
On Friday, July 31, 2015, the Canadian Field Conference opened on a warm summer evening in Toronto, Canada.  The president of the Canadian Field, Brother Morris Lowe held the opening meeting. He welcomed people from near and far to study the conference theme, “The Messiah in His Sanctuary”.

He then continued by giving a presentation on the subject of, “The Great Controversy in the Sanctuary”. The Sanctuary concerns every living soul on earth, whether you are a believer or not. It opens to view the great war between heaven and Satan. “Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an High Priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.” Hebrews 8:1–2

In the earthly Sanctuary we can learn about what is going on in the heavenly Sanctuary, because the earthly Sanctuary is a direct copy of the heavenly Sanctuary. Everything about the Sanctuary has to do with Christ’s work; if we understand the Sanctuary we will somewhat of an understand the plan of salvation.

He then continued by explaining how the structure and the some of furniture in the sanctuary all pointed to Jesus and the way that the sinner can find salvation through Christ. The Sanctuary had only one entrance door; there is only one way to salvation and that is through Jesus. There is no other way, no other door, only Christ. If anyone proclaims another way the Bible says that they are a thief and a robber.

We surrender first and then we get baptized, as is shown in the sanctuary. The sacrificial altar is the first step, and then the laver. The laver represents baptism, which must take place before a person enters the sanctuary.

Within the holy place are three pieces of furniture. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, just as the candlestick illuminated the Sanctuary. We are also called to be a light to the world. Three bare record in Heaven—God the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that the candlestick also represents the Holy Spirit.

The table of shewbread represents the body of Christ that He gave for the world. Only those who have passed through baptism first, may partake in the Holy Communion.

In the most holy place, the ark of covenant is seen and it represents Jesus Christ. In the ark is God’s immutable law. Above the ark was the Shekinah glory, or God’s presence, on the mercy seat.

The controversy in the Sanctuary started with Lucifer in Heaven. He wanted to be above God. At that time, Lucifer was the covering cherub. He stood in the very presence of God as others came to worship before God. It is astonishing to think that this being, who was in the very presence of God, wanted all to worship him instead of God. He was especially jealous of Jesus, the Son. The controversy that started in heaven continues to this day. The goal of the Sanctuary and its services is for human beings to be reconciled to God.

Brother Elder Hernandez continued by giving a presentation on “The Feasts in the Sanctuary”. We know that Jesus is performing His work in heaven as our High Priest. In ancient Israel they had seven feasts in the Hebrew calendar, which were guided by the moon. This is different from the calendar that we use today which is governed by the sun.

Brother Elder traced the Feasts of the ceremonial law and their parallel to Christ’s work in His life and His work in the Sanctuary.

The Passover represents Jesus’ crucifixion, which is also represented by the sacrifice in the Sanctuary service. The feast of Unleavened Bread represents Christ in the tomb; and in the Sanctuary service, it is shown in the Laver. Sin needs to be washed and removed from our life.

The feast of First Fruits represents Jesus’ resurrection, the first fruit of God.

The next feast was the Feast of Weeks, which was representative of the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out in its fullness and a great harvest of souls were added to God’s church. This will happen again soon when the Lord will provide a harvest during the Latter Rain.

The Feast of Trumpets, which preceded the Day of Atonement, represented the First Angel’s Message, preached by William Miller. He preached that the Day of Judgment is at hand. Jesus went into the Most Holy in the Sanctuary in Heaven. The judgment began in 1844 and is still going on today.

The Day of Atonement is a day when we must be ready; a day when Jesus will stand up because His work as our High Priest is finished and His work as a mediator is done. And finally, the Feast of Tabernacles represents the acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice at the moment when Jesus Christ comes for us.

On Sabbath Morning, Brother Henry Dering held the divine service entitled “Jesus in the Sanctuary”. We are living in the last days of this world and many events that we witness attest to this. There are signs in politics, corruptions in society, and signs amongst the nations. All these attest to the implementation of a Sunday law and the soon coming of Jesus.

Some years ago a man named Charles Finney was sitting in a law office. A voice called out to him, “what are you going to do with your life?” Finney recalled the Bible verse, Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” A profound change occurred in his life as he thought about this verse and its implications for his life. Each one of us will give an account of our own life. All what we do will be reviewed before the universe.

Brother Dering explained the three phases of the judgment. The first phase, which is going on now, is the investigative judgment. The investigative judgment started in 1844. For 171 years it has been going on. God is giving us mercy right now so that we might be ready when our name is called. There will be no false findings in this judgment, all will be accurate. Anyone who accepts Jesus, his or her name is put in the book of life in heaven; but your name may be blotted out if you go backwards. A relationship with Jesus will ensure that our name will remain in the book of life when our name comes up in the investigative judgment that is going on in the Sanctuary in Heaven.  We need to repent of our sins to be saved. Each of our names will be called in this investigative judgment. Every sin that we commit is faithfully entered in the Book of Sin. If we repent, God will forgive us and Jesus will blot out that sin. “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14

In the afternoon, the youth and children from across the Canadian Field presented many wonderful songs and readings in keeping with the Sanctuary theme of the conference. The youth also had a panel presentation, where several ones were asked how they would witness to their friends regarding different Sanctuary topics.

Brother Nicolas Anca spoke about the topic, “The Sanctuary in Detail”.

The Sanctuary in heaven is the original; the one on earth is a copy. We have sinned and therefore need a high priest. Jesus our Saviour is our high priest.

In the Courtyard, the animal was slain in our place. This is the justification process. We then enter the Holy Place, where intercession is being made for us, this is the process of Sanctification. And finally we will enter the most holy place, where the judgment takes place and, if we are found worthy, we will be glorified. We need all these three steps to be saved.

Jesus said, “I am the door.” John 10:9. If you enter in you will be saved. No other is name given whereby you may be saved.

Brother Anca then presented in detail all the elements of the sanctuary. It is a progression; some go to laver—baptism—and stay there. But you must not remain there; you need to enter into the Holy and then into the Most Holy Place.

The Holy Place teaches us three things. Bread—man shall not live by bread alone. We cannot grow without studying the word of God. The golden altar represents a life of prayer. Incense is added to the prayers of the saints. And the golden candlestick indicates the need of missionary work. After this we then go to God in the Most Holy Place, through the veil which is Jesus Christ. The ark of covenant in the Most Moly Place contained three articles—the Law of God which was broken and was the reason for all the sacrificial service, the Pot of Manna representing health reform, and Aaron’s Rod, signifying the organization of God’s church.

There was a daily ministry which indicated our daily need of the presence of Christ. Each morning and evening, a lamb was sacrificed for sins. Then there was the yearly

ministry on the Day of Atonement. All sins were cleansed from the records. Only those who confess and repent can obtain atonement on this antitypical Day of Atonement also.

In the evening Brother Dering dedicated baby Joshua, son of Raquel and Elder Hernandez.

Following this service, it was time for everyone to give their thanks to the Lord. Brother Timo Martin led a testimony and praise meeting in which many people gave their thanks to God in word and song.

For the Sabbath closing service Brother Jerry Eaton spoke of, “The Health Message in the Sanctuary”. The health message is entwined in the different components of the Sanctuary.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

We are all called priests in the New Testament. The dress of the priest was symbolic of the righteousness of Christ, so we must also wear that dress.

Brother Eaton traced the origin of Sister White’s visions on health reform from 1854 until the end of her life.

With each successive message the light was progressive and encompasses our entire health from physical, mental, spiritual, dress, and diet. By 1909 Sister White called for all of God’s people to be vegetarian.

Jesus had a health message. Jesus used natural remedies in healing, such as the blind man in John 9, whom He healed with clay and spit. There are many examples of natural healing and health principles in the Bible.

On Sunday morning, on the peaceful, sun-bathed shores of Lake Ontario, with the melodies of nature surrounding us, we gathered to witness the baptism of eight souls. All heaven rejoiced with us as the universe witnessed the covenant with God made by these dear souls. Arriving back at church, the new brothers and sisters were welcomed into the family of God. (picture on back page).

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:17–18

Brother Oscar Oviedo then presented the topic, “Our Principles of Faith in the Sanctuary”. He paralleled creation and redemption with our own lives. At first we are spiritually without form and void and God must create us into a Christian and redeem us. God leads us from creation to our spiritual home. Throughout the Sanctuary all of our Principles of Faith are connected. The word of God leads us, just as it did for Ancient Israel in the Sanctuary and its services. Throughout the Sanctuary we find the Godhead. In the Sanctuary are six pieces of furniture, as has been discussed, however, the seventh element must not be left out and that is the priest. Without the priest the services could not be conducted. Every element in the sanctuary pointed to Jesus who is our high priest.

Brother Renso Suarez continued by sharing the topic of “The Sanctuary and Bible History”. He sought to expose the attack that Satan has carried out against God’s Holy Sanctuary since the origin of sin to our present day. He showed that the enemy did not stop at the heavenly Sanctuary but sought to destroy the Sanctuary here on earth as well. What all this led to was the conclusion that we, as faithful Adventists, must complete our duty in protecting the key elements found in the Most Holy place: The Rod of Aaron, the Manna, and God’s Holy Law.

All too soon it came time for the farewell meeting. Brother Morris Lowe reviewed the wonderful messages heard surrounding the Messiah in His Sanctuary. The final official act of the Sanctuary will be the placement of all sin upon the scapegoat, Satan. Satan will have to pay for all his sins, as well as the sins of the redeemed. After 1,000 years in prison he will be destroyed, along with all the sin in the universe. The controversy will then be ended.

One day soon, Jesus will stand up from His priestly duties, the judgment being complete, and pronounce the words, “it is finished”. Then the command will be given for the angels to pour out the seven last plagues upon the earth. Let us pray that we will be saved.

“He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels.” Revelation 3:5. Amen.

The Canadian Field Secretary