Lay Workers are Needed for the Harvest
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Prov. 11:30.
“A neglected work remains to be done, and we are to repent of our indifference toward this work, and pray for spiritual discernment to see and to sense, as we should, its urgent needs. To us has been entrusted enlightening, saving truth. All about us are multitudes who have never yet been enlightened. To these we must proclaim the lifesaving truths of the third angel’s message. We are to hunt for souls, laboring with all diligence to communicate to others that which is for their eternal welfare.
‘The unwarned multitudes are fast becoming the sport of the evil one. Satan is leading them into many forms of folly and self-pleasing. Many are seeking for that which is novel ad startling; their minds are far from God and the truths of His Word. At this time, when the enemy is working as never before to engross the minds of men and women, and turn them from the truth, we should be laboring with increasing activity in the highways and also in the byways. Diligently, interestedly, we are to proclaim the last message of mercy in the cities—the highways-and the work is not to end there, but is to extend into the surrounding settlements and in the country districts—into the byways and the hedges.
“All classes are to be reached. As we labor, we shall meet with various nationalities. None are to be passed by, unwarned. The Lord Jesus was the gift of God to the entire world—not to the higher classes alone, and not to any one nationality, to the exclusion of others. His saving grace encircles the whole world. Whosoever will may drink of the water of life freely. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Rom. 10:13). But there is earnest work to be done. The gospel invitation is to be given in every place, for “how… shall they call on him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” (verse 14).
“The Lord desires His people to arise, and do their appointed work. The responsibility rests not upon the ministry alone. The lay members of the church are to share the burdens of soul saving… The Lord now calls upon those who have a knowledge of the truth for this time, to arouse from their lethargy, and become true missionaries in His service. Time is short, and the Lord’s work must be done without further delay.” Letter 4, Feb. 15, 1911 to W.C. White.
“Paul set an example against the sentiment, then gaining influence in the church, that the gospel could be proclaimed successfully only by those who were wholly freed from the necessity of physical toil. He illustrated in a practical way what might be done by consecrated laymen in many places where the people were unacquainted with the truths of the gospel. His course inspired many humble toilers with a desire to do what they could to advance the cause of God, while at the same time they supported themselves in daily labor. Aquila and Priscilla were not called to give their whole time to the ministry of the gospel; yet these humble laborers were used by God to show Apollos the way of truth more perfectly. The Lord employs various instrumentalities for the accomplishment of His purpose; and while some with special talents are chosen to devote all their energies to the work of teaching and preaching the gospel, many others, upon whom human hands have never been laid in ordination, are called to act an important part in soul-saving.” AA p. 355.
“Before the final visitation of God’s judgments upon the ! earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. The Spirit and power of God will be poured out upon His children. At that time many will separate themselves from those churches in which the love of this world has supplanted the love for God and His word. Many, both of ministers and people, will gladly accept those great truths which God has caused to be proclaimed at this time to prepare a people for the Lord’s second coming. The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work; and before the time for such a movement shall come, he will endeavor to prevent it by introducing a counterfeit. In those churches which he can bring under his deceptive power he will make it appear that God’s special blessing is poured out… Wherever men neglect the testimony of the Bible, turning away from those plain, soul-testing truths which require self-denial and renunciation of the world, there we may be sure that God’s blessing is not bestowed… A wrong conception of the character, the perpetuity, and the obligation of the divine law has led to errors in relation to conversion and sanctification, and has resulted in lowering the standard of piety in the church. Here is to be found the secret of the lack of the Spirit and power of God in the revivals of our time.” GC p. 464-465
“All who enter the army are not to be generals, captains, sergeants, or even corporals. All have not the care and responsibility of leaders. There is hard work of other kinds to be done. Some must dig trenches and build fortifications; some are to stand as sentinels, some to carry messages. While there are but few officers, it requires many soldiers to form the rank and file of the army; yet its success depends upon the fidelity of every soldier. One man’s cowardice or treachery may bring disaster upon entire army.
“There is earnest work to be done by us individually if we would fight the good fight of faith. Eternal interests are at stake. We must put on the whole armor of righteousness, we must resist the devil, and we have the sure promise that he will be put to flight.” Test. Vol. 5, p. 394-395.
“The leaders in God’s cause, as wise generals, are to lay plans to advance moves all along the line. In their planning they are to give special study to the work that can be done by the laity for the friends and neighbors. The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers…”GW p. 351-352.
“There will be laymen who will move into towns and cities, and into apparently out-of-the-way places, that they may let the light which God has given them, shine forth to others. Some whom they meet will not appear to be the most promising subjects, but the only question should be, Will they come into harmony with Christ? Will they become partakers of His spirit, so that their influence, in precept and example, will present the attractions of the Author of truth and righteousness? In places where the truth is not known, brethren who are adapted to the work, might hire a hall, or some other suitable place to assemble, and gather together all who will come. Then let them instruct the people in the truth. They need not sermonize, but take the Bible, and let God speak directly out of His word. If there is only a small number present, they can read a “Thus saith the Lord,” without a great parade or excitement; just read and explain the simple gospel truth, and sing and pray with them.” Rev. & Her. Sept. 29, 1891.
“If our people will act upon the light that is given in these few words of instruction, we shall surely see of the salvation of God. Wonderful revivals will follow. Sinners will be converted, and many souls will be added to the church.” Test. Treas. vol. 3, p. 250.
“Our church members should feel a deep interest in home and foreign missions. Great blessings will come to them as they make self-sacrificing efforts to plant the standard of truth in new territory. The money invested in this work will bring rich returns. New converts, rejoicing in the light received from the word, will in their turn give of their means to carry the light of truth to others.” Test. vol. 9, p. 49.
In order to accomplish this work successfully, materials have been provided for it; books about health and temperance, and instruction in regards to the organization and how to conduct health classes and how to care for the sick in the house. All who begin this work must seek counsel and help from the church leaders.
Brothers and sisters in all the world, we are living in the last days of the time of mercy, our High Priest is about to finish His work, but before this we must receive the latter rain which will be poured out very soon in order to make the last call to repentance like Jonah did in Ninevah. If you and I will not do it then the Lord will finish His work through others.
Today we must accept this calling and use every opportunity that we have and put our hands into lay ministry work. It does not matter what work you do or what profession you have. God will give us enough wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit that we may be transformed into useful servants.
Recently I have visited Bolivia with Brothers Uldarico Alejos and Alfonso Reto in order to help reorganize the Bolivian Union. We saw more than 40 youth responding to the call to work as lay canvassers and as professional voluntary workers. They have the desire to unite in the proclamation of the third angels message.
We are to arouse our churches in all the world. ‘The harvest is great but the labourers are few.” The Lord is touching the hearts of the sincere members and many in the poorer countries respond to the call to sow the seed of the “PRESENT TRUTH”.
Dear reader, may the Lord help that you also respond to the divine call, “ARISE, SHINE; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” May the Lord help us in this.
Your brother in Christ, Guillermo Gamallo