The Last Crisis
“We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.” 9T 11. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18. The Lord is calling out his people from the world, from its fleshly lusts and gratifications. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” 1 Peter 2:9.
Corruption, Crime, Calamities
“We are living in the midst of an “epidemic of crime” at which thoughtful, God fearing men everywhere stand aghast. The corruption that prevails, it is beyond the power of the human pen to describe. Every day brings fresh revelation of political strife, bribery, and fraud. Every day brings its heart-sickening record of violence and lawlessness, of indifference to human suffering, of brutal, fiendish destruction of human life. Everyday testifies to the increase of insanity, murder and suicide.” MH, p. 142-143.
“The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are committed on every hand.” 9T 11.
Our world is not safe now with increased violence and crime, war and bloodshed. “We are standing on the threshold of the crisis of the ages. In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another–fire, and flood, and earthquake, with war and bloodshed.” PK. 278.
Greed for gain, pleasure, and madness. “The Scriptures describe the condition of the world just before Christ’s second coming. James the apostle pictures the greed and oppression that will prevail. He says, “Go to now, ye rich men,’ ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton” This is a picture of what exists today. By every species of oppression and extortion, men are piling up colossal fortunes, while the cries of starving humanity are coming up before God.” COL 170.
“In the great cities there are multitudes living in poverty and wretchedness, well-nigh destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; while in the same cities are those who have more than heart could wish, who live luxuriously, spending their money on richly furnished houses.” 9T 12. People are absorbed in worldly business and pleasure, and like the antediluvians, “knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.” Matt. 24:39.
“Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.” 8T 28.
“The world is a theater; the actors, its inhabitants, are preparing to act their part in the last great drama. With the great masses of mankind there is no unity, except as men confederate to accomplish their selfish purposes.” 8T 27.
Crying Peace, Preparing for War
“Says the apostle Peter, “There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning.” 2 Peter 3:3-4. Do we not hear these very words repeated, not merely by the openly ungodly, but by many who occupy the pulpits of our land? “There is no cause for alarm, they cry.” PP 102.
“Like the dwellers in the vale of Siddim, the people are dreaming of property and peace. “Escape for thy life,” is the warning from the angels of God; but other voices are heard saying, “Be not excited; there is no cause for alarm.” The multitudes cry, “Peace and safety,” while Heaven declares that swift destruction is about to come upon the transgressor. On the night prior to their destruction, the cities of the plain rioted in pleasure and derided the fears and warnings of the messenger of God; but those scoffers perished in the flames; that very night the door of mercy was forever closed to the wicked, careless inhabitants of Sodom.” PP 167.
Let us prepare ourselves and be ready to take our stand with God. The nations are angry, and the time of the dead has come, that they should be judged. Events are changing to bring about the day of God which hasteth greatly.Ó 6T 14.
“The battle of Armageddon is soon to be fought. He on whose vesture is written the name, King of kings, and Lord of lords, is soon to lead forth armies of heaven’ The day of the Lord is approaching with stealthy tread; but the supposed great and wise men know not the signs of Christ’s coming or of the end of the world.” 6T 406.
The Remnant People of God
“Today the remnant people of God are to glorify His name by proclaiming the last message of warning, the invitation to the marriage supper of the LambÉ The Lord has wrought through human agents to fulfill the prophecies. He has made sacred, eternal truth stand out plainly amidst the heresies and delusions that Christ declared would exist in the last days.” 8T 153.
“The world is watching Seventh-day Adventists, because it knows something of their profession of faith and of their high standard, and when it sees those who do not live up to their profession, it points at them with scorn.” 9T 23.
“The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago–a revelation of Christ. A great work of reform is demanded, and it is only through the grace of Christ that the work of restoration, physical, mental, and spiritual, can be accomplished. Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people.” MH 143. You and I, let us get ready to do the work of God while it is today, not tomorrow.
“Men in humble walks of life are to be encouraged to take up the work of God. As they labor they will gain a precious experience.” 9T 118. Just a few years ago, terrorism seemed to be restricted to a few isolated places such as Northern Ireland, the Basque country in northern Spain and some areas of the Middle East. Now especially since September 11, 2001 with the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, it has mushroomed. In ÒIstanbul, November 15, 2003, Madrid, March 11, 2004 and London July 7, 2005. All these signs indicate that we are living in the last day of crisis. Get ready, get ready, is the warning message.
Anthony Cedric Adjei, Ghana.