“The greatest work, the noblest effort, in which men can engage, is to point sinners to the Lamb of God.”  E.G. White. Gospel Workers.· P.  18.   A Missionary and Canvassing Rally will be held in Toronto on September 16, 17, and 18.  All are invited to participate in practical instruction in Missionary Work. We will begin on Friday evening at 7:00pm, and continue on Sabbath afternoon as well as Sunday morning.  On Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm, a health meeting will be held.  Come and learn to use Natural Remedies for healing the sick.

Raul Escobar


Baptism in Toronto

The Sabbath of July 30th was one joyful occasion as we witnessed the baptism of two dear souls, William Garcia and Chester Cosby. Br. William made his covenant with the Lord at the early age of fourteen.  Already at the end of last year, he had expressed his desire .at our annual New Year’s resolution meeting to be baptized this year, which has been now fulfilled.

These occasions bring great joy to the hearts of parents, to see their children deciding to follow the Lord.

Br. Chester has been a member of the Adventist Church and residing in Detroit. On attending the Christ Righteousness seminar last February in Detroit, he had decided to take his stand among the remnant people of God. Let us pray for the labors of Br. Chester in Detroit that others may also join him.

Timo Martin.