Bricks Without Straw

“…Thus says Pharaoh, I will not give you straw.” Ex. 5:10

This is “straw justice”! There is no justice! Bricks without straw! Today, there is a “perversion of justice, too a lack of justice, which is a sign of the times.” 9T 11.

“During Manassas wicked reign, there was, also, a perversion of justice,” (PK 381) in Isaiah’s time, and in the world of Noah.” PK 306.

But, before proceeding further, what do we mean by “justice”? It’s a quality of being right, correct, sound of reason. Some use authority and power to uphold what is right, just, or lawful, often by force or violence, and according to their standards or desires. Also, it means to treat with due appreciation, to enjoy properly; do oneself justice; to do something in a manner worthy of one’s abilities… to be fair to yourself. Are you being fair to yourself?

“There are many people who lack the sense of justice in the smallest matters.” 3T 25.

But, remember, “Jesus is the foundation of God’s throne.” Justice, true justice emanates from it unceasingly. Theologically, justice is spoken of often as justification by faith. This is an act by which a sinner is freed, and is no longer a slave, through faith from the penalty of sin and is accepted by God as righteous.

So, whether you can imagine yourself as a poor slave in Egypt, treading on mud or frantically searching “stubble”, as there was no more straw, or wherever you may be now or where God sends you and places you, remember that He will guard our lives! The Israelites had nothing, no possessions, whatsoever. We too, with our own personal property and possessions, need to be looked upon indifferently; to be unaffected by these things. We need to sit loosely, regarding them. Why? If we do not, there will be panic, distress, heartbreak, fretfulness. These are shadows in our lives; blots, stains, in our journey to deliverance.

In the Sermon on the Mount, it was clear that we are to be His servants… His messengers… Furthermore, we are called by Him. We have a mission, a message! We are important! What happens, then, if we are called on these errands of God?

Well, there is no time to stand up for ourselves, to look to ourselves. We look outward, and “upward”.

What does Jesus say to us in effect? “Do not be bothered with whether you are being ‘justly dealt with or not’… bringing justice, doing justice to others, or do oneself justice.” If we look for justice, what happens to us? It is a sign of deflection, bending, or turning away from our trust or devotion to Him. Isaiah tells us, (2:8) their land is full of idols…”

“The courts of justice are corrupt.” (GC 586). Yet, we see this quality of justice prominently displayed before all courts of justice; usually by a blindfolded goddess, holding scales and a sword. But, we see a “lack of justice prevailing today.” 9T 91.

Never look for justice in this decaying world! But, never cease to give it, being fair with people, doing what is right with
them and to them, everywhere, and without being partial to one or another; no one-sidedness, bias, or prejudice, to favour one or another unfairly.

What happens to us if we look for justice in this tilted world? We will begin to complain, grumble, murmur, and then to indulge in self-pity, give way to our selfish desires, and discontent. Can’t you hear it now? “Why should I be treated in this way? There is no justice!” Yes, there is “no straw in the bricks”!

Malachi, in the cruel days of Nehemiah, at a time when the people were plagued by wickedness, and a false sense of security, the people loudly cried out , “Where is the God of justice?” Mal. 2:17. have you ever cried out like this in your agony or trial, or has anyone called out to you with these words?

If we are devoted to Jesus Christ, we have nothing to do with what happens, whether it be just or unjust. Our Lord Jesus says in effect, again, “go steadily on with what I have told you to do and I will guard your life. If you try to guard it yourself, you remove yourself from My deliverance.”

Many believe this way and then, lose faith in God. They no longer believe! Some leave. Many turn to their own understanding and wisdom, instead of trusting God with all their hearts, mind, body and soul. Soon, the throne of justice will be established here on earth, and it will be seen by the entire universe. The universe, too, will be witness to the justice of God, in His punishment of Satan.

“He will not fail or be discouraged, Till He has established justice in the earth, and the coastlands shall wait for His law.” Isa. 42: 4. Do not fail or be discouraged, brethren. Wait, for there’s more Bricks Ahead, Without Straw.”
This is “straw justice.”

John Theodorou