The members of the  Vancouver church were privileged to  have Brother Raul Escobar (President of the  Canada-Caribbean Union) visit us  for a couple of weeks.

On Thursday  August  11th,  we gathered on   the   beautiful sight   of Third Beach in Stanley Park  to witness  the   baptism  of   our dear sister Elizabeth Miller. It was  a very warm   sunny   evening   and    there were still quite a few swimmers on the  beach who also were able  to witness the  baptism. Afterwards Brother Escobar  and I spoke at length with  a   gentleman  and  his wife who had watched with keen interest. They shared  their   names and  phone number and  we  hope to reach them in the near  future.

Elizabeth used to attend the  church in  Toronto  about  16-17  years  ago with her   father  and   brother. They were regular visitors for  a couple of years. She had since moved to  live with her  mother and  we  lost   touch not only  with her   but   the   whole family. In  that  time   most  of   her family had moved to British Columbia (B.C.). But  the truth Elizabeth learned as a child had  not left   her   heart.  After   several  years residing  in   B.C.,   my  wife  and   I received a  telephone call from  Ted Miller,  her  father. He  had found the Reform Movement in  the  telephone book. From then on,  we  were able to get  in touch with the  other family members.

The   Lord  has   been  working miracles in Elizabeth’s heart for  the past    two   years.  She    has    now decided  at   this   time  to   give    her heart  to  the  Lord and  become a member of  the   family of  God.  We were all happy to  welcome her  into the family and  she  has  already been a  tremendous blessing and  support for the local church.

Since  Brother Escobar is also  a Natural  Health  Counsellor  we decided to  hold a  public health seminar during his  visit.  At first  he was a  bit  nervous since English is not  his  native tongue, but   the  Lord blessed his  efforts.

The  meetings were held on  three nights,  from   August    12-I4.    The church  members  and  visitors received  many  answers to  their health problems and   other  general concerns. Many alternative healing methods were discussed with major emphasis on curing the  whole body not  just  one  portion of  it.  When  one part   of  the  body is  sick   the  whole system   suffers   and     is   out     of balance.  We must  treat   the   whole body  and   bring  it   back  into equilibrium. This brings true  lasting health. Many  other points on  this matter were taken up  during these evenings. Brother Escobar has published several health books in the   Spanish  language.    There  are plans  in   the   near   future  to   make them available in  English. Some of our  visitors had inquired about this possibility.

Our  future plan is  to  hold monthly health seminars here in  Vancouver. We     have    dedicated    the      first Tuesday of  every month for  this project. The  issue of  health has opened many doors to  reach souls here in Vancouver.

Several people from this  seminar have   already   responded   to    the gospel and  are  now taking Bible studies. Please continue to  pray for us  here in  Vancouver. Though we are   few, if  we   are   united  in  the work. the Lord will do  mighty things for His people.

Jerry  Eaton