The Reformation Messenger is currently in its 18th year of publishing. More than 150 copies are printed every month and sent to many countries in the world, as far away as Africa, Australia, some South Pacific Islands, Europe, and U.S.A. It is produced monthly by volunteer helpers and financed by your subscriptions and donations. Recently we received an email from one of our subscribers who stated: “Just to suggest, what about a photo of the staff behind the scenes of Reformation Messenger the undaunted, faithful ones who produce a superb professional magazine; gets better each issue; along with a short dissertation on its workings. I would like to meet them, too, one day.” Having read this we decided to take a series of photos to show how the Messenger is produced “behind the scenes”, with some of the volunteers who are actively involved. We pray that you will continue be blessed by reading the Messenger .  The Editors