Surrender or Die!
James 4:7

A commanding American General in the war on terrorism was recently asked what was behind the meaning of a major military operation against the enemy forces named Anaconda. Anaconda is a very long, heavy South American snake that encircles its victim in its coils and crushes it until it dies. The General answered simply, “we surround the enemy forces and slowly press in on them until they – surrender or die.

Christian believers, today, are squarely faced with much the same position in their spiritual warfare against crushing evil forces, surrounded on every side, pressing ever closer, daily, to the point that a conscious effort must be made; an ultimate choice in the working out of their individual salvation – and eternal survival – or die.

Surrender! But, what does it really mean? Surrender! The Bible has m~y other words that can be confusing. For some it is a wilderness of strange new words and ideas. One can easily get lost in an unexplored wilderness of jungle territory. No signs, no landmarks. Confusion and perplexity is the result. Many can get lost when they read the Bible.

What are we to do in this wilderness of words? For many newcomers the language of the Bible can be foreign. New words, new thoughts, new roads, new concepts, new sudden dramatic experiences – a new life! Many are first surprised, maybe then confused in this wilderness of words, and their experiences with them.

What are saints, wisdom, heaven, hell, spirit, stewards, apostles, righteousness, sanctification, justification, consecration, fools for Christ, and now – surrender, then resist? It is another language – Biblical terms. You may have some ideas of many of these words, but does that mean that you understand what they meant to James, and other Biblical writers? They wrote these letters a long time ago, in another era.

After a while many find that these words and other words used in the Bible begin to look alike. To a lost traveler, the trees, mountains, shrubbery, even people, all look the same.

We live in two different worlds that are completely apart; completely foreign, two remote deserts, two languages, two lives – distinctly different. A mammoth gap exists between God and the world. Where do you stand?

The desert, or wilderness, however, was for ancient Israel – and to us today a secret training school in which He molded the character of man. The desert seemed to be a favorite training place in the mind of God – for whom? For those whom He wished to speak with special clearness to His world – for those then and us today – in another language.

From Elijah, “listening to the sound of a gentle stillness” (1 King 19: 12) to John the Baptist, to whom the people flocked to in the wilderness (Matt, 3:5); to Jesus spending those developing forty days, sent by the Holy Spirit, into the wilderness (Matt. 4:1): and many other desert fathers, pioneers, prophets of the past – and today, in addition, the Spirit of Prophesy.

Are you looking, today, for the landmarks, developing clues, watching for signs, contrasts, in the desert world of scriptural wilderness — for meaning – understanding – comfort? Wisdom and understanding comes to those who are called together in Christ. The world’s standards are often inadequate and mistaken. If you follow the world’s standards of what is wise, or light, or strong, or spiritual, you will miss the great gift of God’s redemption in Christ, as surely as did the early Israelis.

What then, can we, today, or for our little ask ourselves, “what may be the two most important Biblical words in our lives, in the spiritual wilderness, to clearly understand and to live by” – SURRENDER, and then RESIST!

But wait a moment! Here’s an apparent contradiction! We must surrender in order to be able to resist”(Jam 4:7). We cannot reverse the order; saying “resist” and then “surrender.” Surrender means, yielding, giving oneself up to another’s influence, or power. Does this mean to merely just give up? Yes! In part, or in a way. Does this mean “giving up the fort” to the enemy? No! Because, we surrender ourselves to God’s influence, His power. Our hope is in Him. We don’t give up, but give OURSELVES up by yielding to Him. Then we can resist the devil… the wily devil.

Are you struggling, resisting in vain to overcome? Do you constantly fail? Are you fighting a losing battle? Would you like to know the secret of your failure? Do you want to know the secret of success!” If it were freely offered to you, would you accept and keep the key to complete, continual, eternal victory in every ‘temptation, over every sin, over every trial? It is a secret so simple that all may have it… now. Listen very closely now! It is in the one, blessed, consoling word… “SURRENDER”

But, you say, “I have surrendered!” Maybe so, but your surrender is not complete or your victory over sin would be complete. You probably know of something in your life you feel is wrong, or maybe doubtful. You have never been willing to surrender this “thing” to God, that He might take it away from you completely and forever.

You cannot resist God and the devil at the same time. “God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.” (Jam 4:6) The proud, the unsubmissive, resists the appeals, the pleading of the Holy Spirit, and God RESISTS! Think about this a moment. God resisting us! What a numbing thought! ff you resist God on any one point, you cannot successfully resist the devil. He who submits all to God receives the power of God.

Do you wish to win the fight against sin and Satan? Then you must surrender ALL; every sin, every doubtful thing, every power of body and mind, every purpose, and every plan, wholly and unreservedly to God. You will never, never, never have the power to win, to stand firm as a rock against the fierce assaults of the treacherous enemy, until you have toward God, an absolutely passive, submissive, yielding spirit.

What a combination of the perfectly passive and of the unconquerable determination was seen in Jesus! When He came into the world He “emptied Himself’; surrendered Himself to God. He said, “I can of mine own self do nothing.” (John 5:30) At the last, when all the waves of hell were beating madly against His frail human nature, he cried out in agony that no man can ever fathom., “O Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.” (Mat 26:39) But, the absolute surrender of Jesus to the will of the Father was shown in the word; “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” (Math 26:39)

What did this surrender mean to Jesus? It was to Him…VICTORY! To us… SALVATION! On the shameful tree of Golgotha, when Satan was making his utmost effort to overwhelm the dying Christ with despair, and to blot out every ray of light and hope, the Saviour uttered these despairing words, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?” (Math 27:46) (Mark 15:34)

Upon Him, as He was dying in our place, had fallen the same despairing agony, as will fall upon the lost soul in the final judgment. Yet, with all the agony of ,the .lost, concentrated in one awful hour upon His breaking heart, hear His final words of submission and surrender: “Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit..” (Luke 23:46) The one secret of His sinless life and of His final victory in the hour of temptation was His absolute an4 utter surrender!

The submissiveness of Jesus to the Father made Him against Satan, inflexible, unbending, determined, steadfast, the very Rock of Ages, against which all the surges of sin beat in vain! What contrast! The tenders, meekest, most humble, most yielding man who ever lived, yet the bravest, boldest, mightiest warrior that ever fought a desperate fight, winning gloriously at the end… the Lamb against the Lion…Victorious.

If we surrender our lives to His service, we can never be placed in a position for which God has not made some provision for our good. Whatever may be our situation, we have a Guide to direct our way; Whatever our perplexities, we have a sure Counselor, whatever our sorrow, bereavement, or loneliness, we have a sympathizing Friend. If, in our ignorance, we make missteps, Christ does not leave us.. His voice, clear and distinct, is heard, saying, “I came”. The Lord of our race is by the eternal throne. He looks upon every soul who is running his race toward Him as the Saviour. He knows by experience what are the weaknesses of humanity, what are our needs.

“What are the results, then, of surrendering our soul to Christ? A new power takes possession of the new heart. A change comes over man that he could not accomplish for himself. It’s a supernatural work, which brings a supernatural element (change) into human nature. The soul, yielded to Christ becomes fortress, which he holds in a revolted world. The soul then is impregnable to the attacks of Satan. If we don’t yield control to Christ we’re dominated by the wicked one. The only defense is Christ in our heart through Faith in His righteousness. Without a vital connection with Jesus Christ through surrender of ourselves we’ll be overcome by Satan.” (DA 324)

Yet, many continue to be lamentably worried. Peace cannot be found without a full surrender to Christ, as Judas Iscariot experienced in his broken life. Worry is blind, and cannot see the future, but Jesus sees the end from the beginning to the end Alpha to Omega. In every difficulty, He has His way (not our way) to bring relief and comfort to ‘our lives.. He says “Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye $hall find rest.” (Math 11 :29) We are to enter the school of Christ. The training means a knowledge of Christ. It means freedom, escape from ideas, practices, habits, that were learned in the school of darkness. But, many who profess to follow Christ have an anxious, troubled heart, because they are afraid to trust themselves with God… Not only with God, but to trust “THEMSELVES”! They do not make complete surrender to Him. They shrink away from the consequences (result) that such a surrender may involve. Unless they make this surrender, they cannot find peace.” (DA 330; MH 480- 481)

Still, many are listlessly asking, “How can I surrender myself to God?” You desire to give yourself to Him, but you’re weak in moral power, doubting, controlled by your habits. Your promises are like ropes of sand. You can’t control your thoughts, impulses, affections. These things cause you to lose confidence in yourself and your sincerity. It causes you to feel that God cannot accept you; But don’t worry or despair; Do not be troubled. What you need to understand is the true force of the will. This is the governing power in the nature of man; The power of decision of choice. Everything depends on the right action of the will… The conscience. . . Attitude. The will or conscience is the power of choosing one’s own actions, purpose, determination to have the will to succeed (stubborn determination); Also, a disposition to one another, whether good or bad. This power of choice, God’s given to man, is theirs to exercise, to use or abuse. For many it’s called the “freedom of conscience”, which can often be carried to extremes, or misinterpreted. You cannot change, your heart, or give to God its affections. But, you can choose to serve Him, and you can give Him your will. “He will then work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure.” (Phil 2:13)

Thusly, your whole nature will be brought under the control of the Spirit of Christ; your affections will be centered on Him. Your thoughts will be in harmony with Him.

Your desires for goodness, and holiness are right, as far as they go, and it’s natural; But, if you stop here, they will help or do nothing. Many will be lost while hoping and desiring to be Christians. Why? Here’s a serious question. Well, it’s because they do not come to the point of yielding their will to God. They do not “choose” to be Christians.

By exercising your will, an entire change may be made in your life. You will have strength from above to hold you steadfast and thus through constant, daily surrender to God, you can live the new life, even the life of faith. (SC 47,48).

John Calvin, a theologian and reformer in Switzerland, and leader in the Reformation, pointedly said, “submission is more than obedience; it involves humility.” What’s the way to humility? Christ set the example.. His way is our way, “surrender yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” God will give you His grace of humility and will then exalt you. (DA 649). It’s a painful, difficult lesson to learn, but God can work with your efforts if you walk in humility of mind. (7T88) (4T488) Finally, the secret of perfect rest, in His love and His will is. . . entire surrender!

John Theodorou USA/Greece