Our dear Sister Cecylia Chernuska, was born on April 22, 1922 in Dembowska, Poland and was laid to rest on July 17, 2011, in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. She survived her husband by four months.

Cecylia and her husband, Karl, were faithful members of God’s church and they both passed away with a heavenly hope. Karl and Cecylia were ever present at the church services almost to the end of their lives until circumstances prevented their attendance. Yet they did not lose hope. If Karl did not drive, they took public transit in order to attend church well into their 80’s. Their faithfulness is an inspiration to the younger generation. They lived at home until Karl passed away, after which Cecylia spent the final four months of her life in a nursing home as she was too frail to live on her own.
Towards the end of her life, Cecylia suffered much pain. When asked how she was feeling, she often responded with the fact that she was in much pain, but she had a smile on her face and thanked God that she was still alive. She counted her blessings and looked on the positive side of life. Cecylia was laid to rest beside her dear husband and both are now asleep in Jesus and await the resurrection morning when they will be reunited once more – never more to part. Karl and Cecylia are dearly missed by their church family, and we pray that we can meet them once more when our Lord returns for His own.