
Most every country is fighting for democratic freedoms to create a modern and civil society. Are we enjoying a real freedom at the moment? Really, it is a very painful question which we have to think about in these last days. Some human rights groups are still shouting for every person’s democratic freedoms, but they could not touch their target.
Modern technological developments in the last century have done wonders to convert this vast world into a global village. Any event in any part of our planet earth cannot pass unnoticed, taking place even in the remotest corner. While in the developed countries every home has a television set if not two, and Internet facilities are as accessible to all and sundry as have been toys for their children.

Satellite networking, digital telephones and radio transistors in areas where bullock cart sustains itself as one of the major means of transport have totally changed the complexion of the lives of the people wherever they are.

“The man who thinks he knows something does not know as he ought to know.” 1 Cor. 8:2.

We know that in every field knowledge is increasing. Day by day we have seen a very substantial increase in the modern security systems. In the recent developments in electronic technology, it has resulted in the manufacture and marketing of vastly improved security devices. But in looking at criminal activities, the crime rate is growing rapidly in both the internal and external types of thefts. The aviation authorities are introducing Air Marshals in the flights in the future. Can they put a stop to world criminal activities?

September 11, 2001 was a defining moment in modern history, not simply because of the unprecedented evil of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, but also because of the paramount political, moral and spiritual choices before all religions and nations. The innocence wished for our new millennium vanished as the World Trade Center towers collapsed and one fifth of the Pentagon disappeared. “Black Tuesday” might come to be known as the day that terrorism imploded on itself, simply because the carnage was so unbelievable, the attack so cowardly and the body count so high. The US State Department lists a total of 77 American casualties in terrorist attacks from 1995 to 2000, and then one day more than 3000 deaths in the World Trade Center alone. The living God is showing heavy distresses in every country in so many ways. The people are walking in worldly, blind circumstances and we daily are sinning against the living God.

“Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, you who do what He commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility, perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the Lord’s anger.” Zeph. 2:3.

The whole world is now daily fearing for terrorism and natural disasters. How should the Reformed Adventists react to Islam and to our Muslim friends? How should we understand the acts of terrorism and how does this affect our assessment of Islam? Does the Gospel speak to the actual human condition before us?

Islam is the second largest religion of the world, with almost 1.2 billion followers. Muhammad brought Islam to his fellow Arabs in the early 8th century A.D. and Muslims are now present in every country of the world. At the worst extreme all Muslims have been viewed as terrorists and a legitimate target of hate and violence. The headgear of Osama Bin Laden and his Taliban allies should think that this is not a suitable time for terrorism.

In Germany where some Church leaders also blessed Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany for his evil acts. History was witness to the emergence of Nazism and Facism in between the first and second world wars and these two posed a more serious challenge both to capitalistic society and the emerging Communism – they had to join hands to defeat Hitler and Mussolini in Europe.

President Bush advertently or inadvertently—had described his post-9/11 war against terrorism as a “crusade” without realizing that by saying that he had sounded the death-knell for the world, for the World Order he had chosen to preside over. And that—his so-called slip of the tongue had plunged the world formally into a clash of civilizations as predicted many years ago by Samuel P. Huntington, that of Christianity versus Islam. Peaceful followers of Islam – that has no record to dread the world with the Jewish holocaust, under Christian President Truman killing three hundred thousand innocent Japanese people, that has a history to back its claim that Jews were being persecuted by the Christians in Europe.

Anwar Sadat, a Muslim, the president of Egypt was assassinated by Islamic terrorists. The World Trade Center bombing was masterminded by the Islamic Cleric, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahaman of Egypt, now is serving a life sentence in prison in the United States. Osama Bin Laden is very obvious proof of how Islamic ideas can be twisted to defend a campaign of evil. A native of Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden released a warning in February 1998 that spelled out his own views. “The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies – ivilians and Military – is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it.”

This fatwa “urging Jihad against Americans was also signed by Muslim extremists from Egypt, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.” Bin Laden told the ABC news producer Rahimullah Yousafsai in the year 2000, in February, that he would kill his own children if necessary in order to hit American targets. When is Bin Laden going to come out from the caves of Afghanistan? And also, when are the Talibans going to show their green lamps to the American military?

A trial of Saddam Hussein would primarily bring forth evidence of his heavy crimes. He is now counting his time and days in jail. He could face the death penalty. The Pakistan president Gen. Peruez Musharraf escaped two times from car bombings in last December 2003. India and Pakistan’s Kashmir tug of war is still going on at the Kashmir border where both military’s guns are shouting every day. The both countries should come for a final resolution of the region’s future. What about the Palestine and Israel issue, where these countries should come to a very steady negotiation. Can we expect that this can be done in the Middle East?

“That though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish. That they will be forever destroyed.” Ps. 92:7.
It is quite distressing to see support for Bin Laden in Palestine, in some areas of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Sudan, and on some famous Muslim websites too. On the Islamic Gateway’s Forum, one writer argued that the Sept. 11 attacks were not pinpointed enough. Next time they need to target “specific people,” journalists, people from think tanks, people from security and diplomatic services.

However absolutely right our condemnation of terrorism, it is necessary to address the political decisions that shape terrorism. Bin Laden, for example was once an ally of the US because of American support for the Taliban in resisting Communism in Afghanistan.

In China where we can find the “house churches” are growing illegally. But there is no way to determine how many of those groups are very active in China. Still, the “house church” leaders have been beaten, fined or imprisoned because they are sharing Christian ideas. Ironically, these events are said to have taken place shortly before Beijing of 2008. it seems that international pressure with regards to Chinese human rights abuse is weak, or perhaps international leaders think the Olympics could influence China for the better.

Freedom House, a group based in Washington, D.C. reports that China has more Christians in prison for their faith than any other country in the world. Fear also is what motivates the Chinese government’s concern over unregistered religious groups. It is also the only rationale for stipulations like the government’s requirement that people register their Bibles.

“You have heard these things: Look at them all. Will you not admit them? Now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you.” Is. 48:6.

The idea that people must put Jesus first in their life is what alarms the Chinese government about the Christian faith. They do not see it as a Western influence as Communism is. They see Christianity as something opposed to Communism because they are two different systems of living for the people. China needs more teachers and preachers from the Reformed Adventist group. This Reformed Adventist group should introduce the real truth to them. Instead of sending trained ministers to Australia, we should send workers to China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Burma and Nepal. And also we should give financial help, literature, spiritual movies, Bibles and clothes primarily to these countries. Most of the churches do not preach or teach the real prophecies of living truth to the people.

The Canadian Reformed Adventist Church group actively should support work in these countries in many ways. Many should join in an Asian Reformed Adventist team, especially India, Sri Lanka and China should be our focus countries in 2004. Believers will ask our living God, Jesus to influence the course of events. In Sri Lanka, where the Organization of Parents and Family Members of the disappeared in Sri Lanka – held a commemoration two weeks ago for nearly 52,000 missing people, demanding punishment of the guilty and compensation for their families. The figure of 52,800 comprises 44,000 Sinhalese who disappeared during the second youth uprising between 1987 and 1992, and some 8,500 people, mostly Tamils who went missing in the North and East provinces since 1995. Around one million are totally disabled in one form or another, according to social welfare ministry statistics. A majority are from rural areas.

“Men will go there with bow and arrow, for the land will be covered with briers and thorns. As for all the hills once cultivated by the hoe, you will no longer go there for fear of the briers and thorns. They will become places where cattle are turned loose and where sheep run.” Is. 7:25-26.

The life of Jesus is our supreme example of His love. He loved all classes of people. He loved even His enemies. He regarded them as brothers and sisters, and His wounded heart ached when He saw them submitting to evil. The Lord is our refuge and strength. The promise of Jesus rings ever so much more comforting. “My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me, I give unto them eternal life,” and they shall never, even as buildings fall, as planes crash, as terrorists plot. Jesus was crucifi ed that they, too, might be saved. Friend, this love is a healing stream for all nations. Are you and I in it?

Xavior Chelliah, Canada