November 2, 1994

After a night in a hotel, the Lord helped me to decide to travel 150km to Kumba, the primary known address. By a series of extraordinary circumstances, the first person contacted was Tani Aaron Fru, an Adventist who was willing to receive me because my card said “Reform” His was a story like our brothers of World War 1.

Brother Aaron brought the Adventist to his English speaking S.W Province of Cameroon about 20 years ago. He has started many churches in this part of the country and has been primary in winning hundreds to the faith. He studies thoroughly with the souls, usually more than nine months, before they are baptized. He never had contact with ”The Reform” before my coming, although he had heard that there was some kind of movement for reform which upheld the teaching of the Spirit of Prophecy.

My first interest was in finding out why he was so interested in my coming. It seems he and a small group of reform minded Adventist have been systematically persecuted by their former brethren for encouraging a high standard of Christian ethics.

Brother Aaron is a fearless yet humble defender of faith once delivered to the saints. His reward: he has been poisoned more than twice. Once he was taught dead, but came out of the coma only minutes before he was placed in the coffin and buried. In April, 1994, all church properties by the police and turned over to the Adventist leaders of Cameroon. At the same time he and six others were jailed 10 days during which time he was mercilessly beaten to the point he lost his hearing and much of his eyesight (he is now 80% recovered).

The timeliness and success of this trip to Cameroon should soon be revealed. A work was began there with four baptisms of faithful Adventists who had been disfellowshiped for living and teaching Reform doctrines.

Larry Watts