Youth Anchor
For, as the scripture says, “just a little while longer, and he who is coming will come; he will not delay. My righteous people, however, will believe and live; but if any of them turns back, I will not be pleased with him.” Heb. 10:37, 38. T.E.V.
Our aim is to keep every youth from evil. We have lost a lot of our youth through wrong association, inter-marriage, worldly amusements, games and through a lot of indulgences. Now we request our youth leaders in every church to work hand in hand with our parents to keep our youth away from these dangers.
Daniel’s Temperance As Our Example
“The youth in this school of training were not only to be admitted to the royal palace, but it was provided that they should eat of the meat and drink of the wine which came from the King’s table. In all this the King considered that he was not only bestowing great honour upon them, but securing for them the best physical and mental development that could be attained.” SL, p. 19; Dan. 1:8.
Daniel was subjected to the severest temptations that can assail the youth of today; yet he was true to the religious instruction received in early life. He was surrounded with influences calculated to subvert those who would vacillate between principle and inclination, yet the word of God presents him as a faultless character. Daniel dared not trust to his own moral power. Prayer was to him a necessity. He made God his strength, and the fear of God was continually before him in all the transactions of his life.” SL, p. 20; Prov. 22:6.
Away from Fornication and Adultery
Some of our youth get married before the marriage, which God was their witness when it happened. You can find them having, one, two or three children outside marriage. This is a sin. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Ex. 20:14.
“We have a very good example of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph was taken a slave in a foreign land, but he feared God in everything in slavery. When he arrived in Egypt, he was in the midst of idolatry. The worship of false gods was surrounded by all the pomp or royalty, supported by the wealth and culture of the most highly civilized nation in existence. Yet Joseph preserved his simplicity and his fidelity to God. The sights and sounds of vice were all about him, but he was as one who saw and heard not. His thoughts were not permitted to linger upon forbidden subjects.
“But Joseph’s faith and integrity were to be tested by fiery trials. His master’s wife endeavored to entice the young man to transgress the law of God. Heretofore he remained untainted by the corruption teeming in that heathen land; but this temptation, so sudden, so strong, so seductive—how should it be met? Joseph knew well what would be the consequence of resistance. On the one hand were concealment, favour, and rewards; on the other, disgrace, imprisonment, perhaps death. His whole future life depended on the decision of the moment. Would principle triumph? Would Joseph still be true to God? With inexpressible anxiety, angels looked upon the scene. His question was, how can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” PP, p. 317; Gen. 39:11-13.
Wrong Associations
“The matter of choosing associates is one which students should learn to consider seriously. Among the youth who attend schools there will be always found two classes – those who seek to please God and to obey their teachers, and those who are filled with the spirit of lawlessness. If the youth go with the multitude to do evil, their influence will be cast on the side of the adversary of souls; they will mislead those who have not cherished principles of unswerving fidelity.
“It has been truly said, ‘Show me your company, and I will show you your character.’ The youth fail to realize how sensibly both their character and their reputation are affected by their choice of associates. As a stream always partakes of the property of the soil through which it runs, so the principles and habits of youth invariably become tinctured with the character of the company in which they mingle.” MYP, p. 411.
“We may learn a lesson from the lily, and although surrounded with influences that would tend to corrupt the morals and bring ruin upon the soul, we may refuse to be corrupted, and place ourselves where evil associations shall not corrupt our hearts. Individually the youth should seek for association with those who are toiling upward with unfaltering steps. They should shun the society of those who are absorbing every evil influence, who are inactive and without earnest desire to attainment of a high standard of character, who cannot be relied upon as persons who will be true to principle.” MYP, p. 423; The Youth Instructor, Jan. 1893; 2 Cor. 6:4-18.
If you can go through the whole chapter of Judges 16, you can learn how Samson was deceived because of this same intermarriage. He died an early death. Even King Solomon deceived himself, he thought that because he had power and wisdom, he thought to marry an outsider. His aim was to draw the neighbouring nation to the light of God, but it was all in vain. Youth, let us abstain from these marriages. Deut. 7:3,4; 2 Cor. 6:17.
Worldly Amusements
There are some amusements which I cannot encourage the youth to take part in, even to watch, as shows, lectures, dancing, parties, concerts, watching TV, etc. There are shows, lectures and an endless variety of entertainment that are calculated to lead to a love of the world; and through this union with the world, faith is weakened.
“Satan is a persevering workman, an artful, deadly foe. Whenever an incautious word is spoken, whether in flattery or to cause the youth to look upon some sin with less abhorrence, he takes advantage of it, and nourishes the evil seed, that it may take root and yield a bountiful harvest.” MYP, p. 373.
“The true followers of Jesus will have sacrifices to make. They will shun places of worldly amusements because they find no Jesus there—no influence which will make them heavenly minded and increase their growth in grace.” MYP, p. 376.
Those would-be worshippers of the true God must sacrifice every idol.
The first four precepts of the Decalogue allow no separation of the affection from God. Nor must anything share our supreme delight in Him. We cannot advance in the Christian experience until we put away everything that separates us from God. Matt. 22:37, 38.
The Lord is advising youth to do away with games, because they are in contrast with God’s will. The games to be done away with are as follows: Football, netball, volleyball, soccer, draft, playing cards, darts, athletics, bicycle racing, and some other worldly games. The spirit which is found in these games is hatred and envy, which leads to rebellion, and the originator of rebellion is the devil. Now know that if you take part in watching and playing games, who is your king? 2 Cor. 13:3-5.
“While the youth are becoming experts in games that are of no real value to themselves or to others, Satan is playing the game of life for their souls, taking from them the talent god has given them, and placing in their stead his own evil attributes. It is his effort to lead men to ignore God. He seeks to engross and absorb the mind so completely that God will find no place in the thoughts.” MYP, p. 213.
“I entreat the students in ours schools to be sober minded. The frivolity of the young is not pleasing to God. Their sports and games open the door to a flood of temptations. They are in possession of God’s heavenly endowment in their intellectual faculties, and they should not allow their thoughts to be cheap and low. A character formed in accordance with the precepts of God’s word will reveal steadfast principles, pure, noble aspirations. The Holy Spirit cooperates with the powers of the human mind, and high and holy impulses are the result.” MYP, p. 382.
Let us consider the game of football (Soccer) particularly. My fellow youth, I would want to warn you against this game, because it is the closest game to you and I. Never play football, never watch football live or on the screen (TV). Love God with all your mind, heart and strength. A lot of power is used in games which should be used in the campaigning for Jesus’ coming.
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant” FE, p. 225.
“I have not been able to find one instance when He educated His disciples to engage in amusements of football or pugilistic games, to obtain physical exercise, and yet Christ was our pattern in all things.” FE, p. 229.
Youth, let us elevate our standard. Pure hearts, pure thoughts, and clean hands is my sincere wish to every youth world wide. May God bless us when we finish our lessons and make a positive stand.
Br. Stephen Mainza, Kabwe