“Am I My Brothers Keeper?”
Cain said to God, ” Am I my brother’s keeper?” He did not recognize himself as one having responsibility for his brother’s welfare, but he certainly recognized himself as his brother’s destroyer. And for 6000 years this attitude has ruled in the hearts of men; and it has caused untold amount of suffering and grief in the world. It is this attitude of Cain’s that has caused wars, murders, terrorism, and crime, and even divorces and separations among the people. Men have become selfish and only care for themselves.
A thief goes out to steal without any thought of the sorrow he is causing to others. He only thinks of his own gain. A businessman has no concern for other companies in the same field. If others would go to bankruptcy, it would bring him joy. The fact that thousands of people starve to death daily in the poor countries brings little concern to the people in the richer countries. The only concern that most of the people have is their own luxury and pleasure.
Even many of the professed Christians are satisfied to save themselves, and have very little concern for the salvation of others. And the reason for all this neglect is that people do not consider themselves to be their brother’s keepers. The words of Jesus, ” Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,” are mostly ignored.
The parable of Jesus of the lost sheep shows how the man who lost one of his sheep left the 99 and went to seek the one that was lost. Normally the opposite is done. A brother or a sister who is found to have fallen into sin is ignored, his sin is broadcasted to everyone and it is almost a crime if someone dares to befriend him and be kind to him.
The word of the prophet to these unfaithful shepherds is clear. ” Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver My flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.” Ezek. 34:9. 10.
The Pharisees in their seeming righteous anger brought a woman who was caught in sin to Jesus and said that she should be stoned to death. The approach of Jesus towards this woman was completely opposite to that of the Pharisees. The spirit of condemning and accusing destroys, while the spirit of sympathizing and forgiving heals and saves.
When the disciples were angry with the Samaritans, they said to Jesus, ” Wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven to consume them.” Jesus said to them, ” Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of Man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” The disciples did not realize that they were influenced by the spirit of Satan but thought that it was righteous anger that inspired them.
How many in the position of Joseph would have taken revenge on the brothers who had treated him so badly. But Joseph, instead of destroying his brothers forgave them and became truly his brothers’ keeper by providing them their livelihood.
In this life we often pass through trials, sorrows, Satan’s fierce temptations, discouragements and we may be in danger of losing our faith. Then even a few encouraging words can help us to get over our discouragement and depression.” Those who are fighting the battle of life at great odds may be refreshed and strengthened and encouraged by little attentions which cost nothing. Kindly words simply spoken, little attentions simply bestowed, will sweep away the clouds of temptation which gather over the horizon of the soul.” M.L., p. 152.
” Kind, cheerful, encouraging words will prove more effective than the most healing medicines.” M.L., p. 152.
” You can do much to brighten the life of others and strengthen their efforts, by words of hope and holy cheer. There is many a brave soul sorely pressed by temptation, almost ready to faint in the conflict with self and with the powers of evil. Do not discourage such a one in his hard struggle. Cheer him with brave, hopeful words that shall urge him on his way. Thus the light of Christ may shine from you.” S.C., p. 120.
We sing in our gospel hymn, ” O brother be faithful! Soon Jesus will come.” A mother and her daughter were holding on to a piece of wood in the water, as the ship in which they were traveling sank. The mother said, ” I cannot hold on any longer, I must let go.” But her daughter said, ” Mother, hold on a little longer, Jesus will save us.” Soon after, both were saved by a rescue boat. Many a soul could be saved to eternal life by little encouraging words: O brother, or, O sister, be faithful a little longer. Soon our trials will be over and we will be at rest.
Satan is attacking every child of God, members, young people, even the ministers and the leaders of the churches. Therefore we need to speak encouraging words to everyone and pray for them. God is speaking to us, ” Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.” Isa. 40:1.
God’s people had passed through difficult times. Their enemies had been attacking them, and therefore many were discouraged. The work of comforting the people of God was left on the ones who even in the time of adversity did not lose their faith.
Isaiah writes further, ” The spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound… to comfort all that mourn.” Isa. 61:1, 2. This is the work that Jesus did while on the earth, and this is also our work today; to bind the brokenhearted and to comfort all that mourn.
We are truly our brother’s keepers. The Lord will ask each one of us one day, ” where are your brothers?” Do you then answer like Cain, ” Am I my brother’s keeper,” or do you answer, ” here they are, all saved.” Then the Lord will say, ” Well done thou good and faithful servant.” May the Lord help us to realize our responsibility for our brothers and sisters, and be faithful in comforting all that are discouraged.”