On May 10–12, 2013 a mini-conference was held in the Kraaifontein church at the mission house. The theme of the conference was, “PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD.” Amos 4:12
The conference was opened by Pastor S. Mdletshe.
The book of Amos was set in a time when the people of Israel had reached a low point in their devotion to the God of Israel. The people had become greedy and stopped following and adhering to their values.
God spoke to Amos, a farmer and herder, and told him to go to Samaria, the capital of the Northern Kingdom. Through Amos, God tells the people that He is going to judge Israel for their sins.
Brother Morne Frieslaar held the Divine service on Sabbath, and once again we were reminded that soon Jesus will come and every case must be decided.
We were graced with music from the Kalkfontain church, as well as from Brother Majoli and his family.
On Sabbath afternoon Sister Francis gave us a study on stewardship; we were encouraged to keep true to our deportment and stewardship of the Lord’s money, time and talents.
Our conference ended on a high note as brother Liam Jack made his vows to the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Brother Jack came from the Jehovah’s Witnesses and became a Reformer through Bible study and intense prayer by Brother Morne Frieslaar and Sister Milly (we are now his spiritual parents). He is the first member to be baptized into the new group that has been started in Wellington, South Africa, where Brother Morne and Sister Millicent Frieslaar make their home.
The conference banner was made by Br Syanda.
We are living in exciting times! Soon Jesus will come and we need to make haste to spread the gospel.
Sister Millicent Frieslaar