One hundred years ago, terror gripped the hearts of men and women as World War I unleashed its hellish fury across Europe. Inside the Seventh-day Adventist Church, a different kind of war began to wage. Fearing sanctions and death sentences, Adventist leaders joined the world and openly abandoned their allegiance to God’s government and holy law. Only a handful stood faithful, refusing to fight and kill, or break the Sabbath commandment.  They sadly were persecuted, ridiculed and disfellowshipped from the church.  This was a turning point in the history of God’s church.

These special days were set aside at the General Conference headquarters in Cedartown, Georgia, USA, to commemorate the bravery of God’s faithful people who stood faithful in a time of severe oppression, giving rise to God’s true remnant church today—the International Missionary Society of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Reform Movement. Visitors and members came from all over the world to take part in this spiritual feast.

The major themes that were presented during this solemn occasion were the history regarding the Great War (before and after), and issues surrounding it such as nonviolence and pacifism, and the law of God and military service, which gave rise to the Reform Movement.

The conference began on Wednesday evening with a welcome from Brother Idel Suarez, Jr., President of the General Conference. He gave a brief overview of Adventist history which led to the birth of the Reform Movement as prophesied in the Bible and Testimonies.

The following meetings then went into more details regarding the events and important issues involved. Brother Monterroso from Guatemala went back into history and spoke about the Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries. God’s people have always been a remnant, as seen from the time of Noah when only eight souls entered the ark and found salvation. In the time of Lot, only three escaped the fire from heaven. The 16th and 17th centuries were an age in history called The Dark Ages. During this time, knowledge of the Bible was hidden from the common people and there was great spiritual darkness. Owning a Bible would incur the death penalty. At this time the Papacy had control of the people as they enforced their false teachings and traditions. Many brave reformers spoke up against the false teachings, some of them sealing their fate as martyrs; however, the truth was more precious to them than life itself. Luther was considered one of the most notable reformers, but reform did not end with him. Reform continues to the end of the world. History repeats itself and 100 years ago, God called for a reform in His church.

On Thursday, Brother Woonsang Kang from South Korea began the day by speaking about “Nonviolence, Pacifism, and Conscientious Objection.” He asked the question, “How should we react when the government forces people to take up arms and fight? Must we adapt and surrender to their demands? Or is it our duty to respond by Conscientious Objection? Conscientious Objection can be defined when a person refuses to perform military services based on specific Biblical principles. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.” Romans 12:17. Conscientious Objection is connected to non-violence—refusing to do anything that will result in violence to others. This is our duty before God. If we have a situation similar to that which the believers were facing 100 years ago, what position would we take?

Brother Joel Barnedo continued with an appeal to the youth. During 1863 the youth in the Seventh-day Adventist Church were faced with the question as to whether the youth should participate in the American Civil War.  James White was inclined to support the government because it seemed to be a “good” war—against slavery. His wife, though, had a vision which showed the Lord’s displeasure at such a decision; so the call came from the throne of God that the position of His people should be to not participate in warfare. The youth stood faithful. Unfortunately in World War I, it was not the same.  Many youth joined the war effort, however, while only a few stood faithful. Our youth today need to learn from these faithful young men. They need to put on the whole armour of God as they are fighting a spiritual warfare. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.” 2 Corinthians 3:10. The youth of 1914 recognized that their warfare was not nation against nation but the battle for their souls.

Following the apostasy of World War I came the birth of the Reform Movement. Brother Parmenas Shirima from Tanzania presented “The Prophetic Foundation of the Reform Movement.” We can thank the Lord that the Reform Movement has a solid foundation. There are three principles for identifying the church of God: 1) Doctrine. The Word of God. Do they live and teach according to the Word of God in all areas, such as the Law of God, health reform, dress reform, tithes and offerings?  2) Prophecy. Amos 3:7 tells us that, “Surely the LORD God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.” The true church of God must be prophesied in the Bible and in the Spirit of Prophecy. 3) History. The church of God existed from Eden and God has always had a remnant. Once a church apostatizes, God does not make a new church, but He maintains a remnant from the old church. In history, God has always had a remnant who kept the original doctrine of heaven, because whatever we keep today is not new. It is original truth given by God, right from the beginning.

In the military, it is impossible to keep the law of God, and Bother Francesco Caputo from Italy gave more details on this topic. In Matthew 5:9, Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” The children of God are called to be peacemakers and this is difficult to do in the army. If we have the genuine love of God in our hearts, we will not want to kill anyone. It may be difficult to love those who want to kill us, but Christian perfection is to love our enemies. Learning this kind of love is not natural, but is possible by the grace of God. Satan delights in war and inspires conflict in the family, churches, and in the world. Our only weapon is prayer. This is the solution to the problems in the world. The Lord is our defense.

Brother Pedro Alva from Peru, took us through “The Biblical Path—Matthew 18”. The Reform movement rose not through violence, but through peace. The church went through many crucial times, and the enemy fought against the church. Many chose the prince of darkness, while a faithful few gave respect to the principles of God’s word. These people were disfellowshipped without the church having followed the proper procedure laid out in the Bible in Matthew 18. The church of God was not born through violence. They were not rebels, but rather peaceful, faithful followers of Christ.

The messages of the three angels in Revelation 14 are an international message and this subject was presented by Brother Noe Chappa from Argentina. In 1920, the Reformers found themselves in a meeting with the leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The fourth question they asked the leaders was whether the message in Revelation 14:6–12 is national or international. We are to be in the world but not of the world. In Acts 10:28, when the first disciples shared the gospel message, they had to break down national barriers, making it an international message. The message of today is truly international.

The Alpha and Omega was presented by Brother Larry Watts. The Bible contains the Alpha and Omega of knowledge. Take the Bible as your study book. Christ is the Alpha and Omega of redemption. We need to crucify ourselves completely with Christ. There is no middle ground. Alpha—we need to change ourselves. Omega—we are preparing for a place in heaven. The Alpha of apostasy is self-reliance, selfishness and covetousness; putting yourself above God; you choose what is truth. The Omega is that you can sin and not pay. There are no consequences for sin. In order to be saved, we need to know the Alpha of Salvation and that is Christ in you. The Alpha is your personal salvation through Christ, and the Omega is having the spirit of service—a united people, working together by the Holy Spirit.

The Health Reform message is a pillar of reformation. Brother Roland de la Paz from the Philippines shared with us its importance. Health reform has been advancing in the Seventh-day Adventist Church with Sister White receiving several visions of its importance. It is our religious duty to keep our body healthy. Men and women cannot violate natural laws by indulging depraved appetites and lustful passions, and not violate the law of God. All areas of health are to be studied and faithfully followed in order to keep our bodies in the best possible condition for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Brother Douglas Frances from Sri Lanka gave a presentation of the 1919 Bible Conference in Takoma Park, Maryland, U.S.A It was reported that at the 1919 Bible Conference there was a discussion of the Adventist hermeneutics and eschatology. Many important documents had been in the archives which were kept wrapped up in a vault at the General Conference. We in the Reform Movement are to uplift the Spirit of Prophecy and not keep it hidden.

Brother Morris Lowe from Canada gave the final presentation of the day by sharing some historical events relating to the preservation of the Bible. During the Dark Ages, Satan, through the Papacy, waged war against the Bible. The Bible was outlawed for 1260 years. Over 50 million Christians were slaughtered by the Papacy under the influence of Satan for wanting to read and follow Biblical principles.  But Satan lost the battle as he always does.  Today, thankfully, there are Bible societies who translate and publish Bibles at affordable prices.

Friday morning began with Brother Tzvetan Petkov reviewing the negotiations that the disfellowshipped believers had with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Friedensau, Germany in 1920. The full report is written in a book called “The Protocol”.  There was no reconciliation following this meeting.

Brothers Idel Suarez, Jr. and Woonsang Kang shared with us some of the events from the Seventh-day Adventist Symposium in Friedensau in May 2014, which they attended.  The Symposium was regarding the impact of the First World War on the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Reformers were given an opportunity to give a presentation on one of the evenings.  The meeting was followed by an interesting question and answer period. The end result was that the German Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Church gave the Reform Church an official statement of apology in writing. It is yet to be seen if this apology is approved by the world-wide church.

Sister Raquel Orce shared some of the historical events of the disfellowshipped brethren in World War I. There was a division in the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the reasons given for the disfellowshipment of the faithful was because of their unchristian conduct. They were said to be obstinate and fanatical. Although there were protests and appeals from some of the churches to follow the course outlined in Matthew 18, the disfellowshipments were still carried out.   After the disfellowshipments, sadly the church continued to persecute the faithful by reporting them to the authorities.

Brother Gustavo Castellanos from Austria shared some of the experiences of the martyrs during this difficult time. Although many gave their lives and faced a martyr’s death, some were miraculously preserved. One day we will again face such opposition and we need to learn from our forefathers’ experiences so that we too will remain faithful.

For the opening of the Sabbath, Brother Larry Watts spoke about America’s Biblical Legacy. Although America has enjoyed a culture with a Christian heritage, can we call it a Christian nation today? Throughout the history of America we see many events, and the leaders who gave glory to God for His leading. Although America is becoming more and more godless today, yet its beginning was laid down on Christian principles.

Brother George Gowie from Jamaica shared some of the characteristics of God’s church. In the world there are over 2000 churches claiming to be Christian; this has caused much confusion in the minds of many people. Yet God has only one church and it is founded on the principles in the Word of God. God’s church keeps His law in its entirety, including the Sabbath. Although we may claim to be a part of God’s church today, we need to ask ourselves if we are truly keeping the Sabbath according to His commandments, in our conversation and actions.  God’s people also are those who preach the Three Angel’s messages, and the judgment hour. They are a remnant—poor and afflicted. God’s church must also be a missionary church.

For the divine service on Sabbath, Brother Idel Suarez Jr. shared the word of God under the title of “Final Triumph of the Third Angel’s Message.”  The questions were asked, “Are you in Christ? What does it mean to be in Christ?” It is not just to believe that He is the Saviour and Redeemer. “Are you in Christ? “Not if you do not acknowledge yourselves erring, helpless, condemned sinners. Not if you are exalting and glorifying self.” –Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 48. Just because we belong to a church that stood faithful in every war since World War I, does not guarantee that we are in Christ. Two men went into the temple to pray, one told the Lord his accomplishments, the other said, “I am a sinner.” The second received righteousness. We have nothing worthy in us, but Jesus is worthy and merciful. He came to seek and save the lost. To be in Christ requires two steps: to believe that you are a condemned sinner; and to believe that only Jesus can save you. The final triumph of the church will be when all the members are in Christ, doing the works of Christ. His character will be perfectly reflected in each member as they accept His robe of righteousness.

Brother Pablo Hunger shared some important thoughts regarding the Bible in the time of the end. There are many Bibles in the world, and many different theories. If we wish to triumph in the end we must know our Bible well. That is our only security. And through the Bible we will be drawn closer to Christ.

To close the Sabbath, Brother Francisco Caputo from Italy shared the most important subject for our salvation, the message of Christ our Righteousness. This is the basis of all Reformation. The Lord our Righteousness is a message that has been repeated throughout history, not just in 1888. All the way from the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned there was the need of a Saviour for lost mankind. The example of Peter was used. Although he had been baptized and had his moments of holiness, yet he was not converted.  He loved Jesus sincerely, but still made a terrible mistake in denying Jesus. We often try to do our best, but fail.  What is needed is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We need help from a power outside ourselves and this is where Christ’s Righteousness comes in. He will work a complete transformation of our character—this is sanctification.

The very informative studies continued into Sunday with the first session being conducted by Brother Larry Watts, who spoke of the pillars that were brought out of the Garden of Eden—Marriage and the Sabbath. He related their connection with the Reformation. “In the time of the end every divine institution is to be restored.” –Prophets and Kings, p. 678. Reformation is restoration as in the time of Nehemiah when he came to restore and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. In like manner, the divine institutions must be restored today.

Brother Idel Suarez Jr. spoke specifically about Minneapolis in 1888, and in 1917 when America finally entered the Great War. The Seventh-day Adventist Church gathered twice in Minneapolis—in 1888 and again in 1917. In 1888 the Christ our Righteousness message was rejected; and in 1917 the church gave permission for its members to join the army as non-combatants. This made their apostasy complete.

The connection between World War I and II was presented by Brother Tzvetan Petkov. There was the same persecution of God’s true believers in both wars with their betrayal to authorities by other Christians.  Although there appears to be religious liberty in the Western World, history will repeat itself and one day God’s true and faithful children will face persecution once more from unexpected sources.

The final subject was presented by Sister Raquel Orce and it was about the origin of the name International Missionary Society. This name goes as far back as 1870, having its roots in the International Tract Society.  Over the years the name changed slightly and in 1921 the resolution was made to keep the name “International Missionary Society” and to add, “Reform Movement”, even though there was no official General Conference committee as of yet. Finally, the principles of faith were established in 1925.

During Sabbath afternoon and Sunday afternoon we were blessed to hear short missionary reports from many countries around the world—reports of how the work of Reform reached their country and how it has progressed since. There were many inspiring experiences shared and these will be available in print in the future.

Friday afternoon saw the blessed event of two dear souls giving their lives to the Lord through baptism. Sister Persia Suarez, eldest daughter of Brother Idel Suarez Jr., and Brother Prudent Katide from South Africa, buried their old lives in the watery grave and rose to newness in Christ. Truly the angels of heaven rejoiced at this joyous event when two more souls decided to turn their back on the world and to stand with Christ on His platform of truth.

For the closing of the conference, Brother Woonsang Kang, and Brother Idel Suarez Jr. thanked all the participants and those that helped out, those that made the effort to travel to Cedartown to share in this Commemoration, as well as those that tuned in via the Internet.  Brother Kang ended with a question? “Do you love Jesus? If so, then go to the world and spread the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.”

The time had come for each one to return to their own part of the world to spread the good news of salvation. This was truly a spiritual feast. The church of God has a solid foundation in history and prophecy; may each one of us stand faithful to the Lord, having an answer to give to those who question the foundation of God’s church today. May you each be a light in your corner of the world so that Jesus can come soon. Amen.