, don’t follow up, or are plainly indifferent? If so, you are… “drifting away.”

In Touch

When you are canvassing, distributing pamphlets, meeting people, are you happy when you return? When you serve God, your spiritual life grows. Remember that as long as God has a work for you to do for souls, He will keep you alive to do it!

” We cannot come in touch with divinity without coming in touch with humanity.” (COL 384,385). Do good! Smile! Sing! It lifts up your spirits.

But, all things affect us when we do not serve God; economic problems, family problems, marriage problems, health problems, church problems. The spiritual life becomes painfully weakened, and you… ” drift away.”

The Apostle Paul reminds young Timothy of his spiritual heritage, and responsibilities. Yet, Paul was not only in prison when he wrote this letter, but was abandoned by most of his friends, (2 Tim. 1:15; 4:16), the last place one would expect a letter of encouragement. Paul, however, was serving God. That is what mattered most. He was in touch.


I believe that most of you will agree that another sign of ” drifting away,” is when we are happy in worldly things. God, however, gives us a remedy for this in 2 Peter 1:5-7: ” giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, patience; and to patience; godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.”

If steps are full of ice, give diligence, and you will never fall. If we watch our steps and clean the steps, we will not fall. Clean our paths, therefore.

If we prepare our spiritual life with diligence we will never fall, or be victim of an undertow or riptide. Retirement from Christian life ends in darkness, and death (1Peter 2:11) There are some things in our lives that pound like the waves on our souls. Some say, in spite of this, ” We are strong, we can’t sin; since we’re holy and righteous.” If so, we are liars, and…”drifting away.”

Drop Anchor

We have to be aware always of our desires: spiritual or carnal? Be in constant vigilance. The ” anchor” against drifting is not in me, the author, the Pastor, the deacon, brethren, your spouse, but Jesus Christ. He is our mooring and stabilizer. Fix yourself to it. It does not drag or get entangled. Enoch was with God and Abraham was with God. Paul walked in the ways of Jesus Christ.

A father and son were crossing a rocky bridge. The son was afraid of the dark and of falling. The father said, ” where I step place your steps in mine.” Do we put or follow the steps of Jesus, or are we… ” drifting away?”


By reading the Bible, and praying, Jesus Christ will be your fortress. It will be pleasing to be with the brethren in church or home. Or, do you want to escape, and be free? Be not like the foolish virgins. Study the Bible, pray unceasingly, have vigilance with the brethren, or you will be lost. Are you in love with worldly things and all its glitter? Are you…” drifting away?” How can you escape? The answer is found in Heb 2:2,3. ” For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward, how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him?”

It Is Simple

Salvation is simple! Ask God to save you against the current of undertow that comes to us. It is not easy, but He helps. He gives us courage in our heart by His words and promises. If we accept Him, and approach Him, we will not… “drift away.”

Being caught in a riptide requires certain rules we can, in a way, also apply to our spiritual riptide experiences.

First thing to do when caught in a “riptide” is to stay calm, do not panic. Second, do not fight it. Do not struggle against the “current” and become exhausted. Swim parallel to shore until free of the stream of water. The riptide is just carrying you out “drifting away.”

But, be alert for SPIRITUAL RIPTIDES that would quickly suck you under.

John Theodorou, U.S.A.