The Patriarch Standard
Is it not a strange thought that the reward which Jesus meant for the Saints (Patriarchs) will be theirs with much dependence on my/your presence as a later Saint, of the gospel age? It is evident that upon the hope of being eternal heirs of the kingdom to come, “that they without us should not be made perfect.”
To whom He wills and finds will in him, God bestows His abundant grace that every opportunity and privilege may be put to the best use that the ultimate fruit – reproduction of Christ’s character will be manifested. Such flashes of heavenly light that in many respects have much semblance to that of their Master will ever be glittering amid the gross darkness of error, demanding the reward at Jesus’ hand for heeding His biddings. As with the patriarchs of old, what have we done or suffered that we should demand the reward that is with Christ when he comes? Such that without us, it is impossible for them to receive their reward?
Patriarchal Times
“What had Christ not done to win the hearts of sinners and to inspire them with unwavering confidence in Himself? For ages He had visited His people with manifestations of the most condescending kindness and unexampled love. From the times of the patriarchs He had shown how His ‘delights were with the sons of men.’ He had been a very present help to all who sought Him in sincerity.” 5T 195.
“It was Christ that spoke to His people through the prophets. The apostle Peter, writing to the Christian Church, says that the prophets ‘prophesised of the grace that should come unto you: searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow,’ 1 Peter 1:10, 11. It is the voice of Christ that speaks to us through the Old Testament.” PP 366 – 67.
“Human power and human might did not establish the church of God, and neither can they destroy it. Not on the rock of human strength, but on Jesus Christ the Rock of Ages, was the church founded ‘and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ Matt. 16:18.” PK 595. On this foundation the faith and works of the Patriarchs as true and honest representatives of the Living God is affirmed.
The Sure Foundation
“In His teachings while personally among men, Jesus directed the minds of the people to the Old Testament. He said to the Jews, Ye ‘search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me.’ John 5:39 At this time, the books of the Old Testament were the only part of the Bible in existence. Again the Son of God declared, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’ And he added, “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead,’ Luke 16:29, 31.” PP 367.
“To those who believe, Christ is the sure foundation… Upon this living stone, Jews and Gentiles alike may… securely build. It is broad enough for all, and strong enough to sustain the weight and burden of the whole world. And by connection with Christ, the living stone, all who build upon this foundation become living stones.” DA 599
Human philosophy in the light of human wisdom have done a commendable work in the sight of man, but lamentably on a shaky platform, quite different from the pattern given us of the patriarchs. On the same patriarchal foundation, do we find the Originator and Chief Cornerstone as a Builder. He as a wise Builder has not been and will never be an author of confusion, that while He commands the standard to be achieved in the Old Testament times, He sets another in the New Testament time as well. He plainly declares: “Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets: I am…not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” Matt. 5:17
Apostle Reflections
“Upon the foundation that Christ Himself had laid, the apostles built the church of God.” AA 595. “The apostles built upon a sure foundation, even the Rock of Ages. To this foundation they brought the stones that they quarried from the world. Not without hindrance did the builders labor. Their work was made exceedingly difficult by the opposition of the enemies of Christ. They had to contend against the bigotry, prejudice, and hatred of those who were building upon a false foundation. Many who wrought as builders of the Church could be likened to the builders of the wall in Nehemiah’s day of whom it is written, ‘They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, everyone with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon,’ Nehemiah 4:17.” AA 596 – 97
“Through the ages that have passed since the days of the apostles, the building of God’s temple has never ceased. We may look back through the centuries and see the living stones of which it is composed, gleaming like jets of light through the darkness of error and superstition. Throughout eternity these precious jewels will shine with increasing luster, testifying to the power of the truth of God. The flashing light of these polished stones reveals the strong contrast between light and darkness, between the gold of truth and the dress of error.” AA 598 – 99
The Vacuum of Reward
“Suffering has been the portion of the people of God from the days of the martyr Abel. The patriarchs suffered for being true to God and obedient to His commandments. The great Head of the church suffered for our sake; His first apostles and the primitive church suffered; The millions of martyrs suffered, and the Reformers suffered. And why should we, who have the blessed hope of immortality, to be consummated at the soon appearing of Christ, shrink from a life of suffering? Were it possible to reach the tree of life in the midst of Paradise of God without suffering, we would not enjoy so rich a reward, for which we had not suffered. We would shrink back from the glory; shame would seize us in the presence of those who had fought the good fight, had run the race with patience, and had laid hold on eternal life. But none will be there who have not, like Moses chosen to suffer affliction with the people of God. The prophet, John saw the multitude of the redeemed, and inquired who they were. The prompt answer came; ‘These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” IT 78
“Paul and other apostles, and the righteous who have lived since then, have acted their part in the building of the temple. But the structure is not yet complete. WE WHO ARE LIVING IN THIS AGE have a work to do, a part to act. We are to bring to the foundation material that will stand the test of fire – gold, silver and precious stones, ‘polished after the similitude of a palace.’ Psalms 144:12.” AA 599
To have the vacuum filled, the protestant reformers in the 5th Century, did what was their known duty. Afar off, the prophet of Patmos witnessed of this, and with inspiration says; “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” Rev.6:9, 10
From the foregoing record, the souls crying from under the altar were slain for one reason–the word of God and the testimony (of Jesus) that they held. They well understood and knew by experience the standard that is a mark of God’s holy calling. They counted not their lives as anything peradventure they could live to prove the teaching of their Master to His disciples. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Luke 11:2 They lived to prove how the words (set standard) that Christ spoke are spirit and life, infallible.
“Everything in nature, from the mote in the sunbeam to the worlds on high, is under law. And upon obedience to these laws the order and harmony of the natural world depend. So there are great principles of righteousness to control the life of all intelligent beings, and upon conformity to these principles the well-being of the universe depends. Before this earth was called into being, God’s law existed. Angels are governed by its principles, and in order for earth to be in harmony with heaven, man also must obey the divine statutes.” (Set Standard), MB 48. There had never been, never is and never will be an honourable substitute for the only standard that God has set in place. Our security solely depends on us being on the mark regardless of tribulation or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword. When persuaded to resort to human might that He may save His life, the Author of this standard and foundation dared not do otherwise, but acknowledged to maintain the mark with the inquiry, “the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?” John 18:11
A Daring Need In Days Of Peril
“Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business.” Acts 6:3. This was the need in the apostolic church, the reformer John Wycliffe asserts the same claim in which it is reported that his accomplishments were achieved by, “Organizing a body of preachers, simple, devout men, who loved the truth and desired nothing so much as to extend it.” GC 87
“What the church needs in these days of peril is an army of workers who, like Paul, have educated themselves for usefulness, who have a deep experience in the things of God, and who are filled with earnestness and zeal. Sanctified, self-sacrificing men are needed; men who will not shun trial and responsibility; men who are brave and true; men in whose hearts Christ is formed ‘the hope of glory,’ and who with lips touched with holy fire will ‘preach the word.’ For want of such workers, the cause of God languishes, and fatal errors, like a deadly poison, taint the morals and blight the hopes of a large part of the human race.
“As the faithful toil-worn standard- bearers are offering up their lives for the truth’s sake, who will come forward to take their place? Will our young men accept the holy trust at the hands of their fathers? Are they preparing to fill the vacancies made by the death of the faithful? Will the apostle’s charge be heeded, the call to duty be heard, amidst the incitements to selfishness and ambition that allure the youth?” AA 507
Coveting The Patriarch Reward
“Do you desire to become a follower of Christ, yet know not how to begin? Are you in darkness and know not how to find the light? Follow the light you have. Set your heart to obey what you do know of the word of God. His power, His very life, dwells in His word. As you receive the word in faith, it will give you power to obey. As you give heed to the light you have, greater light will come. You are building on God’s word and your character will be builded after the similitude of the character of Christ, the true foundation and standard.” MB 150
We are joint heirs with the Patriarchs. “And these (Patriarchs) having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: For God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” Hebrews 11:39, 40. Though we are equated with the Patriarch standard, it will only be on conditions that we too, obtain a good report through faith, receive the promise; and that we, ‘Fear none of those things which thou shall suffer, behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life,’ Rev. 2:10 before we are made perfect with them. (Patriarchs).
A Valuable Qualification
“In choosing men and women for His service, God does not ask whether they possess worldly wealth, learning, or eloquence. He asks, ‘Do they walk in such humility that I can teach them My ways? Can I put My words into their lips? Will they represent Me?’ God can use every person just in proportion as He can put His spirit into the soul temple. The work that He will accept is the work that reflects His image. His followers are to bear, as their credentials to the world, ineffaceable characteristics of His immortal principles.” MH 37
“Men who God favored, and to whom He entrusted great responsibilities, were sometimes overcome by temptation and committed sin, even as we at the present day strive, waver, and frequently fall into error. Their lives, with all their faults and follies, are open before us, both for our encouragement and warning. If they had been represented as without fault, we with our sinful nature, might despair at our own mistakes and failures. But seeing where others struggled through discouragements like our own, where they fell under temptations as we have done, and yet took heart again and conquered through the grace of God, we are encouraged in our striving after righteousness. As they, though sometimes beaten back, recovered their ground, and were blessed of God, so we too may be overcomers in the strength of Jesus.” PP 238.
John Riang’a Obwocha, Nairobi-Kenya