(Continuation of Love Divine, so sublime)
Satan could not Jesus make to fall, thus his war is raging against all
Who chose to follow Christ their Saviour, obeying Him does bring no failure,
But a crown, eternal life in waiting, though first through trials, sorrow they are wading.
Martyrs without number by Satan’s hand fell under,
But only to his own defeat—them in judgment he will meet.
The war for souls is going on, soon more fearful, ever strong,
The last days soon will be at hand; this evil world must have an end.
Now is the day to heed God’s voice, be not stubborn make the choice
To run the race as set before you, obey God’s word to Him it’s due.
Christ and Satan fight for you and me, the outcome of it what will be?
To stand for Jesus in the test, when the beast will rage his quest,
Forcing Sunday as the day of rest.
Prepare today for what is soon to come, that none be overcome,
For all the world the beast will follow. But God’s faithful then will hallow
His commandments trodden down by Rome’s supreme demand,
They defending boldly make their stand.
With love, faith, patience—virtues pure, to win the battle is made sure,
With trust in Jesus’ strength and grace, for never did He lose a case.
Thus be humble, meek and teachable, every instant when times terrible
Shall plunge the world by hell’s surprise, into chaos, strife incredible,
Causing the last war to rise.
Yielding to the flesh’s demand resist, alone defeat it reaps, you must persist
In prayer constant heavenward, bravely pleading the reward
Of victory be given: the death to self, then Spirit-driven,
Conquer Satan and the world’s alluring schemes, forever cast away its foolish dreams.
Now is the time God’s people must unite before the tempest will ignite.
The minds and hearts must now be drawn to the “Upper Room” that there may dawn,
An all the need for love to one another, with tenderness forgive the other,
Reconcile and be a brother, like the disciples gave this great example.
Then the Holy Spirit fell and ample filled the host with strength and power,
God’s grace rained down in mighty showers upon the multitude who now perceived
His love for all now to receive the gospel message plain and clear,
Into the heart and draw them near, to truth, forgiveness and new life,
In Christ, to enter Paradise.
Events cast shadows for the end, God needs a people firm to stand
On His commandments, self-forgotten, pure and holy, bold amidst the rotten
Masses, hostile, mean and drunken, from the wine of Babylon the sunken
Whore who with cunning, shrewd beguiling flair, draws in her net in perfect score,
All the world to follow her.
Soon the hundred thousand forty four, receive what they be waiting for,
The Holy Spirit without measure, Heaven’s gift so great a treasure.
The Cry the loud will shake the world – a message clear and sound be heard,
Even to remotest corners. The light will shine in all the earth,
Every soul will understand God’s call and shout, “Separate, come out,”
From them who void the law Divine, setting up a man’s ensign.
In bold defiance war against the Lamb, decree to kill who will not stand
With the beast to call him lord, and worship him according to his word.
This is the climax of iniquity, and Satan’s triumph of all history—
Be god on earth—this is his dream, the beast he uses in this scheme:
The world be one great family with all religions in sole unity,
To feed the minds with Satan’s leaven, to false security and earthly peace,
Promising all war and strife would cease.
But the Cry the loud those lies lays open, the words of saints are freely spoken,
And every soul the truth so plain, will then discern through the Spirit’s pouring out
Leaving Babylon with great a shout.
Now the dragon’s vengeance rages against the saints who cried the message.
Troubled Babylon is now to rise with fury, full ablaze with hate and haste
To haunt with rigor God’s elect, with condemnation to beset.
The time of trouble so severe, the Bible speaks of is then here.
The saints are seized to stop their voice, evil minds rejoice
In the proclaimed conclusion—their execution—
So that death is to devour that hated sect in one set hour.
Behold, one by one the plagues are falling, man and beast are languishing
Woes unrivaled ravishing the impenitent, in all this misery do not repent
For grace has past—probation closed—cursed is thus the wicked host.
The race rebellion-driven is now reaping, for not having given,
Heed to Christ’s last call to safe, God’s cup of wrath that now does wave
All mercy from it, they must drink and down to hell will sink.
Then as the wicked raise their hands to strike the deadly blow upon the saints
They stall in midair, fall to the ground as terror grips the mob with horror,
At the sound of thunder blasting with tremendous angry lightning.
The wicked shudder at the sight so dreadful, alas, no way to flee the scene so awful,
For now the earth is moving, heaving, reeling to and fro,
The waters cease to flow, all nature screams in agony because of man’s iniquity.
This is the end—now the world is in the hand of
Him who comes to take His faithful home, evermore to be His own.
Amidst the darkness, chaos, fright, God’s people stand in heavens light.
The trumpet sounds aloud to shake graves open, sleeping saints now to awaken,
Coming forth with bodies glorious, pure in Christ’s own righteousness,
To meet the Lord then in the air, with the living saints translated in God’s image fair.
As Christ with power, splendor bright in dazzling light draws nigh,
The wicked are consumed as He descends and stands
Above the earth with all the angels who gather the redeemed to mingle With them,
lift them up to Jesus on the cloud and rise to heaven with the shout
Of victory to leave this earth now doomed and ruined.
Seven days the ride will take, Jesus teaching clear to make
To those who had not known the day, the Lord had hallowed to remember
God’s creation and to render worship due to Him
On His day of rest—the holy Sabbath—
The man of sin had changed to wrest from the heart of the commandments
God had given for remembrance.
Then Jesus opens wide the gate to Paradise. All enter through the pearly door,
And God the Father comes to bless the throng His Son had died for,
And desired those be with Him, who gave their earthly fame, and gain and lives,
To be with Him who bought their souls to make them whole,
With blood so precious on the cross, nevermore to suffer loss.
But a crown, a mansion, life eternal, as reward be given all.
They cast their crowns at Jesus’ feet with thankfulness and gratitude
And praise Him at the grand banquet, astute,
Jesus has prepared for them as welcome to the heavenly realm.
Then crowns Him blessed Israel, to be their King Immanuel.
They honour, worship Christ the King, so that all the heavens ring,
With sacred anthems, joyous voices, every ransomed soul rejoices
In adoration for Him who wrought such great salvation.
In bliss, joy, peace, love, happiness the days are spent,
For all sorrow, woe came to an end. Amen.
Edda Tedford, Canada